Demon King App

Chapter 7

The day is, January 16, it"s been two days since Bryson regain consciousness. These past two days, Bryson spent his time trying to uninstall the Demon King App, he did it now for more than a hundred times, but every time, it always comes back accompanied by an arrogant laugh, which gives Bryson a headache and cause him to tap his feet into the floor due to frustration.

Bryson"s sister also came to visit every day, and she always bring him food to eat, easing his worries a little, of course this doesn"t mean that the hospital doesn"t provide their patients with food, his sister"s reason is "because the hospital"s food taste like nothing", or so she says. The doctor also came yesterday and announce that Bryson would be discharge by Sunday, which is a piece of good news for his tired mind, so, he excitedly tell this news to his sister, who eagerly takes care of his doc.u.ments, and so, Bryson will be able get out of the hospital early tomorrow morning.

Since he will be discharge tomorrow, Bryson now leisurely walks around the hospital"s courtyard trying to ignore the voice in his head.

[So, where are we going today human? You"re not gonna try to get rid of me today?] With a projecting voice, the Demon king snorts at Bryson.

"Aaaah! So annoying!" Bryson tries to act indifferent, but he can"t stop himself from having a pinched expression.

[What you"re trying to ignore me? How unfortunate, I can sense your annoyance you know? Hahahahahahaha.]


[Oh, there it is! He"s clicking his tongue! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.]

While the Demon king is annoying the heck out of him, Bryson suddenly saw the figure of a familiar girl, she is drinking a juice on a bench near the vending machine.

"Yo, Alisha, you doing fine?" Having found a way to take his mind of the Demon king, Bryson greet Alisha with the intention of starting a conversation.

[Oh, that"s the girl from other day isn"t it?] The Demon king interjects, but Bryson continues to ignore him.

When Alisha notice Bryson"s presence, she shows a beaming smile. "Oh, Bryson, I haven"t seen you for a while, you"ve been busy? And I"m fine by the way."

[What a lovely la.s.s.]

Paying no mind to the voice, Bryson answer Alisha. "Yeah, I"ve been busy trying to get rid of an annoying man lately, by the way do you come here every day since that time?"

"An annoying man?" She asks with a frown.

Bryson smiles at her question and sit beside Alisha.

[You won"t tell her?] With a giggle, the Demon king ask with a high pitch voice.

Seeing Bryson"s reaction, Alisha narrow her eyes at him, but decides to stop prying in his affairs. "Yeah, I finally got permission from my guardian so I"m quite free to move for a few days now, she also gives me money every day so I came here to buy some juice."

"Don"t tell me, you"re trying to have a taste of all the flavors that the vending machine has to offer?" Rapidly blinking his eyes and staring at Alisha, Bryson ask with a voice full of wonder.

Alisha freeze in her place after hearing Bryson"s statement, and with her ears turning red, she asks. "I-is it really that obvious?"

With a soft expression, Bryson answer. "Well, considering the fact the you said you come here every day, and not to mention your guardian is giving you money, anyone would come to the same conclusion."

[Heh, your quite sharp human.] The Demon king said with a slight admiration.

Hearing Bryson"s answer, Alisha"s whole face turned bright red, and after a moment of awkward silence, she finally speaks. "B-by the way Bryson, h-how"s your health?"


"Shut up!" Of course, Bryson also noticed Alisha"s intentions to change the subject, nevertheless, Bryson pay it no mind. "My health"s been improving, in fact, I"m going to be discharge tomorrow."

Alisha"s shoulder drooped at that, and she stare down at her hands. "I-I see, you"re going to be discharge huh?"

Seeing Alisha"s reaction, Bryson opens his mouth but closed it again. Bryson knew full well about Alisha"s condition, she tell him herself after all, that"s why he can"t even offer any words of consolation for he knows it would only be empty words, so, he chose to stay silent instead.

After Alisha regains her composure, she speaks again. "It"s a little weird but, can I ask a question?"

"Hmmmm? Sure." Raising his eyebrows Bryson give his consent.

Alisha is a little hesitant, even so, she gathers her courage and ask. "If someone suddenly tells you that you"re going to die, what will you do?"

"Wha?!!" With his mouth falling open, Bryson let out a gasp.

Still shocked at the sudden question, Bryson looks at Alisha"s face, but upon seeing Alisha"s serious face, he decides to give her his honest answer.

