Demon King App

Chapter 12


After killing the five kidnappers, the Demon king who is now possessing Bryson"s body throw the bloodied dagger that he uses to decapitate the last of the five men.

Using the daily magic u003cwashu003e, the Demon king remove all the stain of blood in his body and look at the wheelchair where Alisha is seated. "That"s half of the contract fulfilled I guess?"

The Demon king walks into Alisha and look unto her face. "Hmmmm... looks like the effect of that magia stasis whatnot is already wearing out."

A single glance at Alisha is enough for the Demon king to notice her pale complexion, her breathing is rough and she looks like she is in pain, the Demon king can even feel the increase in amount of the magia leaking out of her body.

The Demon king scrutinize Alisha from head to toe as if he is searching for something.

"Hmmmm.... if my theory is correct, I need to have a close contact with her u003cmagia veinsu003e and inject some of my magia directly inside her body or this treatment won"t work, I guess injecting directly into the mouth will do the trick."

After pondering for a bit, the Demon thrust his index finger into Alisha"s mouth, the Demon king activates the magi-phone in his left hand and release his magia, he attempts to control his magia and let it flow slowly down his index finger into Alisha"s mouth, but he seems unable to do it.

"Arrrrggghhhh, d.a.m.n it! This body"s magia control is so bad even a simple u003cmagia circulationu003e is this hard!" Irritated by this fact, the Demon king complains while ruffling his hair.

"Wait, mouth?" With look as if he is enlightened, a sudden idea comes to the Demon king"s mind. "That"s right! If I can"t control it, I"ll just let it freely flow out from my mouth, inject it through her mouth and let my u003cmagia senseu003e do the all the work after that... I"m a freaking genius!"

After finding a possible solution, the Demon king lower his head and close in his face into Alisha"s when a sudden thought comes to his mind.

"Oh yeah, that human have a thing or two for this girl, isn"t he? I wonder, would he be p.i.s.sed if I do it?"




"Oh well, he asks me to help in this girl"s treatment so he can"t complain, besides this body"s already mine now." For a moment the Demon king thought the he heard someone screaming at him to stop with a pa.s.sionate voice, but he just dismisses it as his imagination and kiss Alisha.


At the hospital"s courtyard, the nurse and Ava"s fight is intensifying.

While exchanging blows with Ava, the nurse felt the disappearance of her subordinate"s magia. "I can"t feel those guy"s magia, don"t tell me they lose?" She shot a fire blast at Ava in point blank range which cause Ava to jump sideward avoiding the attack.

The nurse jumps backwards and shot a barrage of u003cfire lanceu003e at Ava. "And what the h.e.l.l is that ominous magia I feel? That boy"s magia suddenly vanish and that appear, what the h.e.l.l?" Ava run around in circles avoiding the barrage of fire blast while shooting a flurry of u003cair cutteru003e at the nurse.

The nurse deploys anti-magic barrier stopping all the air cutter flying at her when she heard a sudden telepathic call. "Captain, you need to get out of there now, the magic officers have been informed of the commotion and is on their way to the hospital now."

Ava dash and tries to get close to the nurse, not letting Ava catch up to her, the nurse jumps backwards while shooting fire blast at her. "What about the mission? I can"t believe it but the magia of the guys you sent suddenly vanish so they must have failed."

Ava jump upwards and shoot an u003cair cannonu003e at the nurse, but the nurse activates acceleration magic and run sideways. "Consider this mission a failure and focus on escaping from there for now." The voice on the other line said.

"Tsk, roger that." The nurse creates an explosion making a thick mist, at the center of that bona fide smoke screen, she activates acceleration magic and run through the hospital"s front gate escaping from that place.


Ava run into the center of that smoke screen but the nurse is already gone.

It irritates her that the nurse manages to get away but he remembers Alisha"s situation. In truth Ava also felt the sudden disappearance of the five unknown magia, she infers that those five is quite possibly the nurse"s subordinate but she can"t feel at ease because of the ominous magia that appeared when Bryson"s magia disappear. Feeling this impatience, Ava decides to rush into Alisha"s aid instead of chasing the nurse when she hears a sudden voice calling at her.

"Sister Ava!"

Ava turns around and saw three familiar faces. "So, the chairman sends the three of you huh."

The three collectors that appeared are one of the most powerful collectors of the `Norwich City"s Collectors Guild`, they are also quite famous for being part of the "Big Sister Ava Fan Club".

Seeing Ava"s state, the three looks at her with worry. "What happened to you sister, are you okay?!" The three said in panic.

Hearing the word `sister` coming from the three"s mouth, Ava felt a headache on top of her already tired body. "I"m fine, and would you please stop calling me sister already."

