Death March kara Hajimaru Isekai Kyusoukyoku (WN)

Chapter 23

Publishedat 8th of July 2019 03:08:28 PMChapter 23
17-23 . Imaginary Fears (3)


Satou here . I believe the original meaning of clowns are those who bring amus.e.m.e.nt to people . Wonder when did the meaning s.h.i.+ft to being the Fools or those who should be jeered?


Zaikuon is rampaging around as the black sludge wraps him .
It seems to be quite elastic, the membrane won"t break apart .

Eventually G.o.d Zaikuon is submerged inside the black sludge .

『Idiot . 』
『What a pitiful master that thing is . 』
『Think he died?』

The nymphs are floating and circling above the black sludge .

The black sludge began to bubble up from the inside .
Just as the curious nymphs came closer to it, the black sludge violently burst open .

The nymphs ran off in a hurry .

The surrounding area would get contaminated at this rate, thus I took the fallen golden chalice and used it to catch all the falling black sludge . Then I enclosed the chalice in a strong barrier and put it away in an unused Sub-s.p.a.ce .


G.o.d Zaikuon stood on the spot where the black sludge was .

Seems like he"s undergone a slight image change, his face and naked upper body are furnished with black tattoo now .
The yellow light emitting from G.o.d Zaikuon has lost its sublimeness, looking muddy instead . The outer brim of yellow light has turned black in particular .

Dark red lights dwell in his eyes .
The same as nymphs who have been corrupted by the black sludge .

『So this is the forbidden power . . . 』

G.o.d Zaikuon muttered while coughing violently .

『 . . . This sense of omnipotence is not bad at all . 』

I can"t tell how much stronger he"s become just by looking, but the nymphs who were ganging up on G.o.d Zaikuon began shuddering violently when he glared at them .

『『『O our lord』』』
『『『Our loyalties lie only to you』』』

Looks like the nymphs fully intend to get back under G.o.d Zaikuon"s command .

Their master seems to have another thing in mind though-- .


G.o.d Zaikuon"s arm stretched out, then grabbed and crushed one of the nymphs .

『Lord-sama, lost his mind~』
『We"re gonna get killeeeeeed』

The nymphs who scampered everywhere got chased by G.o.d Zaikuon at speed far above his speed earlier, he finished hunting all the nymphs in a blink of an eye .

"--His aura changed?"

G.o.d Zaikuon"s yellow light got darker and darker every time he hunted one of the nymphs .
He"s also undoubtedly getting stronger each time, but rather than strength-wise it looks more like he"s getting more corrupted .
The black sludges that corrupted the nymphs must have been transferred to G.o.d Zaikuon .

『You"re next . 』

G.o.d Zaikuon unleashed an attack toward me .

Distance matters not as he got right in front of me in an instant .
I blocked his attack with Mana Armor I immediately deployed .

--His attacks are fast and most importantly, heavy .

I see my Mana Armor which blocked the attack getting encroached with the same tattoo as G.o.d Zaikuon"s .
I moved away with Unit Arrangement and discarded the Mana Armor .


G.o.d Zaikuon waited for the timing I removed my Mana Armor to strike .
I made it in time to deploy another one, but it failed to cancel the strike inertia, I got blown halfway through the mountain, creating a huge crater . That kinda hurt .


Is that a cheering?

Saturated magic attacks shot by G.o.d Zaikuon poured down on me .
Each and every one of these magic feels as destructive as advanced and forbidden level magic .

The attacks gouged the mountain, transforming the terrain .


G.o.d Zaikuon laughed loudly while floating in the air .

Sorry for him, but I"ve gotten away by Unit Arrangement since the first crash and is currently hiding with Mana Camouflage .

『--He got away huh . 』

Whoops, he noticed that I had escaped .

『Very well then, I shall destroy his country to smoke him out . 』

An unthinkable remark coming from a G.o.d .

Since it looked like he would do it for real, I canceled my Mana Camouflage and showed myself before him .

『Hmph, out you are . 』
『Weren"t you saying you wouldn"t indiscriminately kill people?』

I forgot to use polite speech, eh whatever .
I don"t feel like keeping up appearances any longer anyway .

『Now I have this mighty power in my grasp, slightly less places to collect Divinity pose no problem . These humans shall multiply on their own left to their own device anyway . 』

Yup, that"s a line from someone who"s obtained a power beyond their capacity .

『 . . . I see . That"s it . Humans multiply . Then there is no need to hold back . They may not be as enriching as nymphs, but country-wide amount of lives should serve as a nourishment to strengthen me . 』
『What are you saying?』

G.o.d Zaikuon started spouting out some dangerous-sounding words as if he was delirious .

『I shall destroy outside invaders when I get stronger . No need for deceptions nor trickeries . For I am fit to be the G.o.ds" Top Seat . If I just get stronger . . . . stronger, even stronger, and for that sake the world must-->』

G.o.d Zaikuon"s aura changed to jet black .

Both the Scripture and jet black aura look familiar to the Divine Sword I have .
The land around G.o.d Zaikuon is rapidly turning into desert .

Now then, this doesn"t seem like a situation where I can just leisurely observe .
Might be about time to finish this up .

『I shall now reap lives infesting this land . --Starting from you . 』

G.o.d Zaikuon"s dark red eyes glared at me . Similar to the nymphs .
Let"s wake him up for a bit .

Shock treatment is best for these times .


I tried to shoot a weakened lesser variation of Mythology Down exclusive for demon lords, at G.o.d Zaikuon .
It may look flashy, but since the multi-dimensional permeations effect needed to defeat G.o.ds has been weakened, it"s not as effective against Immortal beings .

He"s twitching on top of the crater, but still clinging to life .

