Dick Prescott's Second Year at West Point

Chapter 29

The cadet captain in command of the battalion read some unimportant notices. d.i.c.k did not even hear them. He knew his fate was not to come to him through this channel.

While the reading was going on the Adjutant of the Military Academy came through the sally-port leisurely, as soon as he saw that the men were still in ranks.

d.i.c.k did not see the Adjutant, either. If he had, he might hardly have heeded the presence of that Army officer, the personal representative of the superintendent.

But, just as the cadet captain let fall the hand in which he had held the notices the adjutant called out crisply:

"Don"t dismiss, Captain! Hold the companies!"

Between two of the companies stepped the adjutant, then walked to the front of center. Drawing, a paper from his overcoat, the adjutant began to read. It was a "special order."

Even to this Prescott listened only with unhearing ears---at first.

Then, though he betrayed no more audible interest than did any of the other men in gray, d.i.c.k Prescott found his head swimming.

This special order referred to his own case. It was a report of the findings, these findings having been duly approved.

Cadet Richard Prescott"s head began to whirl. The bright day seemed darkening before his dimmed vision, until he heard, unmistakably, the one word:


What followed was a further order releasing him from arrest and restoring him to the usual cadet privileges.

"That is all, Captain," added the adjutant, folding the order and returning it to his overcoat. "Dismiss the companies when ready."

"Dismiss the companies!" came from the cadet battalion commander.

The separate commands of the various company commanders rang out.

Ranks were broken---and friends in gray crowded about the yearling.

Then the corps yell was called for and given, with his name added.

Some of the cadets slipped in through the sally-port, sooner than join in the demonstration.

"Thank you all---it"s jolly good of you!" cried Prescott huskily.

As soon as these comrades in arms would let him, he broke through and made for his room.

"Hooray!" yelled Greg, turning loose.

And Cadet Anstey thrust his head into the room long enough to add:


But d.i.c.k, half stripped above the waist, was at the washstand, making a thorough toilet, though a hurried one.

Greg waited, his eyes shining.

"It"s mighty good of you all," cried d.i.c.k, as he was pulling on his cadet overcoat. "I wish I could stop and talk about it---but there a duties that can"t be hurried fast enough."

"Give my regards," called Holmes jovially after Prescott.

Crossing the barracks area, d.i.c.k strode into cadet guard-house, nimbly mounting the stairs to the second floor. Here he stood in the office of the O.C.

Saluting, he carefully phrased his request for leave to visit friends at the hotel.

This being granted, d.i.c.k went down the stairs at the greatest speed consistent with military dignity under the circ.u.mstances.

Out through the north sally-port and along the road running between officers" quarters and parade ground he hurried.

By the time he had walked to the hotel he had cooled off his first excitement somewhat.

He signed in the cadet register, then laid down his card.

"To Mrs. Prescott, please."

As ebony-visaged "front" vanished from the office, d.i.c.k turned and walked to the ladies" entrance, pa.s.sing thence into the parlor.

d.i.c.k"s mother was found at the dining table. So were her Gridley friends. All were finishing a light meal without appet.i.te when the card was laid by Mrs. Prescott"s plate.

"My boy, d.i.c.k---here?" she cried brokenly rising as quickly as she could.

Mrs. Prescott pa.s.sed quickly from the dining room, though her friends were close at her heels. So they all rushed in upon the solitary young cadet standing inside the parlor by a window.

As he heard them coming, d.i.c.k wheeled about. There was a tear in his eye, which deceived them.

Halting, a few feet away, these eager ones stared at him.

d.i.c.k tried to greet them in words, but he couldn"t at first.

It was Laura who found her voice first.

"d.i.c.k! Tell us in a word!"

But Belle Meade gave Miss Bentley a somewhat vigorous push forward.

"Use your eyes, Laura!" rebuked Belle vigorously. "In the first place, Mr. Prescott is here. That means he"s here by permission or right. In the second place, you ninny---he still has the uniform on!"

"That"s right," laughed d.i.c.k. "Yes, mother, and friends, the court-martial"s finding was wholly favorable to me."

"Humph!" demanded Belle scornfully. "Why shouldn"t it be? Wouldn"t you expect thirteen old West Point graduates to know as much as four women from the country?"

Belle"s hearty nonsense put an end to all tension.

Mrs. Prescott met and embraced her son. The others crowded about, offering congratulations.

That night d.i.c.k and Greg "dragged" the Gridley girls to the cadet hop at Cullum, and Anstey was a favored one on the hop cards of both girls. Mrs. Prescott and Mrs. Bentley looked on from the gallery.

"It"s the jolliest hop I"ve been to," declared d.i.c.k with enthusiasm.