"YOU DON"T LOOK FINE AT ALL SISTER!" One of the three said with a pa.s.sionate voice while the other two are nodding their head.

Seeing that the three won"t stop calling her sister, Ava let out a heavy sigh and give an order to the three of them. "Fine... So, one of you please try to search for an escaping nurse around the area of the hospital, the other two come with me."

After giving instruction to the three, Ava turn around and walk away, but the three looks at each other and form a circle and play rock paper scissor. When one of them lose the two turn around to follow Ava but the one who lose grab them by the collar. "Oi, one more time, I"m not gonna let the two of you have some fun while I"m doing the dirty work!"

The other two tries to get away from his grip and complained.

"It"s your fault for losing!"

"That"s right, so let us go already!"

While the three are bickering at each other they heard an angry voice. " OI, WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING, LET"S GO ALREADY!"

Hearing that, the two smiles at each other while the other one"s shoulders droop and let go of the two.

"Hehehe, see ya!"

"Goodluck with your dirty work, hihihihihi."

The two walks away while letting out a mocking laugh.

The one left behind grind his teeth and swear to himself. "d.a.m.n it, I"ll get back at you two next time!"


At the back of the VIP building, a scene that does not suit the sight of a battleground is unfolding.

The Demon king is currently kissing the sleeping Alisha, sweat are trickling down his face and he looks like he is in deep concentration, although if other people saw it, they will only think that the man is having the time of his life.

After about a minute, the Demon king finally separates his lips from Alisha and raise his face and while having a hard time breathing, he complained. "d.a.m.n it, I never thought it would consume that much magia, this is because this body"s magia control sucks!"

The Demon king takes a deep breath and the almost depleted magia inside his body returned as if it is replaced.

While pushing the wheelchair into the building, he murmurs into himself. "It sucks that this body can only hold this amount of magia, I guess I just have to expand this body"s magia vein bit by bit."

The demon king left the sleeping Alisha near the VIP building"s back exit and attempts to get away from that place when all of a sudden, he felt a great pain a.s.saulting his body and his consciousness feels like it"s being pull out.

"Rrrggnhhh.... F-f.u.c.k looks like this body is rejecting my soul.... aaaarrrrghhhh..." The Demon king tries to hold on to his consciousness but it looks like he can"t last much longer.

The Demon king falls down in his knees and grab his chest "...S-s.h.i.t...looks like this body is not yet ready.... ggrrraaaagggghhhh...."

"...D-d.a.m.n.... it..." His body falls down to the ground and he lose consciousness.


"Young miss!!"

Ava finally reached the exit on the back of the VIP hospital and in there, she saw Alisha near the broken sliding door and Bryson lying face down to the ground near Alisha"s wheelchair.

Ava check Alisha"s condition and to her surprise, she look better than ever. "W-what happen? I can"t sense any magia leaking out of her body and it looks like she doesn"t even have any fever despite being out of the magia stasis machine for quite some time."

"W-what happen here?" One of the men she brought with him ask with a voice full of confusion.

Ava looks around the parking lot and saw five corpses on a very bad condition which shocked her. On their way here, Ava and her two lackeys saw the man that Bryson defeated lying unconscious on the hallway, that sight does not shock Ava because she felt it when Bryson defeated that man, but this scene is different, the men lying on the ground are not just defeated, they are all dead, and it looks like they died in a very gruesome way too.

Ava unconsciously turn her head to Bryson. "Could this be, this boy"s doing?"

But Ava dismiss this very ridiculous thought. "It"s impossible, this boy doesn"t have that much magia to begin with and when he defeated that man on the hallway, it felt like his magia is almost depleted. That ominous magia, could it be?" While Ava is lost in her thought, a weak voice brought her back to reality.


"Y-young miss!!" Shocked by the sudden turn of events, Ava looks at Alisha"s face in panic.

"...I"m...g....lad..." After saying that, Alisha once again lose consciousness.

Ava and the two men with her become speechless, this is because of Alisha waking up. It is a common knowledge that when a patient is put in a magia stasis state, he will not wake up unless his raging magia is forcefully calmed down and that only happens when the patient"s magia is compressed, meaning when he is treated.

"C-could it be.... someone...treat her?"

"...T-that"s.... impossible..."

The two men said in disbelief.

"anyway, I"ll bring the young miss to the doctor and also report what happened here to the nurse station while I"m at it, so one of you needs stay here and wait for the magic officers to arrive while the other one shall carry this boy and come with me to the nurse station."

The two men once again look at each other but this time, they a.s.sign their roles peacefully and follow Ava"s order.

Ava turn to look at the scene of the parking lot one last time before turning back. Ignoring her wounds, she pushes Alisha"s wheelchair excitedly to get a doctor to check up on her expecting to hear good news.