Demon's Diary

Chapter 491: Planning

Chapter 491: Planning

At this moment, the sky above the battle group suddenly fluctuated. A white-faced young man wearing a black robe suddenly appeared. He waved and launched several purple rays at the fire wolves surrounding the boulder.

“Puff puff puff“, eight red fire wolves were pierced by purple rays and laid dead on the ground after a moan.

The white-faced young man changed his gestures, and the purple rays gathered and condensed into a purple light ball of the size of a head. It spun fanatically in the air.

The fire spirits who were facing the two outer disciples seemed to detect something was wrong. After a shrill, the flames all over their body lit up, turning into two groups of scarlet flames that fled backward.

At this moment, the purple light ball burst open with a m.u.f.fled sound. Countless purple light filaments blasted from it, covering the flame at once and opened up many holes on it.

The fire spirit corpse with countless holes immediately fell from the sky.

The young man in black robe waved his hand, and the purple lights all over the sky blasted back and disappeared into his sleeves. He then turned around and asked Liu Ming calmly, “I’m Chen Deng from the Fengling Courtyard, may I know who you two are?”

“It turns out to be Senior Fellow Apprentice Chen, I’m Liu Ming from the Piaohong Courtyard; this is Zang Xuan. Do you know where everyone else is?” Liu Ming saw that all the fire spirits were killed, he and Zang Xuan stopped a hundred meters away and asked with flickering eyes.

“Hehe, since the two of you can get here, you must have discovered the anomaly of this Small Flame World. Now the other disciples have gathered dozens of people nearby. They are just outside the canyon not far in front. I’m here to patrol in this vicinity, kill some fire spirit and gather the disciples who come later.” The white-faced young man kept the purple needle spiritual weapon and said with a slight smile.

“Oh, Senior Fellow Apprentice Chen, please lead the way.” Liu Ming cupped his fist.

“Junior Fellow Apprentice Song, you will take them to the place where everyone gathers to take a short rest. You don’t need to come here again. I will stay here for a while to see if anyone comes here. If no, I will go back soon.” The white-faced young man said to the red-haired young man with a commanding tone.

“Yes, Senior Fellow Apprentice Chen, please take care.” The three cupped their fists at the white-faced young man and left.

Then Liu Ming and Zang Xuan followed these three people into the air and flew in a certain direction.

After about 15 minutes, Liu Ming faintly saw a huge canyon shrouded in red clouds dozens of miles away. They landed at the foot of a mountain below.

On a fairly hidden flat ground there, there were around sixty Taiqing Sect disciples there.

Some were sitting or standing; some were grouped up, whispering in a low voice; some were meditating with their eyes closed to restore their spiritual power.

A pair of young man and woman in the corner caught Liu Ming’s attention. It was Yan Ming and Xue Yun.

Their robes were a bit tattered, and they looked even paler. They obviously had a lot of fierce battles along the way to get here.

Seeing this, Liu Ming didn’t walk over. He just nodded from a distance, then he and Zang Xuan simply found a place to sit cross-legged.

Yan Ming and Liu Ming naturally saw Liu Ming. Both of them showed a hint of joy.

For those who had seen Liu Ming’s strength, the appearance of Liu Ming naturally meant that they were safer.

Zang Xuan also found a high ground to meditate with eyes-closed on his own.

About half a day later, Chen Deng and several other disciples, who had gone out to gather the remaining disciples, also returned to the gathering place one after another.

After a while, a dark-skinned man wearing a green robe suddenly stood out from the crowd. He walked to the middle place, then he took out a jade-white dis spiritual weapon, threw it up and launched several symbols into the disc.

At the next moment, the disc quickly spun in the air, and it made a hissing soft sound.

Immediately, there were light spots appearing in the surrounding, and they gathered quickly around the disk.

After a few seconds, the disc became brighter like a scorching fireball that hovered above everyone’s heads.

When the dark-skinned man saw this, he changed his gesture abruptly.


The fireball suddenly shone in bright light and emitted more than ten dazzling lights.

After a while, the flames in the air burst apart in a flash, and the disc spun for several times and fell into his hands again.

The disciples around were already awakened by this young man’s behavior. They all looked at him curiously.

After seeing this scene, Liu Ming also showed a thoughtful look in his eyes.

“Fellow apprentice, I just tested the natural aura of Small Flame World. I found that it is extremely inconsistent with the information I got. The fire attribute spirit here is obviously richer and more violent than those recorded in the cla.s.sics.” This person looking at the disc in his hand explained to everyone around him.

“Fire attribute spirit is more than several times violent? No wonder those fire spirit beasts are all so violent!”

