Dead's Requiem

Chapter 9

After all preparations, the trio set off. Haeckel felt that this would be the last time he would see his laboratory. Before leaving, he left a note at the fridge saying that if his wife were to arrive there, she could stay there.

Haeckel brought Chouji and Merda to the 4th floor of the laboratory. This floor was where he chose to keep finished products. This floor also contained vehicles ranging from motorcycles to even planes. It would be unimaginable to think that the research laboratory was that large. To be exact, the whole mountain was actually turned into a laboratory.

Haeckel walked towards a carrier plane that was large enough to transport vehicles.

"You"re not afraid of flying right?" Haeckel looked at Chouji.

"No! No man is a coward." Chouji climbed up the plane. Inside the plane, he noticed that there were two vehicles that was covered with cloth.

"Good evening Sir Ernst." A female voice greeted Haeckel.

"Good evening Greta. Please run another system check. Set auto-pilot to Tokyo, j.a.pan."

After a minute, Greta replied, "All systems are a go. Tokyo, j.a.pan set as destination. Buckle up gentlemen and cat Patriotic Eagle is about to set off."

A secret pa.s.sage from the 4th floor creaked open. The large pa.s.sage was designed like a runway. The plane drove along this path until they emerged out of the mountain.

Six weeks ago, the view would have been full of light. Now, there was nothing to see. It was dark outside and no house nor building had any signs of life. Germany, a beautiful country with its glorious history, looked desolate.

"Have you got any family with you?" Chouji asked while chewing on a fried egg sandwich.

"I"m an orphan. I have a wife. She flew off to j.a.pan a few hours before everything happened. We have no kids. How about you?"

"I have been in Germany for ten years trying my luck. I was also an orphan back in j.a.pan so I don"t know any of my relatives. I don"t have a wife either. You"re just 25 right? Are you not too young for marriage?"

"Does age matter?"

"Nah, not really I guess."

They fell in an awkward silence. n.o.body talked after that and the flight to j.a.pan was covered in silence.

During the trip, Haeckel practiced with a pair of katanas while Chouji would play with the staff. Eight hours later, the plane landed in a remote part of Tokyo. Greta the artificial intelligence had specifically chosen a spot with where there were no heat signatures.

"Get up. We"re here." Haeckel woke Chouji who was drooling in his sleep. "You know how to drive right?


"Good." Haeckel walked over to one of the vehicles covered in cloth. He pulled the cloth away. Chouji who was still sleepy looked like he was doused with cold water. The amazement was apparent on his face.

It was a Hummer. The Hummer was one of the many cars Haeckel had stashed on the 4th floor of the laboratory. n.o.body in the world could compare to the sophistication of the technology he had used for his inventions.

The Hummer was modified as to adapt to their current needs. All excess baggage such as the pa.s.senger seats were removed and in its stead were weapons and supplies. Bulletproof windows and frame replaced the originally brittle ones, and the b.u.mper was replaced with a collision ram. The tires were also switched into bulletproof ones.

Even the engine and the fuel were altered. Both were enhanced with Corollonium, making the energy circulation faster and much more efficient.

Plasma firearms which included shotguns, machine guns and bazookas were equipped on the car. To top it all, the Hummer was equipped with a force-field that could fend explosions from explosions twice as strong as grenades. However, it needed to recharge for about a day before it could be used again. All of these could be activated by voice commands.

The Hummer took a week to transform into a bad a.s.s war machine. He painted it Black and Blue as he was inspired by the monster within his dream. He named this car "Harbinger"


The monster-like Hummer"s engine roared with pride but it was no match to the monstrous vehicle that Ernst constructed next. Ernst worked on a Paramount Marauder. Like the Hummer, everything about it was revamped. It even had anti-aircraft weapons installed. It was also painted black and blue. Ernst named this baby boy "Reaper".

"You got a nice car here boy!" Without even asking for permission, Chouji entered the Harbinger. Ernst did the same and entered the Reaper.

(I"m coming for you honey.)

"Greta, open up. We"re leaving."
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The hatch opened up and the Hummer and the Paramount Marauder drove away. Their first step was to gather intel.

It had only been six days since the Cataclysm, which they called it as the trio had debated upon. Normally, it would have been a smooth drive within the streets of Tokyo but now, they had to take so much detours due to the obstruction of cars. Their smooth sailing ride had been stopped by a horde. This was the very first time they witnessed the greatness of the Harbinger and the Reaper duo.

