Death Notice

Chapter 32

Chapter 32
Volume 2 – Chapter 32: Fight to the Death

“Boom!” In the gorgeous flames, Qin Lun only felt his body enveloped by a gentle white light .

Although there was only a thin layer surrounding him, it was like the red-hot flames had met their natural enemy, dividing into two and blowing past him like a gentle breeze . It didn’t do any harm to him .

“Magic Immunity?!” Seeing the exorcist dive out of the flames with not a singed haired, the Maize witch’s face twisted, and she shrieked gravely .

“This is… an exorcist’s guardian power!” Tony looked at the layer of white light, his eyes brightening . He rolled off of the ground and once again threw himself at the witch .

For the first time, the witch’s eyes showed a hint of panic . Exorcists with magic immunity were very rare . They had average bodies, but after they take the Exorcist’s Oath and are a.s.signed a guardian power, they gain an immunity to magic .

If the magic condensed from an “undead’s power” cannot surpa.s.s the anti-evil guard, the exorcist will not be affected . With this sort of exorcist, the best method would be to use the claws and swords of evil creatures instead of their magic .

“So it turns out you gained magic immunity!” Tony was overjoyed . He finally knew why the doctor’s body showed no change after signing the Exorcist’s Oath .

“Humph!” Annoyance showed in the witch’s eyes as she realized that she was once again caught in a crisis . Fortunately, the restriction of the gravity spell was almost over, so she still had the chance to escape .

Thinking of that, the witch suddenly bounced up, jumping out of Tony and Qin Lun’s pincer attack . Just as she hit the ground, with a wave of her wand, a black light shot towards Tony, interrupting the blond, young man’s a.s.sault, repeating the chase from earlier . Only this time, she had to carefully maintain a three-sided relationship with two other people and was no longer able to leap where she pleased .

When the witch was preparing to leap out of the two’s pincer attack for the fourth time, she suddenly felt something tighten around her ankle . Just as she rose into the air, she was pulled back to the ground . Looking at the two exorcists who were rushing over, she was immediately frightened and looked down .

She saw that under her foot was a b.l.o.o.d.y figure, who was grabbing firmly to her ankle . The figure raised its head . Its eyes that had already become two b.l.o.o.d.y holes stared at her, then its lips parted, and it noiselessly laughed .

“No!” The witch screamed in alarm . She finally noticed that while dealing with the two exorcists, she had unwittingly been lured to the side of that dying exorcist .

The Maize Witch raised her wand and ruthlessly stabbed towards the b.l.o.o.d.y holes on Otto’s face .

“Psh!” Otto’s eyes, that had already become b.l.o.o.d.y holes, released a spurt of blood . The solid as iron, wand was like a knife, stabbing into the exorcist’s head .

Otto’s entire body went stiff . His head hung down, dying without a word . Only his two hands refused to let go . Instead, his grip became twenty percent tighter, like two iron hoops, digging deeply into the witch’s ankle .

“Die!” Tony clenched his jaw, blood flowing from the corner of his mouth . A thunderous boom exploded from his place .

The blond young man’s figure once again transformed into a furious tornado, swirling up countless dead leaves as it moved towards the witch .

The witch’s pupils quickly enlarged . She hurried to raise her wand, wanting to use magic to drive away the exorcist swordsman .

“Clang!” A silver flash arrived first, accurately striking the wand .

“Ugh!” The witch only felt a shock in her hand as the wand was directly snapped by the silver flash . The head of the wand followed the silver sword and flew into the sky . The magic she had barely prepared was ended prematurely, causing her to suffer the backlash in the form of a burst of dizziness .

When the witch recovered, a young face br.i.m.m.i.n.g with hatred was already in front of her .

“Aaaaah!” While the witch screamed, the silver longsword pierced through her body, cutting a scar into the mud behind her .

After Tony had launched his sword to intercept the wand, he finally grasped the fleeting chance to stab his other longsword into the right side of the witch’s chest .

“A bit more!” A light flashed through Tony’s eyes .

