Death March kara Hajimaru Isekai Kyusoukyoku (WN)

Chapter 923

16-79. Saga Empire, Satou"s Battle (2)

Satou here. As a game player, it"s my principle to raise my level a whole lot and get the strongest equipment before I go challenge the last boss. Though ever since I ended up making games as my job, I couldn"t afford the time to raise my level much anymore.

“Wat" Checkmate? Yer" sayin" this is the end of the line fer" me?”
“Yeah, you"ll never get away–”

I"ve put a marker on his real body.
I"ll chase him no matter which world he ran into.

He might be able to hide his position if he"s inside a barrier like the one Yuika creates, however, I can find out where the barrier is by tracing back the log on marker positions.
As long as I know where it is, my mysterious ability should be able to break through any barrier.

“So I ain"t gettin" away eh–”

A fierce smile floated on the slender goblin demon lord"s face.

“Ya better not underestimate me ya twerp. Even like this, I"m still the great demon lord-sama who competed for the t.i.tle "strongest" with Dog-head ya know–”

Goblin King"s frail body pulsated and swelled up, transforming into a muscular large build.

As he got bigger, the bracelet Goblin King was wearing came off.
It looks similar to the [Harness of Thief G.o.d] I posses.

Then I noticed that the level indicator on Goblin King had changed.

“The level rose?”
“But of course yea. This ain"t no Avatar with all their limitations.”

Goblin King who was level 99 became level 130.
That bracelet earlier appeared to be some kind of shackle that was limiting his level to 99.

Goblin King took out deep purple-colored clothes from Item Box and put it on.

He"s holding two j.a.panese katana in both his hands each.

They"re three meter long j.a.panese swords with almost-black dark purple-colored blades made of unknown metal.
According to AR readings they"re called G.o.dbone Katana.

Since they obviously look real dangerous, I should be careful not to parry them with holy swords.

But well, before that–.

I used Compulsion (Gea.s.s) skill.
Right at that moment, dark purple phosph.o.r.escence wrapped Goblin King"s body for an instant, and my body turned heavy.

>Resisted [Gea.s.s].

Looks like he reflected it back to me with some kind of Unique Skill.
It"s probably the same type as the [Reflection (Counter)] that the Dark Sage of Parion Holy Land possessed.

I refrained from using the skill to prevent him from working out a countermeasure when I was up against his Pseudo Body (Avatars), but it seemed like it was all for nothing.

“Gea.s.s ain"t gonna work on me.”

Goblin King grinned, showing off the fangs inside his mouths.

“"Ere I go!”

Just when Goblin King"s body got clad in dark purple ripples of light, he disappeared.

–Ground Shrink.

Before I could even recognize that, Goblin King showed up right in front of me and his G.o.dbone Katana mowed down the spot where my neck was.
As I took an evasive maneuver, the holy sword I slashed at Goblin King got sunk into black threads that had manifested on the surface of his body, stopping my sword.

“Nothin" less to expect from Irregular.”

While dodging the pursuing flurry of G.o.dbone Katana, I shot out Magic Edge Cannon from my fingertip to create an opening and got away from him.

“How"d you even got a sword sunk into Anti-Physical s.h.i.+eld, that"s just impossible.”

I"ve heard the Unique Skill"s name somewhere.

Just where did–Oh right!


It was the name of a Unique Skill that the [Dog-Head Ancient King] had.

“You can use Unique Skills of other demon lords?”
“Yeap. I can use the powers of all demon lords and heroes ya"ve ever met easy.”

–Not just demon lords, but heroes too?

I almost believed him for an instant there, but then I recalled that this Goblin King is a liar.
In fact, he hasn"t stolen my Unit Arrangement which is really handy for moving around.

The Unique Skill just now must have been a completely different one than Dog-head"s, it was simply similar.

“If ya think I"m lyin", let yer" body judge it!”

After being clad in multiple dark purple lights, Goblin King rushed out with Ground Shrink.
At the same time, I got away with Ground Shrink myself and use the speedy [Laser] at Goblin King who is now locked in the attacking stance.

–Whoa there.