After having a deep breath, Bryson speak. "Well, first off, I"m going to search for a possible solution."

"What if you didn"t find one?"

"It depends, if it is truly impossible, I"ll accept my fate, but if there is even a small chance, I would struggle to the last."

"Even, if you die in trying?"

"Even if I die trying."

[The with this depressing conversation?]

"Shut up! You"re ruining the mood!" Bryson can"t help but complain in his mind.

"Why? It might all end up vain, so why struggle?" Alisha ask, her hands trembling.

"Because if there is a chance, I rather die trying than sitting my a.s.s off waiting for my fate." Bryson answer with a steady resolved voice.

[Are ya talking about getting rid of me? No use kid! Give it up!]

"I see." With a confident and radiant smile, Alisha answer with a relaxed look on her face.

Pausing to examine Alisha, Bryson ask. "So, why do you ask such questions?"

"N-nothing really! Hahaha" Raising her voice, Alisha refuse to answer.

[She"s obviously hiding something.]

"I know, so shut up already!" Bryson narrow his eyes in suspicion because of Alisha"s answer, but before he manages to inquire any further a woman came walking into them.

Noticing the woman, Alisha lean her body forward and call the woman"s name. "Ava!"

Smiling, the woman politely speaks to Alisha. "Young miss, it"s time to go back into your room, it"s time for lunch.

"Oh, sorry, I lose track of time." Alisha said with an apologetic face.

"I see." Ava answer looking at Bryson.

[Oh, this woman has some nice body.]

"Seriously, that"s what you noticed first?" Having heard the Demon king"s remarks, Bryson express a stiff smile.

"Oh, Ava, this is my friend Bryson. Bryson, this is my guardian Ava." With a wide grin on her face, Alisha introduce Bryson to Ava.

[So, Ava"s the name.] The demon king said with an amused tone.

Surprised by the sudden introduction, Bryson"s posture stiffens and he held out his right hand, asking for a hand shake. "I-I"m Bryson Brooks, n-nice to meet you."

Focusing her gaze at Bryson and grinning at him, Ava shakes his hand. "I see, so this is the man that the young miss is talking about."

"W-what are you saying Ava?!" Alisha complains with a flushed face.

[Oho, interesting]

"Oh, nothing really, I"m just reminded of how young miss enthusiastically tell me the story of how she met a fascinating young man." Ava said with a wide grin on her face.

"O-oh, never mind that, l-lets go already Ava, hahahahaha." Sweating profusely, Alisha pull Ava away. "Bye, Bye Bryson, I hope we can meet again." Alisha said smiling and waving her right hand.

Bryson watch Alisha and Ava enter the eastern building. "Young miss huh? and that is the VIP building, so she"s really came from a rich family."

[Aaahaa, she"s gone.] The Demon king said with a heavy sigh.

After they disappear from his sight, Bryson turn around and return to his room while the Demon king is still complaining about not seeing Ava for a little longer.


On the afternoon, around 4pm that day, Bryson walks around the visitor"s area of the hospital trying to take his mind off from the voice that continues to p.i.s.sed him off. He noticed that the hospitals staff are pacing around restless with a grave expression plastered on their face.

Curious Bryson walks around trying to find someone to ask what happened, when on the far corner of the visitor"s area he saw a familiar face.

"Miss Ava?" Bryson saw Ava gazing downward, her hair covering her face. her shoulders quaking, and clutching her trembling arms into her chest.

Seeing that sight, a bad premonition wash over Bryson"s mind. While hearing the loud palpitation of his heart and feeling his quickening ragged breaths, Bryson walks toward Ava.

After taking a calming breath and closing his eyes, Bryson finally ask the shaking Ava. "M-miss Ava, right? C-can I ask...w-what happen?"

When Ava finally lift her head and look at him, Bryson saw her pallid face and her eyes quivering with tears. When he recognizes Bryson, she quickly turns back and tries to leave.

Without letting her take a single step forward, Bryson grabs Ava"s arms and once again ask resolutely. "What happen?"

Her faced turned away, and without looking at Bryson, Ava finally speak with a shaky voice that seems about to breakdown. "I-it"s about....t-the young....m-miss."

Bryson keep his mouth shut and with a bated breath, wait for Ava to continue.

Gnashing her teeth and with a hoa.r.s.e voice Ava continues. "...T-the.... young....m-miss.... s-she"s.... p-put.... i-into. magia stasis."