The jet black aura that had overrun G.o.d Zaikuon was blown away, his body regained back its dim yellow coloring .
Only temporarily though, as the jet black aura quickly covered G.o.d Zaikuon back .

『T-that"s a blasphemy, to me, the strongest supreme G.o.d . 』
『Yeah yeah . 』

Looks like I don"t need to worry about G.o.d Zaikuon dying with the lesser version even if I don"t hold back .
I just keep shooting out [Lesser Mythology Down] at the right time while randomly replying him back .

『I am』

G.o.d Zaikuon sunk deep on the ground as he was about to stand up .

It seems like there"s a period of time where he moves more sluggishly after getting hit by lesser Mythology Down .
My aim is amusingly accurate because of that though it"s also partly thanks to the practically zero time lag before the spell is invoked .

『The strongest』

Apparently he"s the strongest, guess I"ll increase the output a bit more .


Increasing the shooting pace should be fine since he"s invincible and all, right?
I"ve used up all my mana after several shots, so I resumes the work while recharging from Mana Batteries .

Man he"s pretty tough .

Truly what you"d expect out of a G.o.d .
To think he hasn"t lost his fighting spirit after getting hit this much . Since it"s starting to get tiring, I kind of feel like whatever and just shoot the normal Mythology Down .
I guess he"d really die from that one though?

His jet black aura has gotten considerably worn down, should be okay .

If that still doesn"t work, then the only thing I can do left is the Anti-G.o.d Sealing Magic that Corpse taught me, but using that won"t differ much from killing him if we consider his role of maintaining the barrier against outer s.p.a.ce invaders .
Since I don"t really enjoy killing, I"ll pick the sealing card only after using up all other cards .

『 . . . I, am . . . Su, pre, me . . . 』

Whoa, he still got some s.p.u.n.k left in him .
Let"s try repeating the same attack set I used earlier .

G.o.d Zaikuon was trying to say something, but then he stopped by the end of the second set .
I observed him for a while before his finger twitched .

『 . . . This is . . . Unforgivable . . . Land . . . Perish . . . 』

Forget breaking his mind, it"s fueling his vengeful spirit instead .

I"ve got no choice .

I"ll make him taste a sense of crisis with the non-lesser version of [Mythology Down] .
I"ll weaken the power as much as possible so it won"t kill him by mistake-- .


The worn-out G.o.d Zaikuon charged at me like a beast .  

--Mythology Down .

Incomparable to the fake one earlier, painfully blinding lights and soul-shaking vibrations infringed upon the land and sky far and wide .
The terrain gets greatly gouged out, blown earth and sand are forming into bulky clouds .
Dark clouds swirled into whirlpools, the fierce wind blew away the rubble on the ground .

"Guess I overdid it a little?"

The collateral damage may be far less than Meteor Shower, but this destructive power exceeds that of ordinary forbidden magic .


At the bottom of the gouged earth, there lies G.o.d Zaikuon .

"--Vermilion barrier?"

A barrier made of vermilion light protected G.o.d Zaikuon .
It seems to have hit its limit with that one shot, cracks is spreading on the surface of the barrier as I speak .

『Wait . 』
『Indeed, you must wait . Karion said so . 』
『Urion, do your job too . Even G.o.dly Barrier cannot defend the next one . 』
『Now that"s shocking . 』

A girl clad in indigo blue lights, and a pet.i.te girl clad in vermilion lights showed up .
Judging from their conversation, they must be G.o.d Urion and G.o.d Karion .

The lights are too intense, only their silhouettes are visible .

『Getting beat around by a human even after harnessing the forbidden power . . . 』
『Good grief, truly a disgrace to us G.o.ds . 』

Humanoid in the shape of big men clad in orange lights and green lights also showed up .
These two must be G.o.d Heraruon and G.o.d Garleon .

『I"m sorry to have kept you waiting . 』

Then a female silhouette clad in emerald green lights manifested .  
This one must be G.o.d Tenion .

『Karion, Urion, you two imprison Zaikuon inside G.o.dly Cage . Can I count on Heraruon and Garleon to purify him?』

After confirming the G.o.ds" consents, G.o.d Tenion turned toward me .

『I"m sorry . Allow me to apologize in Heraruon"s place . 』

No point in apologizing to me .

『Please direct your apologies to Boruean Forest"s Sacred Tree, Aialize-sama . 』
『Yes, of course I will . 』

Then I guess, I can accept her apologies .

『Next time, just break the G.o.dly Barrier and beat him to pulp . Karion said so . 』
『I did not . But Zaikuon should be made to know his place once . 』

G.o.d Urion and G.o.d Karion said some violent remarks .
Since even the gentle G.o.d Tenion isn"t saying anything, I guess I"ve been given the OK to beat G.o.d Zaikuon down with [Mythology Down] the next time he"s misbehaving again .

『But, please don"t be mistaken . For there is a true enemy . 』
『--True enemy?』

I know whom she"s trying to imply, but does this enemy refer to mine or them, G.o.ds"?

『You probably won"t believe it if that name is spoken by our mouth . As such, let"s have you heard it from someone you trust . 』

G.o.d Tenion reached her hand toward to the sky, then I could feel the presence of some sort of barrier creaking .

『It"s a barrier Zaikuon put outside the world in order to avert our gazes . 』

As she swung down her arm, I could sense the creaking barrier breaking to pieces .
I"ve slipped out of the world many times before, but it might be a good idea not to underestimate these G.o.ds if they"re able to put up barriers in that unstable place .

『Come, it should be here any second now . 』

Arisa"s voice reached my ears right as G.o.d Tenion said that . It"s Familiar Link .
Apparently, the barrier G.o.d Zaikuon set up had barred Familiar Link from connecting .

『Master, it"s terrible! Demon G.o.d in the sky!』