Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 47

Chapter 47

On the way outside, he saw two black robed silhouettes come closer .

He gazed at them as he walked past them . The two black robed people minded their own business as they walked past Davis . It looked like they couldn"t feel Davis"s presence .

"a.s.sa.s.sins? They look considerably strong too! What are they here for?"

Davis contemplated for a moment before deciding to check it out later .

He went outside to complete the mission and come back as soon as possible before the night ends .

He quickly went outside the Red Light District and asked a random person on the street for directions . That random person was seemingly disgusted that an old man asked had asked him about the slums, he quickly told the way to get rid of the old man as soon as possible .

After arriving at the slums, he tipped a random battered kid for information . That kid who received a silver coin happily told Davis the whereabouts of Grimes .

The slums existed even in the Ill.u.s.trious Royal Capital, mostly used as a base for underground operations that couldn"t see the light of the day . The buildings were run down and dilapidated, like no one cared for them in years . Mostly thieves and criminals existed there . Common people who had lost hope, also live their lives in utter waste as they existed there .

After knowing the where Grimes was, he headed in a certain direction by jumping on the dilapidated buildings .

"Finally I got enjoy the thrill of running above the rooftops!" Davis was feeling happy .

He suddenly stopped in a certain building, from there he could see a naked bald man sleeping with a naked young girl in his shoulders through a window . The young girl kept sobbing as she had been violated by the bald man a few hours ago .

"Tch, guess I should"ve come a little sooner . " Davis clicked his tongue in anger .

"Shut yer yappin ya b.i.t.c.h!" Grimes suddenly woke up and kicked her .

"Ahh!" The young girl was sent flying, she hit the door as she cried miserably .

"Boss? Has anything happened?" A sound came from behind the door .

"Hmm? Nothin! What the h.e.l.l are ya doing here? Didn"t I tell ya to scram away when I am enjoying a women!" Grimes shouted angrily

"Y . . Yes Boss!"

Grimes didn"t want anyone to interfere with his hobby of raping women . So he pretty much made them stand guard in the entrance of the building . But these underlings of him always come to peek on what he is doing which makes his mood ruined .

"Hehe, don"t try to act innocent, b.i.t.c.h"

The young girl glared at Grimes with hate as he came closer to her .

"Let"s start round two shall we?" Grimes was getting turned on by her glaring eyes .

"I hope you die a gruesome death!" The young girl spat out coldly .

"This is what i just exactly wanted! That hate!" Grimes shouted and tried to jump on her .

*Slash* Grimes went wide eyed as he glared at the young girl who was astonished .

Grimes looked down only to see blood flowing down in copious amounts down his body . He touched his neck only to feel that his throat had been slit as he collapsed .

Davis held a crude dagger in his hand which he found in this room . He undid his concealment once he killed him .

"Here, take it and survive out there . " Davis said as he placed a sack containing 100 gold coins on the floor and covered her with a black robe .

Seeing that the young girl didn"t reply to him, he left .

After some time, the young girl came out from her reverie and kept muttering two words while sobbing .

"Thank you!"

Davis was on his way back to the Dark Earth Organization Branch . He felt quite disgusted by Grimes, so he even killed his underlings who were equally degenerated as him . Actually, he just wanted that young girl to be able to live without being chased by this gang, so he downright killed everyone who were in the building .

As he reached that underground cellar, he saw that black robed man again .

"I"ve completed the mission . " A calm voice echoed out in the underground cellar .


The black robed man was again spooked as he fell from his chair .

"Oh senior! Could you please stop scaring the h.e.l.l out of me?" He pleaded .

"I"ll try . " Davis appeared silently .

The black robed man shook his head in frustration .

"Here, senior" He handed a triangular dark red badge which had a dagger symbol on it .

Davis took it and asked . "Aren"t you going to confirm my kill?" He had the dagger and Grimes"s blood on it which might serve as a proof .

"Oh that, I am sure that senior wouldn"t cheat with this inferior mission and besides we have our sources and informants . "

"I see . "

"Welcome to our Dark Earth Organization"s Branch, this way please . " The black robed man activated a formation and a certain wall of the underground cellar disappeared magically .

"An illusion formation?" Davis commented on the wall which disappeared as he looked at the narrow pa.s.sageway .

"Yes, not only that, but the pa.s.sageway is filled with formations as well . " The black robed man replied proudly .

"*cough* By the way, my nickname is Yellow Bird Nine, senior can call me Yellow . "

"Senior should soon decide a nickname to register as well . "

Davis nodded his head while thinking about a nickname .

"How about p.u.s.s.ydestroyersixtynine?" He thought as he smiled and shook his head .

As they made their way through the narrow pa.s.sage, they finally arrived in front of a door which can even defend upto attacks of Third Stage Experts . Naturally, it won"t hold for a long time in front of those experts .

Yellow opened the door with a key that was triangular in shape . They then went inside .

Inside was a hall big enough to accomodate 100 people . There was a reception counter, as well as a huge number of posters in every side of the wall . These posters were missions ranked according to their difficulty .

All of these missions were only Earth Grade and Mortal Grade as not a single Sky Grade mission was found .

Davis scanned around the room with his eyes and saw a bunch of people all dressed in black robes, wearing different types of mask, hood and all kinds of equipments which conceals their ident.i.ties . He also saw those two silhouettes he met at the entrance earlier as they wore a peculiar mask and clearly have more presence than any other people here .