“Those fire spirits encountered on the way also mutated because of this.”

“We can’t communicate with the outside world at this moment, is it also related to this?”

When the dark-skinned young man said this, he made a commotion in the crowd.

“A few days ago, I caught a fire spirit alive, performed soul search on it, and got some vague information. It seems that the abnormal change here has never happened before. It has only started recently.”Among the crowd, a short young man with a pale yellow face suddenly said something like this.

“I also heard from the master before. Generally speaking, the secret realm has existed for thousands of years, and the natural aura has reached a certain balance within it. If there is no major change, it will not have any abnormal change in a short time. Unless… some kind of treasure has appeared or a powerful person above Celestial State casts spells and fights with others, it may cause the natural aura of the entire secret realm to be disordered.” The dark-skinned young man thought for a moment and came to this conclusion.

The words “Treasure and Celestial State” made everyone take a deep breath and whispered at each other.

What kind of existent was Celestial State? There were only a few people of such realm in the entire Taiqing Sect. It was naturally impossible to find such an existence in this secret realm, Small Flame World.

It was most likely that a most precious treasure had appeared!

Liu Ming was surprised when he heard it.

No matter what the treasure that caused the Small Flame World’s natural aura to change, its value could be imagined. It was enough for countless cultivators to risk their lives for it.

“If such a precious treasure is born, then this phenomenon can be explained. Whenever a precious treasure appears, there will surely be abnormality. This treasure should also be a fire attribute item, which is why it can cause such a huge change in fire attribute spirit and enrage the spirit beasts in this place.” It was Chen Deng, the young man in black robe who had previously met Liu Ming and others.

“If a treasure is really appearing in this Small Flame World, it will mostly be at the place with the richest fire attribute spirit. That is the largest fire spirit tribe. These fire spirits control the fire spirit beasts to a.s.sault us because they want to protect this treasure. They want to stop us from coming to this central area.” Hearing this, the dark-skinned man said slowly.

After hearing the conversation between the two of them, the surrounding disciples seemed to understand the reason in it and nodded one after another.

“However, according to the sect’s regulations, in this case, if you get this treasure in the secret territory of the sect, you must turn it to the sect. However, as a reward, the sect will also reward an astonishing amount of contribution points which is enough to let us divide evenly.” Chen Deng said with flickering blinking eyes.

Hearing that the treasure was going to be handed over to the sect, the disciples were naturally disappointed. But when they heard that there would be a lot of contribution points, many people were moved by it.

After Liu Ming listened, he was also a little moved, but he still felt strange for the fire spirits gaining intelligence all of sudden.

However, seeing that all the others were tempted, he didn’t speak. He still sat cross-legged to slowly recover his spiritual power.

“The canyon ahead is the largest fire spirit tribe in the Small Flame World, but according to the senior fellow apprentices who came to this entry trial in the past, there should be only more than two hundred fire spirits. Most of them are left outside. We have around seventy people now. After taking some rest to recover our spiritual power to the peak, under normal circ.u.mstances, we may be able to take down all the fire spirits in one move. But the troublesome thing is the fire clouds above the canyon. Fire spirit’s power will be buffed by half as compared to outside.” The dark-skinned man looked at the fiery red clouds floating in the direction of the canyon in the distance, and said with a slight frown.

They had already explored that area before. The fire spirit tribe in the canyon was all covered by the billowing fire clouds. Creatures other than fire spirits and fire spirit beasts that entered the area, not only their strength were greatly suppressed, those fire spirits and fire spirit beasts were even enhanced in there.

“Senior Fellow Apprentice Lin, don’t worry about that! I have a way to expel the clouds temporarily.” Chen Deng said with a smile when he heard this.

“Oh? What way do you have to expel the fire clouds?” Hearing this, the dark-skinned man seemed to be happy, but his eyes flashed coldly.

Generally speaking, the disciples of Condensation Period who could be selected into the outer courtyard, their cultivation was mostly around the early and the intermediate stage of the Condensation Period. Those who were at the later stage of the Condensation Period were only a few. Most of them had some special reasons, so they joined Taiqing Sect’s outer door so late.

As for the Condensation Period later stage disciples here, he and Chen Deng were the only one. Therefore, most of the disciples naturally let them be the leaders subconsciously.

That’s why there was a strange situation where no other disciples stood up and let them talk.

“To be honest, I have been studying about array since young. I think I have a minor success in it, and I have mastered some arrays that can control clouds of different attributes. The fire clouds are also included in it. Although I know the method to set it up, the area of this canyon is too big. I need twenty people to be the array cores in order to maintain this array.” Chen Deng coughed lightly and explained.