Death March kara Hajimaru Isekai Kyusoukyoku (WN)

Chapter 0

Chapter 0

Intermissions: The Misfortune of Puta Town [First Part]  "Kena! I"ve found the trace . This animal trail must be the one goblins use . "

"Alright, good job Gadi . I"ll treat you to a lot of ale when we come back . "

"Tsk, you stingy . Get me better liquor will ya . "

Gadi picks up a branch and stabs it on some fallen leaves, but I don"t see where the trace is at all .

"Hey, Gadi . Where"s the trace . "

"You have knotholes for eyes? It"s a goblin dung there see?"

Gadi poked me, but she also properly told me . I didn"t need to have my head grabbed and pointed to the trace though . . .

Close, it"s too close!

The dung will stick to my face!

It"s hidden well behind the fallen leaves . How is she even able to find this hard to find location .

c.r.a.p, Kena doesn"t look amused .

"Stop playing around, let"s go quickly . "

"Alright . "


"Okay, wait for me . "

I hurriedly pick up the luggage that have been thrown on the ground, and shoulder them . There are strings for hanging luggage on my right artificial arm, so my left arm is free . Having one of my hand usable while walking on a slope like this is really useful . I"m not losing my balance and rolling down the slope like before .

"Lower your head more . "

"Ouch, tell me before you hit me . "

Pomi who"s hiding with me hits me on my head . Pomi is quick to use her hands .

We"re currently preparing a surprise attack on the goblins that we"ve finally found . Looks like they"re making a stronghold inside a cave in the mountain . The two goblins that are guarding the entrance are chewing some kind of raw meat .

Kena who"s moving from the other side has given a signal .

Pomi and Gadi use short bows to attack the two goblins outside the cave . The arrow released by Pomi pierced the goblin"s mouth, killing it in one blow . However, Gadi"s arrow was slightly off the course, and hit its arm without defeating it . Pomi shoots another arrow in a hurry, but it"s slightly too late .

"Gugyorau, guru, geroraa"

d.a.m.n, the surprise attack"s failed .

Pomi"s arrow hit the goblin slightly after it shouted . It"s a single strike to the temple . Pomi"s bow skill is amazing like always .

The goblin"s shout has stopped, but the inside of the cave has become noisy .

Kena and Bahana cut the bushes, and give the signal to attack in front of the cave, we also break out of the bushes to a.s.sault .

Goblins that are rus.h.i.+ng out of the cave fall victim to Kena"s and Bahana"s short spears . Both of them kill the goblins in one blow . The other goblins are attacking the two, but they use the chance when the goblins are startled from their friends" deaths and kick them to open some distance .

I also deal wth the goblin"s attack while hiding myself behind the s.h.i.+eld attached on my artificial arm . My weapon isn"t as long as the two"s, so if I don"t block it each time, it"ll be a simultaneous killing .

I cut the goblin"s thigh that I can see from the gap on the small s.h.i.+eld with the keepsake sword which has broken tip . Usually, it only gives a small wound, then I finish the opponent after they"ve been weakened, but it"s a bit different this time .

Slash .

While seemingly hearing such sound, my sword easily cut to the middle of the goblin"s thigh . What? With this sharpness .

"Kon! Don"t stop moving!"

The goblin that"s fallen from Gadi"s kick jumps from the ground toward me . Moreover, it"s attacking from the side where I"ve just swung my sword . The correct answer should be to push the goblin in front of me and use the recoil to escape behind, but it"s impossible .

This powerless me is barely able to retain my physical strength .

If I had power like Kena and the others, I could kick well, but if I raise my foot now, the s.h.i.+eld will be pushed and the goblin will pin me down .

In the end, the goblin fangs pierced my side while I was thinking round and round . I screamed by reflex . I remembered the acute pain when I was bitten before .

The pain doesn"t come no matter how long I wait . The goblin that has bitten my side opens its mouth big trying to chew my body .

"Kon, elbow it with your arm with the sword!"

I strike the goblin"s head in accordance to Kena"s advice before I can think . The goblin that"s surprisingly easy to shake off is then killed by Pomi who has rushed over with her short sword .

"Thanks, Pomi . "

"It"s fine already, just concentrate . "


I slash the goblin that"s clawing my s.h.i.+eld, and finish it off . I usually need to slash for more than 10 times before I can defeat one, but now I"ve defeated it in just three slashes .

"Alright, Gadi, watch for other goblins coming out of the cave . Bahana and me will hunt the goblins that are coming to the entrance of the cave . Pomi and Kon are to cut the smoking green wood--oops, Kon, you"ve been bitten by the goblin right, heal it first . "

Huh? Come to think of it, it doesn"t hurt .

