Demon's Diary

Chapter 1213: Underwater of the Deadly Island

Chapter 1213: Underwater of the Deadly Island

On the second day, the old man surnamed Yan came to Liu Ming’s small courtyard early in the morning with a complicated expression; he was a little expectation and a little anxious too.

“Fortunately, I didn’t fail on your expectation.”

Seeing the old man surnamed Yan’s expression, Liu Ming raised one hand and handed over out the upper grade soul-recovering bag containing the flying silver zombie and the bone-white token to the old man surnamed Yan.

The old man surnamed Yan was overjoyed. He hurriedly took the token, chanted and waved his hand. A silver light flashed, and the flying silver zombie appeared in the hall.

Seeing the changes in the flying silver zombie and the powerful aura emanating from it, the old man surnamed Yan was stunned for a moment, then he revealed a look of ecstasy.

The old man surnamed Yan hurriedly made gestures to control the flying silver zombie. He really found that there was no difficulty at all, which made him exhilarated.

“I have set up a special enchantment on this token. As long as the token is refined, anyone can control this flying silver corpse.” Liu Ming said lightly.

“That’s great. I’ve been worrying that once I die, no one will be able to restrain this silver corpse. Now I can finally breathe a sigh of relief. Elder Liu, thank you for thinking for our sect.” The old man surnamed Yan said gratefully.

“It’s nothing!” Liu Ming waved his hand.

“By the way, there is one more thing! Yuanmo Sect, Huayi Sect and other sects have sent a message, intending to hold a high-level meeting of the Alliance in the near future to discuss the future development of the Yunchuan Alliance. I wonder if Elder Liu is interested in partic.i.p.ating?” The old man hesitated for a moment and asked.

“I will let Brother Yan take care of these matters.” Liu Ming said with a frown.

“Alright, then I will take care of it.” The old man surnamed Yan agreed with some disappointment.

Next, the old man surnamed Yan was eager to test the strength of the flying silver zombie, so he soon found a reason to leave.

Liu Ming stood up, turned around and walked toward his secret room.

Now that the entire Savage Ghost Sect was thriving, there was no need for him to worry too much. This could be regarded as fulfilling his promise to Yin Liu at that time.

Right now, with his Real Pellet State later stage cultivation, it was even more difficult to make progress in this resource-poor Yunchuan Continent.

However, in a short time now, it seemed that there was no way to return to the Middle Sky Continent.

Thinking of this, his complexion became uncertain…

Half a month later.

In the living room of the small courtyard, Liu Ming was sitting at a table by the window, drinking spiritual tea alone and thinking about something with a pensive look.

Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps, and a graceful figure walked into the small courtyard.

“Ruping, how is the study on that tablet?” Liu Ming looked up and asked with a slight smile.

“Brother Ming, I have already repaired this tablet, but the teleportation patterns on it are quite complicated. I have thought hard for a long time and tried many methods, but I still can’t activate the runes in the center.”

Hearing this, Qian Rupin showed some unwillingness, took out the gray tablet from the storage ring, and handed it to Liu Ming.

After Liu Ming took over the tablet, he found that the tablet looked much more complete than before. The damaged parts had been repaired as if it was new, but the whole tablet was still dull.

Liu Ming looked at the tablet for a while, then he shook his head and sighed softly.

Qian Rupin’s accomplishments in the arrays were already much higher than him. Since she had no way, there was really no way to return to the Middle Sky Continent immediately.

“By the way, I heard that your Master’s Junior Ye Tianmei disappeared in the early years. Do you know what happened?” Liu Ming suddenly thought of something and asked suddenly.

“It turns out that Brother Ming has been thinking about Master’s Junior Tianmei.” Qian Rupin murmured when she heard this.

“If you know anything, tell me everything. I’m going to go out to find her traces and see if there are any clues.” Liu Ming said noncommittally.

“Brother Ming, if you take me with you when you leave the sect, then I will tell you everything I know.” Hearing that Liu Ming was leaving Savage Ghost Sect, Qian Rupin said with her eyes rolling.

“That’s no problem. I asked Zhang Xiuniang about your Master’s Junior Tianmei before, and she only knew the general situation.” Liu Ming replied after thinking for a while.

Hehe, Brother Ming, you are really asking the right person. I do know a little more than Senior Sister Apprentice Xiuniang. Master’s Junior Tianmei seemed to have found out some important news that day, then she went out alone. According to the secret information I knew, she suddenly lost contact in Phoenix Chip Mountain. As for the exact reason why Master’s Junior Tianmei left, I’m not very clear. There are very few people who know this news.” Qian Hearing this, Rupin confessed everything.

Oh, let’s go to the Phoenix Chrip Mountain. By the way, before we go, let’s go to the mineral vein under the sea and repair the array.”

With a wave of Liu Ming’s hand, a gray light shot out from his sleeve, followed by a rumbling sound. He put away all the enchantments in the secret room, then he flew toward the Sea Region with Qian Rupin.