I cut apart the reflected Laser with my holy sword while dodging with Ground Shrink.

Looks like he really can [Reflect (Counter)] magic.
Next, I tried using ranged attack [Explosion] but he dodged it with Ground Shrink.

I dodge the flurry rush of G.o.dbone Katana coming before my eyes.
Still, Crisis Perception is giving me real strong warning. Feels like even a scratch from these katana would greatly damage even me.

The offenses and defenses continue as we both use Ground Shrink.

Still–it"s weird.

His combat prowess is clearly getting better than when he first started attacking.

“It"s Wild Boar King-han"s 『Match for a Thousand』 y"see.”

Goblin King was wrapped in a blue light momentarily before he proceeded to unleash a ranged finisher similar to Hero Hayato"s [s.h.i.+ning Blade].
As my Foresight skill informed me that Goblin King would come slas.h.i.+ng at me right after I dodged, I cast the disposable defensive barrier Phalanx and parried his finisher.

Phalanx broke into cut pieces the moment s.h.i.+ning Blade touched the katana.

Their sharpness is way out of ordinary.

“It"s 『Strongest Blade (Nothing that cannot be cut)』–Meiko-han"s Unique Skill y"see.”

Goblin King went out of his way to disclose his tricks.

He was wrapped in a blue light before activating it too, looks like he really can use heroes" Unique Skills.

But then why didn"t he steal my Unique Skills?

Menu aside, Unit Arrangement is pretty handy.
It"s also weird how he doesn"t have the access to super handy skills like Dog-head"s [All-Creations (Library)] and Arisa"s [Over Boost], and [Never Give Up].

I suppose it"s not like he could steal and use those stolen Unique Skills without limit.

“Is dodging all ye can do, Irregular!”

Goblin King wrapped in a dark purple light shot out a pure white fire ball.
Dunno what Unique Skill it"s from, but the heat rivals that of fire magic forbidden spell, [].

Goblin King that had closed the distance under the cover of that fire ball unleashed an unusual attack that shot out three slashes with one swing.
This must be some kind of Unique Skill as well.

“Tch, dodgin" around like ya knew how I"mma attack.”

Goblin King continued his a.s.sault while cursing out.

But really, that"s a whole lot of Unique Skills.
What this Goblin King told me before, that goblinkin having large [Soul Vessels] might not be necessarily a lie.

“So hey, tell me.”

While dodging a barrage of projectile magic attacks shot out by Goblin King with Ground Shrink, I counterattacked with the speedy mid-level attack magic and finger blasts.
Unfortunately, none of my attacks could reach Goblin King, hindered by a variety of Unique Skills.

“How it"s feelin" to be completely outmatched by someone ya underestimated and thought to be lesser than ya, eh?”

Goblin King sneered and laughed.

Even the sure-kill Holy Bullet only pa.s.sed by Goblin King"s side in an unnatural trajectory.
If what Goblin King said is true, that must be Dog-head"s Unique Skill [Probability s.h.i.+ft (Trickster)].

This guy sure employed a needlessly huge catalog of Unique Skills.

“Neither of us managed to deal the finis.h.i.+ng blow though?”

In fact, I"m unscathed even now.
It"s not like I can"t deliver the finis.h.i.+ng blow, I"m simply looking for the right timing.

“I wonder "bout that, yea?”

Goblin King was wrapped in purple lights before he clad himself in a weird sh.e.l.l-like armor.
The armor somehow looks like a (Tokusatsu) hero"s protective suit.

It"s probably the transformation Unique Skill the rat demon lord who was lurking in Dejima Island had.

“Tis" a check yea!”

Goblin King announced such as if mocking the [Checkmate] word I used earlier.

A moment later, Goblin King appeared right in front of me swinging down his G.o.dbone Katana.
This scene is the same as before, but his swinging speed is remarkably faster.

I attempted to parry the G.o.dbone Katana with the holy sword while casting Phalanx.
Phalanx could only stop the G.o.dbone Katana for an instant before breaking into pieces, and the holy sword protected by Holy Edge was getting whittled down like Styrofoam.


Not just double.
Feels like he"s powered up multiple folds.