The mantle I"ve got from n.o.ble-sama has been dirtied by the white drool of the goblin, but there"s no hole on it . There also isn"t even trace of goblin"s fangs on the white armor which has protected my side .

"I"m gonna bandage you, take off your armor . "

"About that, I"m not hurt, Pomi . "

"Huuh? That can"t be right? That goblin bit with all its might didn"t it!"

Pomi rolls up the mantle violently . She consented after she checked that there was no blood flowing from my side . The line of sights from the other tree gather from that exchange .

"Hey, Kena . This kon boy really isn"t hurt . "

"I thought that it was just a normal wolf leather mantle, but there"s something smoothly st.i.tched between the leather . Seems that this protected him from the goblin"s fangs . "

"Hey, stop stretching the mantle . "

It"ll be expensive to ask someone to fix this .

I"m gathering the branches that Pomi has cut with a hatchet into a bundle the size of my arm . There"s a lot of fallen insects due to Pomi recklessly cutting the branches . I"d welcome it if they"re the round caterpillars, but rhinoceros beetles have sh.e.l.l that"s hard to remove, and not really delicious, I don"t like it .

When we"ve finished gathering the green woods, we go back to where Kena and the others are .

Kena cuts the thin smoking stick that she"s bough from the alchemist in just the right length, and stab it on the gathered green woods . Finally, she soaks it with a little bit of oil, and ignite it with a tinderbox .

Yellow smoke begins to appear together with the fire .

Ueeh, it stinks .

Additionally, my eyes are drizzling .

Pomi who has received the bundle from Kena, throws it into the cave .

Five goblins appear one after another from the cave, chased by the smoke .

I desperately swing my sword to the goblins that have come out .

"Kena, the smoke is coming out over there . "

"Tsk, there"s another exit huh . Gadi, go with Bahana to the other exit . "

"Eeh~, my share will decrease . "

"We"re going to equally share this batch, so stop complaining and go . "

"Aye yo~"

Gadi quickly rushed to the place where the smoke comes out, and Bahana went after her after a long delay .

We hunted total 21 goblins from that cave . I only defeated three goblins . I don"t have any injury unlike before, but my sword didn"t quite reach the target, so it took time to beat them . I want to become skillful like Kena and the others fast .


"What"s wrong, Kon . "

"Un, something is glittering on the mountain over there . "


Gadi sharply noticed me who had stopped moving involuntarily from the light on the mountain . There"s no more light from the place I point my finger at .

"It really glittered . "

"Ah, you did well to find it . That"s probably a reflection of the sunlight from a speartip . "

"Is it other magic hunters? We had told the boss that we were going to attack on this mountain, and there shouldn"t have been anyone that came here for 2-3 days . "

"Maybe some people are chasing goblins from the opposite side of the mountain?"

It"ll be bad if we scramble for monsters from other magic hunter group . If it"s Gouts group, they will surround us and take the magic cores that we have gotten just now .

"The one beyond that mountain is the twin mountain . There is no magic hunter who will recklessly go the mountain where the Hydra appears . If there were people with such backbones, they would have gone to the labyrinth city to become explorers long ago .

If I"m not mistaken, hydra is a legendary monster that appears in old tale, or against heroes and the knights .

However, that means, who was there?

"Who is it?"

Kena points her spear tip to a bushes .

"It"s me, me . Don"t shoot the arrow . "

A big rabbitkin man with one eye, along with five beastmen from various races .

"What, it"s just Orudo huh . Aren"t you guys going to the mountain on the north?"

"Yeah, that was the objective, but . . . . "

Kena presses Orudo who"s hesitating to say it . Kena is arrogant like always .

"Katabane said that there was a strange group on the twin mountain, so he surveyed it, but apparently, that strange group is heading to Puta town . These guys have families there, so we decide to go back at once . "

Hee, beastmen think of their families after all .

"Oy, you sure "bout it?"

"Yeah, there"s no mistake . "

"Oy oy, stop them . "

Katabane, who is a flightless birdkin with feathers only on one of his side, points at the glittering place from earlier, and utters something to his companions .

"You guys, I"m talking with Kena here . Save the racket for later . "

"Boss . It"s not about that . Katabane said that there was a hydra among that group . "

"Haa? Is that group running from a hydra or something?"

"Kena, that"s not it . No one can get away from a hydra in the mountain . "

Err, please talk more clearly .

I look around for someone that can teach me about it . My eyes meet Pomi"s . Unfortunately, Pomi doesn"t seem to know about it too .

