Deva Wizard

Chapter 3

Translator: Vorpal

Tian Long continued to meditate. He aimed to reach the third level of Pran Gathering by the time the sun sets.

The strange energy slowly went inside Tian Long’s body. Inside, Merlin’s memory, this energy is called “Mana”. If someone can tap into this power, they can use the power of Magic.

Magic consists of 6 main elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, Light, and Dark unlike Tian Long’s hometown which has two more elements: Gold and Wood.

People who can tap into the power of magic will be called “Pract.i.tioner”. Once they can use magic, a symbol will appear on a part of their body. If they are at the “Pract.i.tioner” level, a single line will appear on their body. If they are at the “Mage” level, two lines will appear on their body.(TL Note: If you wish to see all the cultivation levels, take a look at Deva Wizard’s ToC at the top right of the page.)

Tian Long is in fact, gathering Mana into his body and converting it into Pran. By doing this, he was able to reach the peak of 1st level of Pran Gathering and preparing to breakthrough to the 2nd level of Pran Gathering.

Suddenly, something unexpected happen

A sudden wave of familiar energy entered Tian Long’s body and made a complete cycle of circulation. Then, all the hair of Tian Long stood erect, this is not Mana, this is Pran, only cultivators could sense this. This Pran is also the one emitted by those of the “Blooming Pran” level.

Heaven! I should not be the only cultivator here then.

In the past, it took 300 years for Tian Long to reach the Bloming Pran level. But with this place’s environment, it would take at most 50 years to reach this level.

Meeting another cultivator here is not a good thing. The fact that the person is at the “Blooming Pran” level made it even worst. If that person discovers him, something bad would happen.

When a person embarks on the path of power, the reason behind every action is for one’s benefits. Rarely, does one do something without considering about their benefits. In the past, when he was at the peak of the Dao, only 4 people were at the same level as him. Anyone below, his level, he didn’t put in his eyes. The younger generation called him “Patriarch”. He could split the seas with a wave of his hand, no one dared to challenge him.

Everyone cultivates differently. There are ways to cultivate quickly. That is to keep gathering Pran until it reaches the 9th level and condense it and integrate it in one’s roots.

If another pract.i.tioner takes the roots of another pract.i.tioner, they can slowly extract out the energy and integrate it into their body. This will increase their cultivation speed by several folds.

Even though this way of cultivating is evil, it is still the fastest way but in Tian Long’s previous world, not many people use it because one must be at the Blooming Pran level and if other cultivators find out, they will work together to kill that person. Because of this, this way of practicing slowly disappeared.

Tian Long does not know how many cultivators are out there to extinguish the cultivators of the evil path. If Tian Long were to encounter the evil path cultivator, he would definitely die.

When he thought of it, fear rose out of his heart. He has just started cultivating. If he were to encounter other cultivators, he would be defenseless, thus, he decided to never tell anyone.

“Merlin, time to eat”

The voice of May woke Tian Long up from his trance. After he cultivated up to 7th level of Pran Gathering at the age of 35, he never touched normal human good again. Right now, he is only at the peak of 1st level of Pran Gathering. He has to eat and drink.

Hah! He sighed heavily.

“Yes, I will go out now” He must live life as a normal child as realistically as possible. Once he becomes strong enough as a cultivator, he will no longer hide his ident.i.ty.


Translator’s Note:

Short chapter. My editor is still gone, don’t worry, I’ll go hunt him down later.