I immediately activated Physical Strengthening skill and magic but I still couldn"t push him back.


It"s a bit shoddy.

Goblin King"s combat prowess is worse than before.
It"s as if the [Match for a Thousand] Unique Skill has come undone.

Perhaps there"s a limit on the number of Unique Skills Goblin King could employ at any given time.

“Whatta matter? I ain"t gonna be even mad if ya take out yer prided divine sword y"know?”

Goblin King provoked me.

Looks like he"s plotting something.

But, the moment he tries to do something to Divine Sword, that will be my chance.
Besides, even though the Divine Sword might be extremely dangerous, getting cut by it is just as bad as getting cut by the G.o.dbone Katana.

“Well then, I shall take you up on your offer.”

While operating Menu, I took out the black bladed Divine Sword in a white sheath through Item Box.

“Yer" really an idiot.”

A moment later, the Divine Sword appeared in Goblin King"s hand.

“Lord-san"s other name is Thief G.o.d ya kn–NUOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAA”

The triumphant Goblin King screamed out loud the instant he drew the Divine Sword out of its sheath.

Looks like putting your hand on the Divine Sword without bearing the G.o.d Slayer t.i.tle would incur divine punishment.

Now"s my chance.

I got right in front of Goblin King with Ground Shrink, and cast [] that I had prepared beforehand on Menu.

This is the same type used by Dejima Island"s [Dungeon Master], one that creates a magic null zone by erasing the surrounding Magic Essence, it disables the usage of magic and magic-type skills.
This type differs from the magic null zone Fake King s.h.i.+n used as that one destroys magic compositions, this one enables the usage of magic once Magic Essence gets supplied back from outside, depending on the situation neither is superior than the other.

While catching the Divine Sword that fell from Goblin King"s hand in my line of sight and retrieving it into Storage, I slashed at Goblin King with a white holy magic sword I took from Storage.

–Oh, it"s working.

Maybe it"s due to the damage he incurred from grabbing the Divine Sword, looks like Goblin King"s Unique Skills have come undone.

My slash cut off Goblin King"s neck along with his guarding hands.
Goblin King"s protector created by his Unique Skills may have been tough, but it was no more effective than a piece of paper before the might of a holy magic sword coated with dragon fang"s powder that can [Pierce Everything].

After canceling the magic null zone, I cast the anti-G.o.d forbidden spell [Mythology Down] at Goblin King"s head.
Deep golden light and rainbow lights mix together, turning into a torrent that evaporates Goblin King"s body.

The extraordinary destructive force of the anti-G.o.d spell completely destroyed the vast underground s.p.a.ce that could be mistaken as a great cave, and the shock wave alone blew away the thick bedrock ceiling in an instant.
Once the explosions and roaring sounds subsided, red lights from melting rocks and rising vapors eerily decorated the underground s.p.a.ce.

“–Did that do it?”

I reflexively muttered that because my Log hadn"t displayed Goblin King"s defeat.

–Crisis Perception.

Right as a red dot appeared on the Radar, the G.o.dbone Katana clad in white flame came flying at me.
It came from the upper half of Goblin King that grew out of the ground.

For an anti-G.o.d spell to not be enough to finish him, he"s way too tenacious.

“Don"t get youuuuuuu!”

Stripped patterns of blue and dark purple lights dyed the Goblin King.
Dunno what he"s trying to do, but let"s end this now.

The [Mythology Down] that I had recast landed at the wrong spot, blowing away Goblin King with its shock wave.
He must have used either [Probability s.h.i.+ft (Trickster)] or [Unrivaled Mobility (Never Get Hit)].

I ready my sword to slash at the Goblin King"s head that"s flying here, but it"d probably just end up like the Mythology Down earlier.
While shooting ranged attack magic to act as restraint, I swing my sword around to lure him.

Black curtains that had manifested behind Goblin King blocked my attack magic, while he dodged my slashes with Unique Skills.
Right now I must look defenseless to him after getting my attack dodged.

“Got ya!”

Goblin King cut my trunk in two with the G.o.dbone Katana.

“–Ninjutsu again!”