"Ernst what do we do!" Chouji shouted over the radio. He did not feel fear if there was just a single zombie but the scene they were in was bone chilling. There was no other path except for the bridge that was infested with zombies.

Ernst sighed and said, "I did not want these vehicles to get dirty but there"s nothing else we could do. There"s a manual on the dashboard. I forgot to tell you to read it."

Chouji quickly opened the dashboard and grabbed a white laminated paper.

1. Say "cheese."

"What the heck is this? Ernst what is this?" Ernst did not reply. He looked at the Reaper but could not even see Ernst as both their vehicles were heavily tinted.

"Cheese!" Veins could be seen popping from his face.

"Voice control activated." It was a female voice.

2. Say "Beep Beep" like a car.

Even more veins popped out from his face. "Beep Beep!"

"Automatic Defense initiated. Please select a weapon."

Inside the Harbinger, Ernst was having the time of his life. He had installed a camera in the Hummer and was currently laughing at Chouji.

3. Tweet like a bird to activate the light machine guns.

4. Oink like a pig to activate the shotguns...

"Tweet! Oink!"

Chouji continued to read the rest of the manual. At the bottom most part of the manual, written in a minute letters were the texts "Greta is the world"s most advanced Artificial Intelligence. There is no need to follow the instructions manual."

While Chouji was reading the instructions manual, Ernst decided to get down from the car.

In the six weeks that they had spent inside the laboratory, it was not all dedicated to fixing and upgrading their a.r.s.enal. They also trained their body and skills. That"s why right now, it only took one shot from Haeckel"s M16EBR to kill zombies within 500 meters. Compared to the pistol, the rifle he held would take more shots before overheating. He had also created plasma magazines if in case a magazine overheated.

Bang. A zombie dropped dead. Every time he pulled a trigger, a zombie would fall. Bang. Bang. Two more zombies who were running at their full speed, tripped. They never stood up again.

"Yo Chouji, try using the weapons I gave you." Ernst spoke over the radio. The Harbinger stopped spewing laser beams and the hulking Chouji walked out of the car. He was wearing his black gloves on both hands and held a two meter stick using his right hand.

Ernst also jumped down from the car. He opened the pa.s.senger seat, took two katanas and stood beside Chouji. Compared to his previous lanky body, he now had more muscle. He could even do push ups with one hand. He had realised the importance of building strength when he was saved by Chouji.

"Choo Choo." Chouji said.

Ernst laughed for a bit and said "Niten Ichi-ryu."

Chouji looked angrily at Ernst before charging at the approaching horde. With the way he waved the staff, he looked like Sun Wukong, the Monkey King famous in Chinese literature. The staff sliced through the zombies like they were tofu every time he raised the staff. When he thrusted the staff, it would pierce zombie"s heads like one would stick a barbecue to a meat.

Ernst observed the fat guy for a bit before he started moving. Like the staff, the two katanas was also made up of metal. The style he used was called Niten Ichi-ryu created by one of the greatest swordsmen ever, Miyamoto Musashi.

A zombie rushed over to Ernst. It had its right arm reaching out in an attempt. Using the katana on his left hand, he swiped it from bottom-up the zombie"s arm. At the same time, the katana on his right arm moved and hacked the zombie"s neck cleanly. The lightsaber based katanas were too deadly.

There were now two other zombies to his left and to his right. Ernst stepped back and jumped towards the zombie to his left. He pierced the zombie"s chest with the left katana and slashed at the zombie"s neck with the right katana. Immediately after, he let go of the katana on his left hand hand, stepped on the shoulder of the zombie who was now falling on the floor, and used it as a leverage to jump.

The zombie who he had ignored clawed at the empty air where he was just a nanosecond ago. While still in the air, Ernst took out a pistol from his hip, and pulled the trigger three times. He did not even aim yet three laser beams found its way to the zombie"s head.

In less than five minutes, the hundred zombie horde had all been killed.

"How many did you get?"

"More than 70. You?"

"Let"s go."

"Hey! How many did you get? Did you get less than me? Haha! Well, I"m more manly than you anyway."

"Shut up. Were you a train in your past life? You sound like an expert when saying choo choo."

The two men bickered during the trip. It was Haeckel"s first time to experience this and slowly, his cold personality was being influenced by Chouji to become warmer.