The sword skill he used was called ‘Flash Thrust‘ . Its speed was as fast as lightning and was a type of move that could be done from a long distance . The skill’s only weakness was that its accuracy was too lacking . This strike hadn’t hit the witch’s nut sized heart core .

The blond young man ground his teeth . His free left hand pushed on the hilt in his right . He applied strength with both hands, pushing towards the left, wanting to cut through the heart core in the witch’s chest .

Three hundred years after the end of the war, the witch finally sensed the shadow of death once more . Deep in her heart, a familiar, yet strange feeling made the Maize Witch completely calm down .

She didn’t try to block Tony’s coup-de-grace . As a witch, competing in strength with an exorcist swordsman was very stupid . She only opened her mouth in a nasty grin and spat out a pitch black, ink-like liquid . It covered the hair and face of the blond, young man, who was very close to her .

“Aaaah!” Tony only had time to tilt his head before the black liquid covered half his face . The young man let out a painful howl . The black liquid covering half his face began to evaporate into white smoke, revealing countless blisters, like boiled b.u.t.ter .

“Kyakaka!” The witch raised a foot and sent Tony, who couldn’t help but cover his face with both hands, flying . This incidentally knocked over the rushing Qin Lun .

Tony covered his face and fell to the ground, motionless .

Tony was the Albert family’s heir . Even though he had become an exorcist very early on and was not lacking in courage, he always had other exorcists to act as his shield up until now . With his own agility on top of that, he had never received such a serious injury before, causing him to unexpectedly pa.s.s out from the pain .

“Aaah!” Just as Tony received the serious injury, the other battle had also determined its victor . Will had lost too much blood and his stamina could no longer hold on . Just one mistake and he was cut by the human-faced mantis .

The shiny, satin-like black scythe cut down from Will’s left collar-bone, through his chest, nearly cutting the young man’s body into two .

Seeing the annoying little fly finally get cut down, the human-shaped mantis wore a proud expression on its human face . It raised its other scythe and stabbed into the young man’s stomach and raised him up high, as if showing off its prey .

Will’s two hands hung by his body . His face was white as a sheet, his pupils rapidly dilated, and his lips faintly trembled; his life was on the verge of being snuffed out .

Will’s two hands hung by his body . His face was white as a sheet, his pupils rapidly dilated, and his lips faintly trembled; his life was on the verge of being snuffed out .

In only an instant, a blush suddenly appeared on the youth’s face, as if he had been aroused from his slumber . His eyes opened wide and his hand shook, throwing out the only weapon he carried .

“Father! Little Will won’t let you be ashamed!”

“Psh!” The saber in the youth’s hand turned into a wheel of light, abruptly slashing into the mantis’ face .

“Aaaah!” The human-faced mantis screamed . Normally, it could have used its scythe to deflect this sort of attack, but both scythes were currently stabbed into its prey . It actually let the dying Will get a strike in .

The human-faced mantis violently waved its scythe . Will’s body was completely torn through . The top and bottom divided into two parts and were thrown into an underbrush . The human-faced mantis, with a saber embedded in its face, madly roared and charged into the forest, getting further and further away .

Will calmly lied in the corner of the underbrush . His two eyes had already lost their light, like dark gla.s.s marbles staring at the sky . On his face was an innocent and serene smile .

The Maize witch cast aside the remaining half of her wand . Her two hands gripped the longsword in her chest and slowly pulled it out .

“Tssss~~” Tony’s silver longsword had an additional evil-slaying effect . As it was drawn out, dark green blood could no longer be contained and rushed out, making the Maize witch’s mind grow dizzy and eyes blurry . She felt a burst of weakness set upon her .

“You’ve actually inflicted such an injury upon the respected witch, Mesa . I’m afraid the dormancy that has lasted over a hundred years can no longer continue!” The Maize Witch, who called herself Mesa, said hatefully . Her eyes swept through the area and very quickly noticed the nearby Qin Lun .

“You can die too!” The witch raised the longsword and dashed at Qin Lun .

