Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 458

Glyn had called Daniuis through a message talisman before they entered the Royal Palace, and that"s how he was able to speed up to this place from his hiding spot, which was near when considered with his flying speed, fortunately.

Daniuis once again took a deep breath and spoke, "Yes, he loved you..."

He could sense his daughter"s conflicting emotions towards Glyn at that time but now it looks like he gained the favor of his daughter. Forget being favored, Glyn even managed to capture the heart of the beauty by the looks of it.

But, what was the use? Glyn had ended up dead, and that is an irrefutable fact placed before him and his daughter.

Daniuis could only sigh at that fact and glorify the youth while trying to pacify his daughter.

"Don"t worry, with him realizing his feelings towards you, his soul will traverse in peace and enter the reincarnation cycle. He will become something else than he was now, maybe even more, a better man in his next life."

Lucia could only nod her head in agreement as she sobbed while her arms were intertwined over Glyn"s cold body.

At this time, Princess Isabella walked towards them and in her grasp was Jawan, being dragged on the floor in an extremely miserable state.

None of his four limbs were intact but were cut off. No, it was far from being cut off. It was better to say his limbs were ripped off as the bones were still protruding out from his body!

All four of Jawan"s limbs, the part where his two arms and two legs should have been attached were bleeding. If one were to add another limb between the legs, it was bleeding too.

Not the already crushed head but the lower head which was a mangled mess.

Princess Isabella threw Jawan towards Daniuis and the latter saw his pitiful state as well as his half-crushed face.

There were no eyes in the remaining eye socket and the nose was crushed while the lips were a mangled piece of flesh hanging over to the side.

Even Daniuis couldn"t help but change his expression from one of hatred to one of pity before the former quickly returned. He would never forgive this person, not in this lifetime.

He turned to look at the raven-shaped golden masked woman.

"Can I kill him?"

Princess Isabella just nodded her head to Danius, however, she had already removed the spatial ring from Jawan"s severed finger and also picked up the spatial ring that had fallen to the ground after the Grand Elder died.

She just left the battered and unconscious Jawan on the ground and approached Davis.

She looked at Davis watching the corpse of the youth, and she instantly felt apologetic towards Davis. She had made a deal to help protect them but failed because she had considered her safety and her group"s safety before attempting anything else.

The Grand Elder was a Peak-Level Law Dominion Stage Cultivator, one that she could not take lightly of, otherwise, she would"ve fought openly with her character.

However, even that would end in tragedy because, the remnant forces from their clash could easily kill Fifth Stage Cultivators, much less those poor youngsters whom she had to protect.

She couldn"t help but remember Davis"s words to take care of the situation here before he left for Nina.


Davis had his senses on Lucia who fell into trouble. However, he suddenly noticed a cultivator zooming past below them as he stopped for a moment before heading towards the prison.

At the same time, Law Dominion Stage undulations spread and the familiar energy combined with the silhouette caused Davis to realize.

"Looks like we don"t need to step in..." Davis shook his head as he explained to Princess Isabella that their father had come to rescue them.

Thinking that things here did not need immediate concern, he focused on the strand of soul sense he has on Nina and was shocked to see her aghast while her heartbeat turned unsteady.

He slightly extended his senses from her point and was shocked to see the things that were happening right there.

He instantly made a decision as he pointed at Princess Isabella, a vast amount of soul force enriched by Fallen Heaven"s dark gaseous matter.

With this, even without him maintaining the shroud that concealed them, Princess Isabella could still remain hidden.

"Princess Isabella, It"s a crisis on Nina"s side. I will let you take care of the situation here. If the situation gets worse, I have strengthened your concealment with my soul force so even if I leave this spot, this should help you stay invisible for a few minutes at best. Use it wisely..."

Princess Isabella was about to nod her head, however, Davis did not wait for her reply and instantly shot towards in Nina"s direction.


From that point onwards, Princess Isabella had bided her time before finally making a move on the Grand Elder. However, it cost a young man"s soul known as Glyn.

Even Davis didn"t expect for an existence like a Grand Elder of the Tripart.i.te Alliance to be here. If not, he wouldn"t have left but instead sent his soul body to take care of the situation.

"I have failed to fulfill the deal..." Princess Isabella softly muttered. Her expression was dodgy, however, she did gather the determination to utter these words.

Davis didn"t reply because he was stunned.

Stunned of his own discovery of a conjecture.

When Daniuis mentioned that Glyn would enter the reincarnation cycle and be a better man, it suddenly dawned on him!

Countless possibilities echoed in his mind but he arrived at a certain conclusion and a question!

When he made a breakthrough to the Mature Soul Stage, what was that blinding light that scared Fallen Heaven to death? Although he initially a.s.sumed it to be light, it was even greater than that, an opposite feeling to death, a sense of vibrancy, like it was filled with vitality.

If the former"s power can be attuned to death then can"t the latter be attuned to life?

Although it was a vague notion, Davis couldn"t help but clench his hands, sweat in excitement, and gulp in trepidation at the prospect of...

Davis didn"t dare to think of it anymore!

His emotions which were on a track derailed when he told himself to calm down. A conjecture was only a concept and he just couldn"t get his hopes up for it.

He quickly spoke to Fallen Heaven, "Fallen Heaven, you once told me that the soul essence of a person has ten important components, namely, the three spiritual souls and the seven physical souls, correct?"

"... Yes"

"You also said that you only absorb those seven physical souls and let the three spiritual souls enter the cycle of reincarnation, correct?"


Davis heaved a sigh as he took in a deep breath, "Then can you absorb those 3 spiritual souls too?"

"I can, however, the spiritual souls of a person is useless to me."

Davis released the breath from his nostrils and quickly said, "Perfect! Don"t let him enter reincarnation. Quickly absorb his 3 spiritual souls along with his 7 physical souls. Remember! Don"t divide his Soul Essence! And don"t refine his soul at any cost!"

Fallen Heaven became confused by his rapid commands.

It couldn"t help but ask, "What are you trying to do??"

Davis had never asked a bizarre thing like this before and neither did it want to interfere with the reincarnation cycle. However, it wasn"t like it didn"t dare but slightly offending the heavens for no reason didn"t sit well with it.

"I"ll explain it later. Just do as I say before his Soul Essence dissipates and enters the reincarnation cycle!"