Goblin King who looked at a log split in two felt bloodl.u.s.t behind him and turned around.

–Bzzt wrong.

I reappeared behind the log and used the dragon fang holy magic sword in my hand to cross cut the back of the Goblin King that had fallen to my jutsu.


Just like Meiko, it seems he cannot dodge attacks coming from outside his cognizance.
An instance later, I cast and erase Goblin King again with [Mythology Down].

Now then, it"s a war of attrition from here on.


Right as the red dot appeared, I cast the delayed activation [Mythology Down] on him.

“N-nomatter” “howmany–”

This time, two red dots appeared at the same time, so I shot Mythology Down on one, and finely chopped the other with the dragon fang holy magic sword before burning him down with [White Inferno].

Afterward I use Clone Jutsu, and go defeat Goblin King using human-wave tactics.

“–Is it about time for the final stage?”

Goblin King has stopped regenerating.
I can"t let my guard down since the Log hasn"t displayed his defeat yet, but I feel like I can see the end already.

Although he should have been able to continuously regenerate himself with Wild Boar King"s [Match for Thousands], it appears that the number of revives isn"t as high as the original Wild Boar King"s.

As I wait for the time to pa.s.s like waiting for an MMO Raid Boos—

A red dot appeared on the Radar.

“Oh c.r.a.p–”

The delayed activation [Mythology Down] I shot did hit Goblin King, but I saw that he transformed into another object the moment the spell hit him.

The real body is–above.

Scene of Goblin King getting warped, and countless incoming white pillars–strategic nuclear weapons with ICBM written on them came into my view as I looked above.
Next to Goblin King is a black board, apparently Item Box, and in his hand–.

A small pot with white powder inside.

A moment later, a flash that looked like a fallen sun and flames that burned everything filled the world.

“kekkeKWE lookatYA bein"b.l.o.o.d.yallover irregulaar!”

The yet again revived Goblin King is looking down on the blood-stained Hero Nanas.h.i.+ lying on the ground.

“eVENirregular can"tdefEND against dragonfangs and nuclearexplosIONdoyA”

I can"t tell what Goblin King is saying with all the slurring.
Looks like his Soul Vessel is on the verge of collapsing because he regenerated too many times.

That attack earlier must have been an imitation of the anti-G.o.d mine that the Great Weasel Demon Lord devised to defeat G.o.d Zaikuon.

Goblin King surveyed the surroundings for the G.o.dbone Katana.


Goblin King gave up on the missing G.o.dbone Katana and raised up high a cursed sword he took out of Item Box.

Suddenly, a young-sounding voice came from above.

『–How dare you do that to Master!』
“G.o.dBEATer girl huuh!”

Multiple purple lights wrapped Goblin King as he looked at the Wars.h.i.+p Wand above the mushroom clouds.
He"s probably using Unique Skills to reflect magic.


I swing down the G.o.d slaying Divine Sword toward the triumphant Goblin King"s neck.

“–But how.”

The goblin head on the ground voiced out his resentment.


As I replied to Goblin King in Arisa"s voice, I cut his head into pieces with the Divine Sword.
I retrieved the Wars.h.i.+p Wand floating in the air into Storage, while wiping off the blood camouflage.

Since taking nuclear strikes head-on looked like it would be painful, I got away to satellite orbit with sight-based Unit Arrangement, then after the bomb blast had subsided, I came back with sight-based Unit Arrangement again.

“notYET… tisaintoveryet–”

Looks like he can"t even regenerate his body back, even without me meddling, he"s disappearing into dark purple slime-shaped liquid.

“aslonGAS… G.o.dkeyIS…”

I thought the disappearing red dot had come back once again, but this time it couldn"t even hold slime form before disappearing.

>Defeated [Goblin Demon Lord]

The words I had been impatiently waiting for was displayed on the Log.

He was really tenacious, but this should be the end of anything demon lord related.
The term he muttered in the end bothered me, but I couldn"t get a hit searching for [G.o.d Key] on the Map, thus I could only hope that it was lost in Goblin King"s Item Box along with the demon lord himself.

Now then, I wonder how"s Arisa and the girls doing?