"In other words, that huh . Some people who keep a hydra like some pet are heading toward Puta town . "

"Seems to be it . "

"Eeh! That"s terrible . "

I finally understand Orudo"s talk . Even though I"m just surprised for a bit, Gadi hits my head . Fufuhn, it doesn"t hurt thanks to the helmet from n.o.ble-sama . As if she"s heard that words in my mind, Gadi pinch my mouth on both side from behind and pull it .

Iuaires .

If you find any errors ( broken links, non-standard content, etc . . ), Please let us know < report="" chapter=""> so we can fix it as soon as possible .

Author s Note It s not Satou s POV this time, but the newbie magic hunter boy, Kon . Intermissions The Misfortune of Puta Town First Part Kena I ve found the trace . This animal trail must be the one goblins use . Alright, good job Gadi . I ll treat you to a lot of ale when we come back . Tsk, you stingy . Get me better liquor will ya . Gadi picks up a branch and stabs it on some fallen leaves, but I don t see where the trace is at all . Hey, Gadi . Where s the trace . You have knotholes for eyes It s a goblin dung there see Gadi poked me, but she also properly told me . I didn t need to have my head grabbed and pointed to the trace though . . . Close, it s too close The dung will stick to my face It s hidden well behind the fallen leaves . How is she even able to find this hard to find location . c.r.a.p, Kena doesn t look amused . Stop playing around, let s go quickly . Alright . Uy Okay, wait for me . I hurriedly pick up the luggage that have been thrown on the ground, and shoulder them . There are strings for hanging luggage on my right artificial arm, so my left arm is free . Having one of my hand usable while walking on a slope like this is really useful . I m not losing my balance and rolling down the slope like before . Lower your head more . Ouch, tell me before you hit me . Pomi who s hiding with me hits me on my head . Pomi is quick to use her hands . We re currently preparing a surprise attack on the goblins that we ve finally found . Looks like they re making a stronghold inside a cave in the mountain . The two goblins that are guarding the entrance are chewing some kind of raw meat . Kena who s moving from the other side has given a signal . Pomi and Gadi use short bows to attack the two goblins outside the cave . The arrow released by Pomi pierced the goblin s mouth, killing it in one blow . However, Gadi s arrow was slightly off the course, and hit its arm without defeating it . Pomi shoots another arrow in a hurry, but it s slightly too late . Gugyorau, guru, geroraa d.a.m.n, the surprise attack s failed . Pomi s arrow hit the goblin slightly after it shouted . It s a single strike to the temple . Pomi s bow skill is amazing like always . The goblin s shout has stopped, but the inside of the cave has become noisy . Kena and Bahana cut the bushes, and give the signal to attack in front of the cave, we also break out of the bushes to a.s.sault . Goblins that are rus.h.i.+ng out of the cave fall victim to Kena s and Bahana s short spears . Both of them kill the goblins in one blow . The other goblins are attacking the two, but they use the chance when the goblins are startled from their friends deaths and kick them to open some distance . I also deal wth the goblin s attack while hiding myself behind the s.h.i.+eld attached on my artificial arm . My weapon isn t as long as the two s, so if I don t block it each time, it ll be a simultaneous killing . I cut the goblin s thigh that I can see from the gap on the small s.h.i.+eld with the keepsake sword which has broken tip . Usually, it only gives a small wound, then I finish the opponent after they ve been weakened, but it s a bit different this time . Slash . While seemingly hearing such sound, my sword easily cut to the middle of the goblin s thigh . What With this sharpness . Kon Don t stop moving The goblin that s fallen from Gadi s kick jumps from the ground toward me . Moreover, it s attacking from the side where I ve just swung my sword . The correct answer should be to push the goblin in front of me and use the recoil to escape behind, but it s impossible . This powerless me is barely able to retain my physical strength . If I had power like Kena and the others, I could kick well, but if I raise my foot now, the s.h.i.+eld will be pushed and the goblin will pin me down . In the end, the goblin fangs pierced my side while I was thinking round and round . I screamed by reflex . I remembered the acute pain when I was bitten before . The pain doesn t come no matter how long I wait . The goblin that has bitten my side opens its mouth big trying to chew my body . Kon, elbow it with your arm with the sword I strike the goblin s head in accordance to Kena s advice before I can think . The goblin that s surprisingly easy to shake off is then killed by Pomi who has rushed over with her short sword . Thanks, Pomi . It s fine already, just concentrate . Okay I slash the goblin that s clawing my s.h.i.