Demon King App

Chapter 2

"Hey, Ben! stop playing with your magi-phone already!" A young man with a dark blue hair and sky-blue eyes said.

"Hmmmm? Just let me finish this okay, it"s a rank game so I can"t afford to quit." The young man with a short black hair and a robust looking body said.

"Huuuuh! It"s almost time dude! look all of our cla.s.smates have already gone to the school gym!" The man with a dark blue hair said angrily.

"Hmm? Oh yeah! Their wiped out! let"s push! time to end this!" Ben said with enthusiasm in his voice.

"Don"t f.u.c.kin hmm me! what will we do if sir come, he----"

"Oi! Bryson, Ben! What are you two still doing in here huh?!" A man with light brown hair wearing a casual clothing appear from the door.

"Oh, shi--" Bryson put his hand on his forehead looking like he"s having a headache while Ben hastily hide his magi-phone behind him.

The man with a light brown hair walks into them and look at Ben"s back. "Ooooh, I seeee, you two are playing huh?" The man said while raising his tightly closed fist and with a bulging vein in his head.

"N-no sir, I-it"s only B---"

"Yes sir, were BOTH playing sir!" Ben said straitening up his body.

"Wha!!?" Shocked at Ben"s announcement Bryson look at Ben.

"Wow, and your proud huuuh?" The man with a light brown hair said with a scary smile.

"N-no, l-like I sai----" Bryson tries to explain, but before he finished, a fist came down to his head and Ben"s, then the man drags the two of them out of the cla.s.sroom going into the school gym.


It"s been about a hundred years since the "Great Magic War", during that hundred years, the four great species enjoyed a time of stability, although there are still the threat of monsters, the inside of each existing city are safe from this threat due to the magic barrier that is covering every city.

In those hundred years, scientist which are now called "magic engineers" focused their research in merging the electronic technology and magia technology, as a result almost all of the electronic devices and appliances now are operated with the power of magia, although all of the technology available now in the present are no different from the technology of the past since the magic engineers focus on copying all of the old technology and only changing its power source, so, if you look closely you can see that there are almost no electronic devices left today.

The magi-phones today are also more advance compared to the first generation, since unlike the first generation which are more focus on magic casting, magi-phone now are like the smart phones from the past. There is also a huge difference between their functionality, such as.

1. Magi-phone uses the holders magia as a power source

2. Magi-phones uses telekinesis for phone calls

3. Contact numbers are replaced by the Telepath-print which is a magiwaves produced when a member of the four great species use a telepathy, and each individual produces a unique and impossible to reproduced ones.

4. Magi-phones can"t be stolen, this is because when an individual first activate a magi-phone, their telepath-print is engraved in it, making it impossible to be operated by others

5. When the user is given an approval by the developer, they can program a "magic sequence app (MSA)" in it, magic sequence app is a magic spell recorded into the magi-phone and can be activated in one touch.

6. The user can activate and use five MSA simultaneously.

7. A quick slot function is available that can hold 10 MSA

8. There is also a specialized combat magi-phone used by the military and police force which can activate magic using only telekinesis.

Because of this development there are almost no individual in the world who does not own a magi-phone in the present era.


"Okay, now that were complete, we can start the magic training" A light brown-haired man said while flashing a look at Ben and Bryson.

The light brown haired man wearing a casual clothes is "Cole Moss" a magic instructor in "Blue High Magic Academy", he is also a former "Military Magi Officer (MMO)" the official name of the military force of each species country, aside from the MMO there are also the "Magic Officers (MO)" which serves as the police force of the country.

"So, I want you to form a pair, each pair would fight each other using a non-lethal MSA approved by the "International Magic Council." Cole said while looking at each of his students in the eyes.

The International Magic Council (IMC) is an organization made up of representative from each of the four great species, they are the one responsible for making any law regarding the use of magic, an example of this is the "Civilians Magic Act" which is a law the prevents civilians from owning a "lethal MSA" unless he register it and get a license.

"Now, I don"t know if any one of you secretly owned an illegal lethal MSA, it is possible to hide it after all, but just know that if you are caught red handed you would be arrested by the "Magic officers". He gave a warning to his students and clap his hands. "Okay begin!!"

Ben and Bryson of course choose each other as sparring partners.

"Oh, I forgot to say, Ben, Bryson, you two are fighting me."



The two got so surprised that their eyes bulge and their jaws drop, these surprised is not only due to the sudden announcement, but also because they know how strong their teacher is.

"That"s not fair!!" Ben complained strongly.

"How so? You guys are fighting me two against one, if anything, it is unfair for me." Cole said calmly.

"You"re a former MMO G.o.dd.a.m.n it." Ben mutter to himself.

"And this is also a punishment for slacking in the cla.s.sroom." Cole said with a cruel smile.

"See, even you admit that this is a punishment." Ben said with an irritated voice.

"Besides, look at your partner." Cole said beckoning Ben to look back.