In the earlier battle, she had already noticed that, though this exorcist had magic immunity, his body was merely at the level of a commoner’s . Even if she didn’t use magic, with her body as hard as wood and stone, as well as her superhuman strength, she had the confidence to kill Qin Lun .

Qin Lun stared at the witch with a gloomy expression . His right hand turned over, and the dagger, Crime, appeared in his palm .

Qin Lun stared at the witch with a gloomy expression . His right hand turned over, and the dagger, Crime, appeared in his palm .

During this time, he had already obtained quite a bit of data on the witch’s body . He could just barely establish a battle model, but without Tony’s help, he had no hope of victory .

“Clang!” Sparks appeared between the black dagger and silver longsword . Qin Lun couldn’t help but stagger under the tremendous force .

“Target’s strength deviated greatly from predictions, the following prediction has lost approximately 80% of its effectiveness . Battle Mode interrupted . Ending auto-hypnosis!”

In just one exchange, Qin Lun had discovered that he had underestimated the witch’s strength . His vacant pupils refocused once more . Facing the longsword right under his nose, he could only desperately roll backwards to avoid the witch’s follow-up attack . If not for the witch being unfamiliar with swordsmanship, he would have already been injured by the sword .

The witch knocked Qin Lun over with a strike and began to cry out excitedly . She waved the longsword around like a stick, chasing after him . She had been chased by Tony for half the day and was feeling thoroughly gloomy, but now that she directed her vengeance at the other exorcist, her heart felt great .

As the two of them struggled in a melee, a large figure suddenly appeared beside the witch, crashing into her .

“Young Master, run away!” Unexpectedly, Frank had approached the two and appeared between them, blocking in front of the witch .

“You want to die!?” The witch was careless and had been knocked unstable by the clearly ordinary, hunchbacked servant . She was immediately enraged . Raising the longsword, she ferociously stabbed it into Frank’s chest .

“Run… Hurry, run!” Frank seemed to have purposely let the witch stab him . His two big and rough hands firmly grabbed the sword in his chest . He turned his head and showed Qin Lun his ugly smile .

The witch sneered . She twisted the longsword, and Frank’s fingers were instantly cut off by the sharp blade .

However, the witch clearly didn’t want to let the hunchbacked servant, who had interrupted her revenge, go just like that . She forced the sword’s hilt forwards, stabbing over half the longsword into Frank’s body .

“Psh!” A sharp point penetrated out from Frank’s tall, hunched back, slowly dripping with blood .