Phoenix Chirp Mountain was located more than 10,000 miles away from the east of Chuzhou County in the Great Xuan Kingdom. It was composed of 8 mountains surrounding a main peak. Every 20 years, there were bursts of phoenix chirps and fire sparks from the main peak, so it was named Phoenix Chirp Mountain by the local people.

The mountain was spa.r.s.ely populated, but the spirit was much more abundant than other barren mountains. It was a rare place for cultivation. Some casual cultivators often went into the mountain to find some good places to practice alone.

However, most of these people would not climb too high, because above the mountainsides, ferocious beastkins would appear, but there were also a lot of spiritual herbs and spiritual items. So, many cultivators often took the risk of falling to look for treasures above the Phoenix Chirp Mountain.

At this point, more than a month had pa.s.sed since the Sea Emperor Palace battle.

At the mountainside of the main peak of the Phoenix Chirp Mountain, a young man in a green robe and another girl in a white shirt were flying up the mountain.

Not long after, they came to a platform on the mountain peak. Qian Rupin looked at a pale silver disk array in her hand and said,

“Brother Ming, it seems that Master’s Junior Ye is not here anymore.”

“It’s true that there’s no sign of her here. Besides, it’s a bit strange that I haven’t seen a single beastkin along the way.” Liu Ming said with a slight frown.

“Could it be that there really is the rumored spiritual phoenix here? Could it be that Master’s Junior Ye also disappeared after encountering this divine bird?” Qian Rupin’s face was uncertain for a while.

“This spiritual phoenix is ​​just some rumors of ordinary people. I just scanned with Divine Thought, and I didn’t find the slightest trace of powerful spiritual beings here.” Liu Ming said slowly.

“Brother Ming is right. Master’s Junior Ye just lost contact here. Maybe she had left here long ago. We might as well go around and see if we can find some other clues.” Qian Rupin suggested.

Liu Ming did not reply. He was looking at the Great Xuan Kingdom in the distance. His thoughts seemed to return to the time when he escaped from Deadly Island that day. At the age of 14, he escaped from Deadly Island alone. It had been more than a hundred years.

Thinking of this, Liu Ming suddenly remembered that Deadly Island was only a few hundred miles away from the Phoenix Chirp Mountain here. It could be reached almost instantly for him.

Now he was no longer the boy who ran away desperately, but recalling the giant monster that Deadly Island transformed into at that time, even with his current experience, he had never seen such a huge monster in the Middle Sky Continent and the deepest underworld.

He immediately released Divine Thought to search the sea area where Deadly Island was located, but he found that the sea area was now empty. He couldn’t detect the exact location of the Deadly Island before.

“Ruping, the deserted island where my Uncle Qian was imprisoned is nearby, do you want to have a look it?” Liu Ming suddenly turned around and said to Qian Rupin.

“Brother Ming, I was still young at that time and I didn’t know what happened, but I heard that this island seems to be gone?” Qian Rupin was surprised.

“That’s right, that Deadly Island was actually transformed by a gigantic monster.” Liu Ming recalled the scene of Deadly Island turning into a giant monster flying away and said with lingering fear.

“Giant monster? What kind of spiritual beast is the giant monster?” Qian Rupin was startled, and she hurriedly asked.

“I’m afraid it’s not just as simple as a spiritual beast. A giant monster that can transform into a small island is more than hundreds of times larger than a normal spiritual beast. It appeared extremely ferocious after waking up, almost devouring the people on the entire island. At that time, we also narrowly escaped after many twists and turns.” Liu Ming’s face gradually turned gloomy when he said this.

“In that case, let’s go and have a look.” Qian Rupin seemed to understand something and suggested in a low voice.

Only then did Liu Ming nod. He brought Qian Rupin toward the place where the Deadly Island was.

About 10 minutes later, above an endless ocean, a black light descended from the sky.

Poof“, after a splash of water, the sea returned to normal.

The depths of the seabed where Deadly Island was originally located was now a huge cave with a size of tens of miles. The cave was extremely dark, and there were all kinds of seaweeds growing nearby.

“Is this where Deadly Island was?” Qian Rupin said, looking at the huge hole with a doubtful face.

Liu Ming released Divine Thought to investigate the nearby terrains. He found a very weak spiritual power fluctuation faintly coming from the giant cave, but this spiritual power fluctuation was extremely subtle. It was difficult for ordinary people to detect, but it couldn’t hide from Liu Mng’s powerful Divine Thought.

“Let’s go to the depths of the giant cave to see what seems to be inside.” Liu Ming said.

Although with Qian Rupin’s current cultivation, she couldn’t detect any abnormality at all, she still nodded obediently.

So they walked slowly into the depths of the giant cave along the edge.

After pa.s.sing through a dark corridor, a long and narrow trench appeared in front. The gray stone walls on both sides of the trench were covered with patches of green seaweed.

The stone wall looked rough, but it felt smooth to the touch.

They walked along the trench. In the depths, they found a very open seabed platform. The water on the platform was rippling. It was full of blue light. All kinds of strange fishes came and went. The scene was magnificent.

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