Demon King App

Chapter 14

[Schools are sooooo boooriiing!]

On the second floor of a third story building in the Blue High Magic Academy is Bryson trying to ignore the complaining Demon king while doing his best to listen to his teacher"s discussion.

"d.a.m.n it, it"s already been weeks and this guy still complains."

That"s right, it"s been exactly three weeks since the hospital incident and Bryson is now back to his daily routine of going to school to continue his studies.

During the past few weeks after the incident, Bryson tries to return to his peaceful everyday life and forget about the hospital incident. Unfortunately for him, the Demon King keep pestering him without so much as a pause which ruined his plans on having a peaceful daily life.

Bryson ma.s.sages the temple of his head as if he"s having a headache. "Seriously, this accursed app is useful during that hospital incident, but it is so annoying to spend every single day of my life listening to this complaining voice."

Ever since Bryson is discharge, the Demon King keep complaining to him about how weak is his body and how he must fulfill his end of the bargain. Of course Bryson respond by saying that it is not his problem if the Demon King failed to take over his body and argue that he held his end of the bargain and that it is the Demon king fault for failing that time, but the Demon King ignore him and instead change the target of his complaints into Bryson"s activities, he keeps complaining and commenting on every little detail that Bryson does.

During the first few days, Bryson stubbornly tries to get rid of the app, he tried everything he can"t possibly do such as formatting his phone multiple times, but the accursed thing keeps on coming back every single time. Bryson even tried to investigate the origin of the computer that is the supposed source of the app in the hopes of finding a solution on how to get rid of it, he approaches all the long time school staffs including some teachers, but much Bryson"s surprise, forget knowing about the origin of the computer, no one even knows when all of that junk on the storage room came to be, it seems like the computer predates all of the current school staffs so no one can even give him a clue.

After a few days of investigation Bryson finally give up on getting rid of the app and instead focus on discovering some of its function. First he discovered that it had a lot of features and functions, but a lot of it is still marked with [????] , after digging some more he found out that there are certain requirements to unlock the said features, but the app did not even provide some explanation on how to unlock the said functions which made Bryson question himself on how the h.e.l.l would he unlock those if he doesn"t even know how.

Giving up on trying to obtain information on the unknown features, Bryson turn his attention on the unlocked features. The first thing that capture his attention is the [Demon Soul Advisor] feature, Bryson theorize that this feature might be the first feature to be unlocked since this feature is the reason why he can hear that annoying voice in his head, there is a function underneath this feature called [Demon Soul"s Visual] which materialize the Demon king"s appearance on the magi-phone"s screen, the [Demon Soul"s Visual] can be turned off, unfortunately the [Demon Soul Advisor] is a pa.s.sive feature that cannot be turned off, of course Bryson tried his best to try to find a way to turn it off, but the voice just laugh at him saying that it is impossible since it is the core feature of the app, Bryson in his anger turned off the [Demon Soul"s Visual] which cause the Demon king to annoy him even more.

The next feature is the [Soul Setting], there are three options in this feature, the other one is still locked, but the unlocked one is familiar to Bryson, it reads [Soul Possession] , yes, the very function that saved Bryson"s life and the cause of the miracle that free Alisha from her disease. Bryson"s feelings is complicated in regards to this feature, although it once help him in his time of crisis it does not change the fact the Demon king might possess if this feature is activated, fortunately, the [Soul Possession] option is unusable for now, it seems like the conditions for its activation isn"t met yet, although Bryson have no idea what the conditions are, of course he is also curious about the two locked features, but he can"t find any information yet so he give up on it and turn his attention to the other unlocked features.

"What are those other features again?" Without him being aware of it, Bryson got distracted so by his thoughts that he loses his focus and completely ignores the lesson and his surroundings.

"Oi Bryson... Bryson heloooo... Bryson! BRYSON!" Bryson got pulled back in the reality by his friend Ben who screamed his name into his ears.

"Ow! W-what?!"

"Sigh. You finally wake up from your day dreams... So, what is it you are dreaming about to the point that you failed to notice that it"s already lunch time and the teacher leaving this room?

"N-nothing, I"m just thinking of the lesson r-really."

"Hoho, you sure you"re not thinking about a woman?"

A certain girl he met at the hospital flash into Bryson"s mind.

"O-of course not!!" Bryson stand from his chair reflexively.

[Human, you"re being too obvious.] The Demon King interjects with an exasperated voice.

Seeing this reaction, Ben"s mouth curve into a smirk. "Ooh, quite interesting. Why not tell the whole story to me?"

"L-like I said, it"s not like that! C-come on let"s eat already. We need some energy for the next cla.s.s."

"You sure you don"t want to share it to me?"

"It"s nothing okay! Come on let"s go already." Bryson said while pushing his still smiling friend to the canteen.

[What, still can"t move on from that kissing incident? What a weak-minded man.]

"Shut up, this all your fault!"