Volume 2 Chapter 32 Fight to the Death Boom In the gorgeous flames, Qin Lun only felt his body enveloped by a gentle white light . Although there was only a thin layer surrounding him, it was like the red hot flames had met their natural enemy, dividing into two and blowing past him like a gentle breeze . It didn t do any harm to him . Magic Immunity Seeing the exorcist dive out of the flames with not a singed haired, the Maize witch s face twisted, and she shrieked gravely . This is an exorcist s guardian power Tony looked at the layer of white light, his eyes brightening . He rolled off of the ground and once again threw himself at the witch . For the first time, the witch s eyes showed a hint of panic . Exorcists with magic immunity were very rare . They had average bodies, but after they take the Exorcist s Oath and are a.s.signed a guardian power, they gain an immunity to magic . If the magic condensed from an undead s power cannot surpa.s.s the anti evil guard, the exorcist will not be affected . With this sort of exorcist, the best method would be to use the claws and swords of evil creatures instead of their magic . So it turns out you gained magic immunity Tony was overjoyed . He finally knew why the doctor s body showed no change after signing the Exorcist s Oath . Humph Annoyance showed in the witch s eyes as she realized that she was once again caught in a crisis . Fortunately, the restriction of the gravity spell was almost over, so she still had the chance to escape . Thinking of that, the witch suddenly bounced up, jumping out of Tony and Qin Lun s pincer attack . Just as she hit the ground, with a wave of her wand, a black light shot towards Tony, interrupting the blond, young man s a.s.sault, repeating the chase from earlier . Only this time, she had to carefully maintain a three sided relationship with two other people and was no longer able to leap where she pleased . When the witch was preparing to leap out of the two s pincer attack for the fourth time, she suddenly felt something tighten around her ankle . Just as she rose into the air, she was pulled back to the ground . Looking at the two exorcists who were rushing over, she was immediately frightened and looked down . She saw that under her foot was a b.l.o.o.d.y figure, who was grabbing firmly to her ankle . The figure raised its head . Its eyes that had already become two b.l.o.o.d.y holes stared at her, then its lips parted, and it noiselessly laughed . No The witch screamed in alarm . She finally noticed that while dealing with the two exorcists, she had unwittingly been lured to the side of that dying exorcist . The Maize Witch raised her wand and ruthlessly stabbed towards the b.l.o.o.d.y holes on Otto s face . Psh Otto s eyes, that had already become b.l.o.o.d.y holes, released a spurt of blood . The solid as iron, wand was like a knife, stabbing into the exorcist s head . Otto s entire body went stiff . His head hung down, dying without a word . Only his two hands refused to let go . Instead, his grip became twenty percent tighter, like two iron hoops, digging deeply into the witch s ankle . Die Tony clenched his jaw, blood flowing from the corner of his mouth . A thunderous boom exploded from his place . The blond young man s figure once again transformed into a furious tornado, swirling up countless dead leaves as it moved towards the witch . The witch s pupils quickly enlarged . She hurried to raise her wand, wanting to use magic to drive away the exorcist swordsman . Clang A silver flash arrived first, accurately striking the wand . Ugh The witch only felt a shock in her hand as the wand was directly snapped by the silver flash . The head of the wand followed the silver sword and flew into the sky . The magic she had barely prepared was ended prematurely, causing her to suffer the backlash in the form of a burst of dizziness . When the witch recovered, a young face br.i.m.m.i.n.g with hatred was already in front of her . Aaaaah While the witch screamed, the silver longsword pierced through her body, cutting a scar into the mud behind her . After Tony had launched his sword to intercept the wand, he finally grasped the fleeting chance to stab his other longsword into the right side of the witch s chest . A bit more A light flashed through Tony s eyes . The sword skill he used was called Flash Thrust . Its speed was as fast as lightning and was a type of move that could be done from a long distance . The skill s only weakness was that its accuracy was too lacking . This strike hadn t hit the witch s nut sized heart core . The blond young man ground his teeth . His free left hand pushed on the hilt in his right . He applied strength with both hands, pushing towards the left, wanting to cut through the heart core in the witch s chest . Three hundred years after the end of the war, the witch finally sensed the shadow of death once more . Deep in her heart, a familiar, yet strange feeling made the Maize Witch completely calm down . She didn t try to block Tony s coup de grace . As a witch, competing in strength with an exorcist swordsman was very stupid . She only opened her mouth in a nasty grin and spat out a pitch black, ink like liquid . It covered the hair and face of the blond, young man, who was very close to her . Aaaah Tony only had time to tilt his head before the black liquid covered half his face . The young man let out a painful howl . The black liquid covering half his face began to evaporate into white smoke, revealing countless blisters, like boiled b.u.t.ter . Kyakaka The witch raised a foot and sent Tony, who couldn t help but cover his face with both hands, flying . This incidentally