Dick Prescott's Second Year at West Point

Chapter 27

At the long table sat, in full-dress uniform, and with their swords on, the thirteen Army officers of varying ranks who composed the court.

At one side of the room sat the cadet witnesses. These were three in number. Mr. Dunstan and Mr. Gray were there as the two men who had occupied blackboards on either side of Prescott the Friday forenoon before. Cadet Dodge was there to give testimony concerning the handkerchief episode in the area of barracks before the sections had marched off to math.

Captain Abbott, of course, was there, to testify to facts of his knowledge. Never had there been a more reluctant witness than that same Captain Abbott, but he had his plain duty to do as an Army officer detailed at the United States Military Academy.

Lieutenant Topham and d.i.c.k, on entering, had turned toward the table reserved for counsel.

For a moment, d.i.c.k Prescott had raised his face to the gallery.

There he beheld Mrs. Bentley, Laura and Belle, all gazing down at him with smiling, friendly faces.

d.i.c.k could not send them a formal greeting. But he looked straight into the eyes of each in turn. His smile was steady, clear and full of courage. His look carried in it his appreciation of their loyal friendship.

Among the visitors there were also the wives of a few Army officers stationed on the post. Nearly all of these knew Prescott, and were interested in his fate.

Among the spectators up there was one heavily veiled woman whom d.i.c.k could not see from the floor as he entered the room. Nor did that woman, who had drawn back, intend that he should see her.

The president of this court-martial called it promptly to order.

The members of the court were sworn, then the judge-advocate took his military oath. It was then announced that the accused cadet wished to have Lieutenant Topham represent him as counsel.

To this there was no objection.

In a twinkling the judge-advocate was again on his feet, a copy of the charge and specifications in his hand.

Facing the president of the court, standing rigidly at attention, his face expressionless, his bearing every whit that of the soldier, Cadet Richard Prescott listened to the reading of the accusation of dishonor.

In an impressive tone the president of the court asked what plea the accused cadet wished to enter.

"The accused offers, to the charge and specifications, a blanket plea of "not guilty,"" replied Lieutenant Topham.

Captain Abbott was first called and sworn. In concise, soldierly language the instructor told the events of the preceding Friday forenoon. He described the dropping of the slip of paper, and of his request that it be handed to him. "The paper," continued the witness, "contained a crude, brief outline of the demonstration which Mr. Prescott had just explained so satisfactorily that I had marked him 2.9."

"Which is within one tenth of the highest marking?" suggested the judge-advocate.

"Yes, sir."

"Had you noted anything in Mr. Prescott conduct or performance at the blackboard that indicated any uncertainty, at any time, about the problem he was demonstrating?"

"When he had gone a little way with the writing down of the demonstration," replied Captain Abbott, "Mr. Prescott hesitated for some moments, then asked permission to erase, which was given."

"Did he then go straight ahead with his work?"

"To the best of my observation and remembrance, he did, sir."

"Had Mr. Prescott been doing well previously?" asked the judge-advocate.

"Only during the last week, sir. During the last week he displayed such a new knowledge and interest in mathematics that I was prepared, on his last week"s marks, to recommend that he ascend two sections in his cla.s.s."

"Is it not true, Captain, that Mr. Prescott, in the last week, showed such a sudden, new proficiency as might be accounted for by the possibility that he had then begun to carry written "cribs"

to the cla.s.s?

"His progress last week was such as might be accounted for by that supposition," replied the witness reluctantly.

"That is all, Captain."

Lieutenant Topham then took the witness in hand, but did not succeed in bringing out anything that would aid the cause of the accused cadet.

"Cadet Dunstan!" called the judge-advocate.

Dunstan stepped forward and was sworn. He had testified that, during the blackboard work, he had stood beside Mr. Prescott. Dunstan was positive that he had not seen any slip of paper in Prescott"s hands.

"Did you look his way often, Mr. Dunstan

"Not directly, sir; I was busy with my own work."

"Yet, had Mr. Prescott had a slip of paper held slyly in either hand, do you think you would have seen it?

"I am positive that I would, sir," replied Cadet Dunstan.

Under the questioning of Lieutenant Topham, Dunstan stated that he had witnessed Prescott"s loan of his handkerchief to Dodge before the sections formed to march to mathematics section room.

"In what condition, or shape, did Mr. Dodge return Mr. Prescott"s handkerchief?" ask Lieutenant Topham.

"The handkerchief was crumpled up, sir."

"So that, had there been a paper folded in it, the paper very likely would not have been visible?"

"The paper most likely would not have been visible, sir."

"In what form was the handkerchief handed to Mr. Dodge by Mr.


"I am almost certain, sir, that Mr. Prescott pa.s.sed it holding it by one corner."

"So that, had there been any paper in it at that time, it would have fallen to the ground?"

"Yes sir."

"What did Mr. Prescott do with the handkerchief when it was returned to him."

"My recollection, sir, is that Mr. Prescott took his handkerchief without examining it, and thrust it into his blouse."

"Are you sure that he did so?"

"I cannot state it with absolute certainty, sir. It is my best recollection, sir."

Bert Dodge had sat through this testimony trying to look unconcerned.

Yet around the corners of his mouth played a slight, greenish pallor. The testimony of the cadets had not been looked for to be very important. Now, however, the president of the court regretted that he had not excluded from the room all of three cadet witnesses except the one under examination.

Cadet Gray was next called. He was able to testify only that, while at the blackboard, Mr. Dunstan had stood on one side of Cadet Prescott and the present witness on the other side. Mr.

Gray was strongly of the belief that, had Prescott been slyly using a written crib, he (Gray) would have noted the fact. Mr.