Dead's Requiem

Chapter 4

September 7, 2040 3PM.

Ernst Haeckel was now a 25 and a half year old married scientist living in Germany. Except for "Heinrich Philipp August," he had the same name as the "Ernst Haeckel" who made a theory about Biogenetic Law.

Most of the time, he spent his time in a laboratory that was built underneath the mountains. Today, because of a special occasion, he was spending his time inside an airport.

"Sir, we can"t allow you to board a plane. Your has already expired." The woman behind the gla.s.s counter was clearly irritated.

"It"s alright dear." Louise touched Haeckel"s shoulders.


"You"re a busy man. Besides, it"s my fault that we forgot to renew your I can just submit another study for n.o.bel Prize next year. We will go there next time, okay?"

Haeckel kissed Louise on her forehead and hugged her tightly. For him, she"s more than what the world could ever give him and he would do anything for her.

As they walked toward the departure area leaving for j.a.pan, Louise took a deep breath. "It will only be for a week. I-" her body was rocking as she was talking.

Haeckel held her hand pressed it softly. He looked into her eyes and said, "I know you can do it. You"ve worked hard for this for a long time and now, your efforts are yours to be reaped. I wish I could come with you. Good luck. I love you."

"I love you too." Louise hugged him and they kissed for a second.

She dragged her luggage and went off. Haeckel waited until he could no longer see her before he left the departure area. He pa.s.sed by other couples and he felt that he missed Louise"s smell and her cute laugh.

He got nostalgic as he remembered the days when they didn"t sleep for more than 24 hours, just experimenting and discussing their thoughts. He reached the parking area and looked for his car.

As he approached his Audi 100 Coupe S which was equipped with Corollonium based engine, his chest tingled a bit.

"Must be cold. I guess winter really is coming." He checked his surroundings and entered the car. He sped along Highway 48 and reached his house. Upon reaching his house, he immediately went to bed. For some reason, he felt sleepy. Tomorrow, he should get some snacks before going back to the laboratory.

That night, the dream was so vivid unlike any other. He himself was smiling as he pushed a certain b.u.t.ton. The scary monster looked scared of him but he didn"t know why. He found himself in a familiar car, one which he had created for half a year.

This car was surrounded by gigantic peculiar looking monsters which resembled birds, snakes, lizards, etc. There was a woman lying on the floor whose face he couldn"t see but there was this deep feeling that they were related to each other. As the strange-looking creature was about to run away, there was a dazzling bright light then the dream ended. He found himself breaking in a cold sweat. It was 3:06 AM.


"Ehem. Mike test."

Haeckel sprang up and checked his surroundings. He checked the television if it was on but it was turned off. He checked his phone if there was something on it but there wasn"t. When he turned the lights on, he saw nothing. He thought he was just hallucinating due to his extreme dream.

"Okay. We"re good to go."

Once again, he heard the young male"s voice. Haeckel sat down and listened intently. He was keen on searching for the source of the sound.

"Greetings inhabitants of Earth 9061! My name is Echo and I will be in charge of this world. As most of you have already experienced, this world of yours have changed. Some may still not know but it"s alright. I"m sure my announcement will not be a spoiler of some sort."
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"Anyway, I would like all of you to be patient and follow my instructions. Please say "Status." A window in front of you will appear and will show your status as a person just like in a game. I will give you guys a moment to look at your status windows."

The child-like voice hummed while Haeckel opened his Status Window.

Name: Ernst Haeckel

Affinity: None

Level: 1

Experience Points: 0/100

Available Points: 0

Strength : 4

Perception : 12

Agility : 3

Intelligence : 50

Spirituality : 2

"Now that you"ve seen your status, I shall explain some things with you in detail. Strength is a measure of your physical strength. Perception is a measure of your ability to become aware of something through your senses. Agility is a measure of your ability to move quickly. Intelligence is a measure of your ability to acquire knowledge and apply it. Lastly, spirituality is a measure of your mental resistance and spiritual power."

"That"s it! Best of luck to all of you." With that, the voice disappeared.

It was at this moment that his chest started to hurt. When he couldn"t tolerate the pain anymore, he pa.s.sed out. When he woke up. there was a strange creature that was lying on his chest. It was a cat yet not a cat. Its color was black and it had blue stripes just like the creature he saw in his usual dream. He blinked thrice yet the cat was still there, sitting, seemingly harmless.

Haeckel looked at his surroundings before poking the cat.

"Meow" The cat purred and then tilted its head.

Haeckel poked the cat even more. "Is this real? What"s happening?"

Surprisingly the "cat" jumped back and angrily said "The heck do you think you are doing?"

Haeckel was astonished at this event. He was not afraid, however, as he was a scientist who was already used to new discoveries and having all sorts of troubles.

"What are you?" Haeckel asked.

"You own me but you don"t know, meow?" The cat tilted its head in confusion while Haeckel answered with just a "No."

"I am an Aberration, meow." The cat answered.

Haeckel waited for a few more seconds, then the seconds became a minute.

"And?" Haeckel asked.

"That is all that I can remember, meow." The cat paused before continuing. "I remember you killing me, which means that my essence have been absorbed by you. My essence can bring back time. However, this essence can only be used for one time. I can feel that this essence has already been used up."

"So, if my dreams were real and it was the future of my past life, then all those monsters were real?" Haeckel left brow went up as he entertained this thought.

He deduced that if the terrifying monster, which is now a cat, was real in his past life, then, those monsters and everything that had happened was real in that past life?

The "cat"s" eyes got bigger and mused about something. "I"m not sure about those monsters but I"m sure that the opening of this world is related to the event called Temporal Fluctuation, meow."

If Haeckel"s theories were correct, the phenomena called Temporal Fluctuation is similar to a Temporal Inflation. In Temporal Inflation, the Universe grew by a factor of 10 to the sixtieth power in less than 10 to the negative thirty seconds, so the peripheries of the Universe were expanding away from each other faster than the speed of light. Since time only moves forward due to entropy, Temporal Fluctuation induces a growth in the Universe but by a lesser amount. This phenomenon happens when a large amount of Anti-matter collides with Matter. If his hypothesis is correct, then the Matter Universe must have clashed with the Anti-matter Universe, thus causing a Temporal Fluctuation. This event had never occurred in the history of Science and for Haeckel who had many ideas regarding Science, he was curious about the events that were currently transpiring.

"Wait, did you not say that you can"t remember anything?" Haeckel"s eyes narrowed and looked murderously at the cat. One thing he never liked was liars.

"Well, err, I remember some stuff." The cat crawled under the bed after getting scared by Haeckel"s gaze.

While he was deep in his thoughts, he heard a woman scream from across the street . He opened the door the balcony observed. Haeckel lived in a 2-story house in a quiet village. Since he wanted a more peaceful life, he preferred staying in the most quiet part of Europe..

Looking outside the windows, he was surprised to see smoke coming out of some houses. As he looked at the direction where Downtown was located and was even more surprised to see the buildings on fire.

Haeckel looked at the direction from where the scream came. A few seconds later, the door from that house was forcefully pushed open. A b.l.o.o.d.y humanoid monster came out of the house. It was like a zombie from a film, except that this one is much more scarier, the mere fact that it was real.


The zombie looked at the direction where the purr came from. It saw Haeckel and a cat.