Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 3490  Aunt In Trouble?

Chapter 3490  Aunt In Trouble?


Davis abruptly before Tia, guarding her like a pillar.

"That"s enough. Tia didn"t force me or anything. It is true that she relentlessly pursued me, but ultimately, I"m the dominant force here, so all the responsibilities lie with me. If you want to strike, slap me instead, grandmother."


Lia Alstreim stayed her hand, appearing conflicted.

Edgar Alstreim and Havle Alstreim tried to stop Lia. They looked at each other as though wondering what the f.u.c.k was going on.

Davis saw that Tia was ready to take the strike and didn"t falter. He smiled lightly, falling to his knees before he held her soft hand.

"Please accept our relations.h.i.+p."


Claire smiled amusedly while Lia Alstreim and the others appeared troubled. Their time here was short, but they already knew what Davis had achieved in these short few years, becoming a hegemon of the First Haven World that no one dared to bother with him or tried to stop his growth anymore.

For someone like that to kneel towards them made them feel incredibly honored, but at the same time, this was their Tia they were talking about. For such a shy girl to become so determined, they didn"t know what had happened in these few years.

Edgar Alstreim sighed and stepped forward.

"When I married Claire"s mother, everyone was against us because she was a mere maid. These two are my aunt and nephew. Although marriage between close relation is frowned upon, they can marry each other as long as they have permission from both of their parents according to the Alstreim Family"s Laws."

"That is not the problem." Lia Alstreim turned to look at her husband, "She said that she forced her big brother, leaving him no choice."

"Aiya. She"s just saying that to blame herself instead of Davis. Didn"t you also say that you seduced Edgar when he was nothing but a cripple so that I wouldn"t beat him up?" Havle Alstreim explained.


Lia Alstreim"s cheeks reddened while Edgar Alstreim wryly smiled.

"Like mother, like daughter. You two are birds of the same feather, so don"t you dare question my sweet granddaughter Tia!"

"You"re just happy that she could obtain a man like Davis while I"m worried that she forced him and made things worse!"


Havle Alstreim and Lia Alstreim pointed at each other with red faces while Tia gawked at this scene, understanding something that Davis then asked.

"Wait… the problem isn"t that we"re together?"

"We expected this to happen sooner or later!~"

Havle Alstreim and Lia Alstreim turned to him and yelled at the same time.

"…" Their answer dumbfounded Davis.

"You saved her from a heavenly tribulation and saved me. If she didn"t fall for you then, then she would never fall for you."

Lia Alstreim explained before Edgar Alstreim continued.

"If she loves you, it"s fine. If she didn"t love you, that"s also fine. We were okay with both scenarios when we sent her off to you. It"s just we didn"t expect this to happen this soon as we know you wouldn"t touch her without consent, and Tia wouldn"t say anything since she"s shy, so depending on how you two were like the next time we met, we intended to talk with you two as we can"t let Tia travel the world without a companion any further."


At this point, Davis was speechless.

Surely, they had their own thoughts about this matter, but he didn"t expect them to accept this so easily as, in his perspective, they sent her to him for her protection and not to take her into bed.

If they were maddened and threatened to dissolve the relations.h.i.+p or even sully his name, he could understand their rage and wouldn"t do anything about it other than he felt like he deserved it, but it seemed like they were able to take this well instead of getting all in their emotions since they more or less expected this to happen.

Edgar Alstreim stepped further and grabbed Davis"s shoulders as he made him stand.

"It"s good you decided to take her today. With this, we don"t have to feel burdened over what our precious daughter is trying to do with her life or unique physique. If we think about it carefully, there"s no man other than you who could allow her to grow stronger, as you were the one who went out of his way to help her clear doubts over her physique and saved her from her tribulation. We know that if it"s you, you will never forsake her."


Davis felt moved to be thought of in such a way. In the same way, he helped his family, they also had a blind trust in him that he wouldn"t abandon them. Such trust readily helped him to make decisions that would protect the family from harmful elements.

"Grandfather, please give me your second daughter Tia, as I would like her hand in marriage."

Davis asked with a solemn voice.

It made Edgar Alstreim smile before he turned to look at his wife and father-in-law, all of them nodding their heads before he returned his gaze to his daughter as he also made her stand up and connect Davis"s and Tia"s hands, holding them together.

"Then take her away."

Tia was already crying a river of tears silently as she pressed her lips. She couldn"t believe this matter was accepted so easily.

"What about you, mother?"

Claire"s lips curled, "What do I have to say when mother and father gave permission? As long as you convince your wives, you don"t need to ask me anything anyway."

"Even so…" Davis pressed for answers.

"I jokingly encouraged her to suppress you if you were going astray with your greedy nature when you ascended, so I was already in favor of Tia getting married to you."

Tia shyly turned her head away when Davis turned to glance at her after hearing Claire"s answer. The latter giggled, causing him to feel that this whole family was a fraud who bided their time to see Tia get accepted by him.

Nonetheless, he smiled as it did nothing to him other than fuel his desire and love for Tia.

He grabbed her waist, pulled her closer, and gave her a hot, pa.s.sionate kiss as he sealed her lips right in front of them all, causing their jaws to drop.

They screamed at them to let go, wait for marriage, and whatnot, but Davis firmly held Tia as he exchanged even tongue kisses that made everyone go red.

Davis let Tia"s lips go and panned his gaze over the others.

"Tia is mine, and nothing you all said could"ve changed it, but you all have my grat.i.tude for accepting us. With this, I have no need to remain on the defensive and can openly convince my wives."

"You haven"t done that yet? Then what are you doing here? Go do that first!"

Claire tried to separate him from Tia, finally doing so as she tried to send him away.

Davis could only chuckle as he knew the Alstreims weren"t fond of public displays of intimacy as they were quite conservative yet wild behind walls.

They forced him out of there but kept Tia inside, telling him to convince his wives without Tia"s help as though making it difficult for him. He chuckled while Tia shyly waved goodbye to him as though she had become a good fiancee waiting to be married off.

"I have already done some work letting everyone see through my intentions, so it shouldn"t be a surprise to them."

Her soul transmission fell on his mind, causing him to nod.

"Don"t worry. I will definitely marry you when the time comes, but if you"re okay with wanting to share a bed before marriage, then don"t hesitate to visit me."


Tia"s cheeks reddened with a healthy hue, but she nodded her head, still waving him goodbye.

Marriage? Who knew how long she had to wait for that? She planned to sneakily visit him in one of these weeks as she couldn"t wait to fulfill one of her dreams!