Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 37

Chapter 37


The voice pulled her back from her thoughts, making her blush .

"Hmm… We have become friends, so it"s fine to call me Davis when we are alone from now on . For your safety, don"t call me Davis in front of others . Things will go worse for you if you say my name in front of someone else, but even if it came down to that, I will take care of that . So, you don"t have to worry too much about it . "

"I got it . . Davis . " Glancing at the side, she said shyly .

"So Ellia, why didn"t you push me back? I think you can answer me now . . " Davis laughed meaningfully .

Ellia"s face went blank . She held her hands in front of her chest and mumbled .

"Tha . . that is… as a maid in training, we are made to learn about nightly services, so I was pretty much . . ready for it . " By the time she finished, her face was so red that it looked like an apple .

Hearing that, Davis was dumfounded .

"What? Did those b.a.s.t.a.r.ds do something to you? I will definitely get revenge for you!" Davis fumed with anger . What are they doing with little girls? This is definitely a crime .

"Ah, no no . We are only made to learn from books… and . . " She hurriedly said, afraid that he might misunderstand but went silent .

"And what?" Davis had a blank face .

"And we are made to view from that crystal you took yesterday . . and"

"What the h.e.l.l? p.o.r.no exists here too?"

"…And?" He gulped .

"We are then made to practice with vegetables!" She shouted and ducked, holding her legs as she went silent in shame .

"Hahahaha" Davis laughed rolling on the floor literally . He hadn"t had a laugh like this in his whole life . He laughed so hard that a little drop of tear rolled out from his eyes .

Hearing that laughter, Ellia felt like that she could die from shame .

Stopping his laughter, Davis realised that he had awoken to the pleasures of bullying his new friend .

"Ah, this is gonna be so fun . "

"Alright" He lifted her up .

"Ellia, if you want to break out from this status you have, then you need strength . Strength is the basic form of power and if you have it, no one would dare to look down upon you regardless of status . " Davis said seriously .

She regained composure and nodded her head .

"I"ll teach you cultivation, so don"t worry . "

"Thank you, Davis . "

"Stop that, there"s no need for thanks between friends!" Davis hurriedly shook his hand .

"Look at that, you are already at High Level Meridian Refinement Stage . "

"Hehe, they said that I have some talent for cultivation . I heard that, that"s why they sold me so expensively that only the Royal Family could afford for a single slave like me . "

"I don"t know whether to be happy or sad about that fact, but I guess your talent is good, considering the stage you achieved at your age without much resources . " Davis said while guessing how high her talent was .

"Oh, but I am pretty happy about that fact . After all, I was able to meet you . " Thinking like that, she smiled in her heart .

"Whatever, let"s go meet my Mother . I want to introduce you to her as well . "

"Oh, If it"s the Empress, I have already met her once . She only gave me a single mission, and that was to take care of you well . "

Hearing that, Davis had a smile on his face . His mother still cares for him deeply .

"Alright then, I guess there"s no need to introduce you then . You stay here, I shall go visit her . "

… .

In the Empress"s quarters .

A child wailing incessantly can be heard .

"Now now, don"t cry Diana, Mom is here" Claire tried to placate Diana but it was of no use .

After a few moments, she suddenly stopped crying and slept peacefully .

Diana had two pure sappire eyes . She was chubby and incredibly cute . Her black hair was short . If she grew up, she would totally look like her mother combined with her father"s eyes and hair .

Davis opened the door and went inside the Empress"s quarters .

"Oh Davis! Come here, come here . If Diana hadn"t stopped crying, I would"ve gone looking for you . "

"Hehe, Mom, today I saw Evelynn Cauldon . " Davis grinned .

"Oh . . What do you think about her?" Claire"s eyes shot up . She probed him .

"She is truly beautiful, I think I"ve taken a liking towards her as well . "

"Haha, Davis . Just like your father, you two easily fall for women with beauty . " Hearing that, she was finally able to relax .

"I guess that this marriage is now pretty much confirmed . "

"Not so soon Mom!"


He explained the events that took place when he was in the Cauldon Emporium .

"And that"s it, I don"t think she likes the marriage arrangement and if she doesn"t like me, then just let her go . " Davis spread his hands wide .

"But judging by the events, looks like she isn"t totally against the marriage as well . " Claire deduced after hearing his story .

"Then we"ll have to see how it goes . If by any chance she doesn"t want to be with me, then we will cancel the marriage! Agreed?"

"This… I can"t decide that, you should ask your father . " Claire had a difficult expression on her face while saying that .

"There it is, the legendary diversion technique he heard about, used by almost all the parents in his previous world . "

Davis sighed . "Atleast, you can"t force her, okay?"

"Alright" Claire gave in .

"So what about your new personal maid, satisfied?" Claire winked at him .

"Very satisfied!" He winked back at her .

"Wonderful! Mother pulled some strings to get her for you . She was so expensive though . " She pouted .

"Just for facts . How much did she actually cost?" Davis let his curiosity get the better of him .

"One Purple Coin . " Claire calmly stated .

"…100,000,000,000 Copper Coins!!!!?" Davis had a dumfounded face .

So expensive?

"By the way, Mom, where is Clara cooped up?"

"Clara huh?" Claire heavily sighed .

"That child isn"t the same as she used to be . For some reason, she is avoiding us father and mother as well . " She said sadly .

"What did I do wrong? Did I wrong her in anyway? Your father is afraid to deal with her since she can think for herself as a girl . She only talks to you and won"t talk much to us . I can feel that she maintains some distance from us . " Claire bit her lips .

"Honestly, you two are so much different than a normal child that we hesitate to even make the slightest wrong choice while having a conversation . I know about you Davis, but she just won"t open up to us . All that she does is give a short reply or nod her head . "

"Things were this serious?" Davis eye"s twitched .