knocked over the rushing Qin Lun . Tony covered his face and fell to the ground, motionless . Tony was the Albert family s heir . Even though he had become an exorcist very early on and was not lacking in courage, he always had other exorcists to act as his shield up until now . With his own agility on top of that, he had never received such a serious injury before, causing him to unexpectedly pa.s.s out from the pain . Aaah Just as Tony received the serious injury, the other battle had also determined its victor . Will had lost too much blood and his stamina could no longer hold on . Just one mistake and he was cut by the human faced mantis . The shiny, satin like black scythe cut down from Will s left collar bone, through his chest, nearly cutting the young man s body into two . Seeing the annoying little fly finally get cut down, the human shaped mantis wore a proud expression on its human face . It raised its other scythe and stabbed into the young man s stomach and raised him up high, as if showing off its prey . Will s two hands hung by his body . His face was white as a sheet, his pupils rapidly dilated, and his lips faintly trembled his life was on the verge of being snuffed out . In only an instant, a blush suddenly appeared on the youth s face, as if he had been aroused from his slumber . His eyes opened wide and his hand shook, throwing out the only weapon he carried . Father Little Will won t let you be ashamed Psh The saber in the youth s hand turned into a wheel of light, abruptly slashing into the mantis face . Aaaah The human faced mantis screamed . Normally, it could have used its scythe to deflect this sort of attack, but both scythes were currently stabbed into its prey . It actually let the dying Will get a strike in . The human faced mantis violently waved its scythe . Will s body was completely torn through . The top and bottom divided into two parts and were thrown into an underbrush . The human faced mantis, with a saber embedded in its face, madly roared and charged into the forest, getting further and further away . Will calmly lied in the corner of the underbrush . His two eyes had already lost their light, like dark gla.s.s marbles staring at the sky . On his face was an innocent and serene smile . The Maize witch cast aside the remaining half of her wand . Her two hands gripped the longsword in her chest and slowly pulled it out . Tssss Tony s silver longsword had an additional evil slaying effect . As it was drawn out, dark green blood could no longer be contained and rushed out, making the Maize witch s mind grow dizzy and eyes blurry . She felt a burst of weakness set upon her . You ve actually inflicted such an injury upon the respected witch, Mesa . I m afraid the dormancy that has lasted over a hundred years can no longer continue The Maize Witch, who called herself Mesa, said hatefully . Her eyes swept through the area and very quickly noticed the nearby Qin Lun . You can die too The witch raised the longsword and dashed at Qin Lun . In the earlier battle, she had already noticed that, though this exorcist had magic immunity, his body was merely at the level of a commoner s . Even if she didn t use magic, with her body as hard as wood and stone, as well as her superhuman strength, she had the confidence to kill Qin Lun . Qin Lun stared at the witch with a gloomy expression . His right hand turned over, and the dagger, Crime, appeared in his palm . During this time, he had already obtained quite a bit of data on the witch s body . He could just barely establish a battle model, but without Tony s help, he had no hope of victory . Clang Sparks appeared between the black dagger and silver longsword . Qin Lun couldn t help but stagger under the tremendous force . Target s strength deviated greatly from predictions, the following prediction has lost approximately 80 of its effectiveness . Battle Mode interrupted . Ending auto hypnosis In just one exchange, Qin Lun had discovered that he had underestimated the witch s strength . His vacant pupils refocused once more . Facing the longsword right under his nose, he could only desperately roll backwards to avoid the witch s follow up attack . If not for the witch being unfamiliar with swordsmanship, he would have already been injured by the sword . The witch knocked Qin Lun over with a strike and began to cry out excitedly . She waved the longsword around like a stick, chasing after him . She had been chased by Tony for half the day and was feeling thoroughly gloomy, but now that she directed her vengeance at the other exorcist, her heart felt great . As the two of them struggled in a melee, a large figure suddenly appeared beside the witch, crashing into her . Young Master, run away Unexpectedly, Frank had approached the two and appeared between them, blocking in front of the witch . You want to die The witch was careless and had been knocked unstable by the clearly ordinary, hunchbacked servant . She was immediately enraged . Raising the longsword, she ferociously stabbed it into Frank s chest . Run Hurry, run Frank seemed to have purposely let the witch stab him . His two big and rough hands firmly grabbed the sword in his chest . He turned his head and showed Qin Lun his ugly smile . The witch sneered . She twisted the longsword, and Frank s fingers were instantly cut off by the sharp blade . However, the witch clearly didn t want to let the hunchbacked servant, who had interrupted her revenge, go just like that . She forced the sword s hilt forwards, stabbing over half the longsword into Frank s body . Psh A sharp point penetrated out from Frank s tall, hunched back, slowly dripping with blood .