"Hmmm." when Ben look back, he saw Bryson standing in his place with a fierce smile plastered on his face."

"AAAARRRRGGGHHH!!!" Ben scratch his head with his two hands while screaming. "Fine! Seriously why do I need to get involved with two-battle maniacs." He complained while getting in position parallel to Cole, and then taking his stance.

Bryson follow behind Ben and also take his position; he then crosses his two hands in front of him while his right hand is holding his magi-phone.

Cole grab a small rock from ground and toss it in the air. When the rock hit the ground the three of them simultaneously activate their magi-phone and a surge of magia emanated from them, they then press their individual magi-phone and activate their chosen magic.

Ben activate strengthening magic and fortification magic in his whole body, he then rush into Cole throwing an magic empowered punch at him, Cole then pivot his body slightly facing Ben"s right side dodging the punch, on Cole"s back is the rushing Bryson a magic circle in his hand activating taser magic and then thrust it into Cole"s back.

A magic circle appears on the ground centering on Cole"s feet, the magic circle releases a spinning gust of wind surrounding Cole"s body for a moment and sending both Ben and Bryson flying in a different direction.

Bryson and Ben both touch their magi-phone activating deceleration magic to kill their momentum, however Cole didn"t miss the chance and rush into the still horizontally floating Ben and hit him in the chest using his palm slamming Ben"s body into the ground before Ben"s deceleration magic activate.

With Ben out of commission, Cole look back to search for Bryson, Bryson then appear flying from behind Cole and send a kick targeting Cole"s nape, before Bryson"s kick made contact, Cole duck his head and grab Bryson"s right leg intending to hurl him into the ground.

Before he hit the ground, Bryson Bend his body forward and send two wind bullets into Cole, seeing this, Cole let go of Bryson"s leg and cross his arms in front to protect his body.

The first bullet push Cole one meter back and the second send his two arms upward opening his guard, Bryson upon landing using his hands upside down twirl his body sending an accelerated kick into Cole"s stomach, but before the kick land, a magic barrier blocks the kick.

Then Cole grab Bryson"s leg, pull it, then kick Bryson"s body sending him flying and rolling into the ground. With both Bryson and Ben out of commission, the match ends.

Cole then spoke to the two. "First off, Ben, you need to learn to antic.i.p.ate your opponent"s next move, you realized that the reason you lost is because of your late activation of deceleration magic right? Listen, even using a specialize combat magi-phone, there is a slight delay in activation, furthermore the speed of telekinesis depends upon how much magia you use."

"And Bryson, I must say, you really have a good combat foresight, the only problem is your amount of magia, with only that battle you"re already exhausted, so if you truly want to be a MMO you need to learn how to control and use your magia more efficiently, it won"t help you but, I would say it is not impossible, although with your amount of magia it would be GRUELINGLY HARD, so prepare yourself.


Since there is still some time left for the lesson and with both Ben and Bryson not fit to continue magic training, Cole send them both on an errand as an additional punishment. Ben is tasked with cleaning their cla.s.sroom while Bryson is tasked with arranging the unused equipment on the storage room.

Bryson upon arriving at the bas.e.m.e.nt, let out a long sigh, he truly felt frustrated, not only because he loses, but also because of his scant amount of mana.

Bryson know from the very beginning that, with his amount of magia, it would be hard to reach his dream of being an MMO, but with a former MMO saying that himself, it hits him hard.

While thinking about his frustrations, he continues to arrange the unused stuffs in the storage room. That"s when he happens to see an old computer, it looks just like the computer used at the present, the only difference is that it is not magia powered.

Looking at it intently, he feels as if it is calling him, he approach the computer as if possessed and saw a USB cable, with his mind blank and like a puppet being controlled, Bryson grab the cable, he insert the other side to the computer and the other side to his magi-phone.

When Bryson came to, he looks around confused and saw the computer"s screen blinking and letting out a static. At the side of the computer is his magi-phone also blinking and letting static out, in panic, he grabs the magi-phone intending to pull the cable, but when he grabs the magi-phone a magic circle appears from below it and a text appear on the magi-phone screen.


He stares at it confused for a moment, and when what is happening finally registered into his brain, he suddenly felt panic, he then rapidly pulls the cable and once again look into the screen, unfortunately the text displayed is----


He then tries to uninstall it when suddenly it activated and he feel magia rushed out from his body.


Sweating in panic, he continues to press the screen.

[Soul connection stablishing...]

When Bryson saw the word SOUL, he panics and tries to throw his magi-phone.

[Soul connection stablished]

[a.s.similation starting now]

Before Bryson managed to throw his magi-phone he suddenly feel his consciousness being pulled from his body, then he feels as if his soul is being rip into pieces and st.i.tched back again, this process repeat itself over and over again that for Bryson it feels like an eternity, all this sudden pain rush into his head like a whirlwind which cause his sense of self to blackout.