+eld, and finish it off . I usually need to slash for more than 10 times before I can defeat one, but now I ve defeated it in just three slashes . Alright, Gadi, watch for other goblins coming out of the cave . Bahana and me will hunt the goblins that are coming to the entrance of the cave . Pomi and Kon are to cut the smoking green wood oops, Kon, you ve been bitten by the goblin right, heal it first . Huh Come to think of it, it doesn t hurt . The mantle I ve got from n.o.ble sama has been dirtied by the white drool of the goblin, but there s no hole on it . There also isn t even trace of goblin s fangs on the white armor which has protected my side . I m gonna bandage you, take off your armor . About that, I m not hurt, Pomi . Huuh That can t be right That goblin bit with all its might didn t it Pomi rolls up the mantle violently . She consented after she checked that there was no blood flowing from my side . The line of sights from the other tree gather from that exchange . Hey, Kena . This kon boy really isn t hurt . I thought that it was just a normal wolf leather mantle, but there s something smoothly st.i.tched between the leather . Seems that this protected him from the goblin s fangs . Hey, stop stretching the mantle . It ll be expensive to ask someone to fix this . I m gathering the branches that Pomi has cut with a hatchet into a bundle the size of my arm . There s a lot of fallen insects due to Pomi recklessly cutting the branches . I d welcome it if they re the round caterpillars, but rhinoceros beetles have sh.e.l.l that s hard to remove, and not really delicious, I don t like it . When we ve finished gathering the green woods, we go back to where Kena and the others are . Kena cuts the thin smoking stick that she s bough from the alchemist in just the right length, and stab it on the gathered green woods . Finally, she soaks it with a little bit of oil, and ignite it with a tinderbox . Yellow smoke begins to appear together with the fire . Ueeh, it stinks . Additionally, my eyes are drizzling . Pomi who has received the bundle from Kena, throws it into the cave . Five goblins appear one after another from the cave, chased by the smoke . I desperately swing my sword to the goblins that have come out . Kena, the smoke is coming out over there . Tsk, there s another exit huh . Gadi, go with Bahana to the other exit . Eeh , my share will decrease . We re going to equally share this batch, so stop complaining and go . Aye yo Gadi quickly rushed to the place where the smoke comes out, and Bahana went after her after a long delay . We hunted total 21 goblins from that cave . I only defeated three goblins . I don t have any injury unlike before, but my sword didn t quite reach the target, so it took time to beat them . I want to become skillful like Kena and the others fast . Huh What s wrong, Kon . Un, something is glittering on the mountain over there . Where Gadi sharply noticed me who had stopped moving involuntarily from the light on the mountain . There s no more light from the place I point my finger at . It really glittered . Ah, you did well to find it . That s probably a reflection of the sunlight from a speartip . Is it other magic hunters We had told the boss that we were going to attack on this mountain, and there shouldn t have been anyone that came here for 2 3 days . Maybe some people are chasing goblins from the opposite side of the mountain It ll be bad if we scramble for monsters from other magic hunter group . If it s Gouts group, they will surround us and take the magic cores that we have gotten just now . The one beyond that mountain is the twin mountain . There is no magic hunter who will recklessly go the mountain where the Hydra appears . If there were people with such backbones, they would have gone to the labyrinth city to become explorers long ago . If I m not mistaken, hydra is a legendary monster that appears in old tale, or against heroes and the knights . However, that means, who was there Who is it Kena points her spear tip to a bushes . It s me, me . Don t shoot the arrow . A big rabbitkin man with one eye, along with five beastmen from various races . What, it s just Orudo huh . Aren t you guys going to the mountain on the north Yeah, that was the objective, but . . . . Kena presses Orudo who s hesitating to say it . Kena is arrogant like always . Katabane said that there was a strange group on the twin mountain, so he surveyed it, but apparently, that strange group is heading to Puta town . These guys have families there, so we decide to go back at once . Hee, beastmen think of their families after all . Oy, you sure bout it Yeah, there s no mistake . Oy oy, stop them . Katabane, who is a flightless birdkin with feathers only on one of his side, points at the glittering place from earlier, and utters something to his companions . You guys, I m talking with Kena here . Save the racket for later . Boss . It s not about that . Katabane said that there was a hydra among that group . Haa Is that group running from a hydra or something Kena, that s not it . No one can get away from a hydra in the mountain . Err, please talk more clearly . I look around for someone that can teach me about it . My eyes meet Pomi s . Unfortunately, Pomi doesn t seem to know about it too . In other words, that huh . Some people who keep a hydra like some pet are heading toward Puta town . Seems to be it . Eeh That s terrible . I finally understand Orudo s talk . Even though I m just surprised for a bit, Gadi hits my head . Fufuhn, it doesn t hurt thanks to the helmet from n.o.ble sama . As if she s heard that words in my mind, Gadi pinch my mouth on both side from behind and pull it . Iuaires . If you find any errors broken links, non standard content, etc . . , Please let us know report chapter so we can fix it as soon as possible .