Deep Furrows

Chapter 25


[1] Abnormal conditions in the grain trade at present, due to the war, have led to government control of the crop by means of a Board of Grain Supervisors, aside altogether from the permanent Board of Grain Commissioners. This government commission has very wide powers, superseding the Grain Act for the time being, and can fix the price at which grain stored in any elevator may be purchased, ascertain available supplies, fix conditions of removal from storage and determine the destination of grain, receive purchase offers and fix sale prices, take possession of grain in elevators and sell it, provide transportation, etc.

The Board of Grain Supervisors consists of two representatives of the organized farmers--Hon. T. A. Crerar, Minister of Agriculture, and H. W.

Wood, President of United Farmers of Alberta; one representative of unorganised farmers--S. K. Rathwell; three representatives of the Winnipeg Grain Exchange--J. C. Gage, W. E. Bawlf and Dr. Magill (Chairman); a representative of the British Food Commission--Jas.

Stewart; two representatives of Labor--Controller Ainey (Montreal) and W.

B. Best, of Locomotive Firemen; W. A. Matheson, of Lake of the Woods Milling Company, and Lionel H. Clarke, head of the Canada Malting Company and a member of the Toronto Harbor Commission. Dr. Robert Magill, the Chairman, is Secretary of the Winnipeg Grain Exchange and was formerly Chief Commissioner of the permanent Board of Grain Commissioners.