Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 3609  Last Few Hours

Chapter 3609  Last Few Hours

The time had come— but Davis shortly didn"t care with him still being hard and continued plowing his beautiful wives.

It wasn"t until an hour later in the time chamber did he let them go. It was nothing more than twenty minutes in real time, so they still had like eleven hours and forty minutes left to reach the Grand Immortal Mountain Peak.

"Where is this so-called Grand Immortal Mountain Peak?"

Davis asked.

His lovely ladies cuddled with him from all three sides. Their soft bodies sandwiched him, with Evelynn above and Isabella and s.h.i.+rley to his left and right. Their cheeks were still flushed even though they stopped, appearing to be reveling in the afterglow.

"It"s probably in the same place as the Immortal Dreams Palace where the World Ascension Ceremony takes place."

Isabella answered, "I got some news from the Earth Dragon Clan stating that it is located above us."

"Above us?" Davis raised his brows.

"True. We sense it is above us." Evelynn answered.

"The Fire Phoenix Clan also said a similar thing, and I also sense that I should go up."

s.h.i.+rley agreed.

"Yes," Isabella smiled, "It is possible the Immortal Dreams Palace is located above the Grand Immortal Mountain Peak and the Grand Immortal Mountain Peak is a small floating continent that arrives to the First Haven World"s skies every thousand years contrary to the popular belief that it exists in the ground."

"Apparently, this means that no matter where the cultivators are located, just by moving up, an air current would pull them into a stream that allowed them to reach the Grand Immortal Mountain Peak."

"Ohh…" Davis was intrigued.

He had been thinking the two places were different, but they were the same. However-

"We won"t be entering the Immortal Dreams Palace though. That is for the Immortal Emperors who want to ascend." s.h.i.+rley giggled, leaning silently to kiss Davis"s cheek.

"You think the trials will be held in the true immortal world then?" Evelynn asked s.h.i.+rley, making the latter contemplate.

"It should most likely be the case, considering that this inheritance we"re all here for is something that would be used in the true immortal world. Perhaps we"d be raiding some Lower Realms or even Upper Realms."

"That would be suicide…" Isabella laughed.

"Well, I think we should expect immense difficulty at the very least."

s.h.i.+rley smirked, causing Evelynn to shake her head.

"No matter what, we"ll overcome it. We"re fully energized now, so let"s go clean up and rest for some time before we bid farewell and make our way to the Grand Immortal Mountain Peak. We will not make haste, but we will not falter either."

Evelynn sat up on Davis and waved her head.

The three of them could only see her bosoms shake left and right, along with her movements.

"A very well-rounded argument." Davis nodded.

s.h.i.+rley nodded twice, her hands groping around in the air, "Her large ideas are extremely shapely and ignite wild imagination in our hearts."

"Indeed," Isabella appeared forlorn, "She made two great points with mountains of potential."


Evelynn raised her hands and hid her bosoms as her cheeks flushed crimson.

She should"ve known not to talk cooly while naked. Her jealous sisters targeted her bosoms every time they got, slapping them away and squeezing them erotically to make her moan.

In Davis"s eyes, the sight of Evelynn trying to hide her bosoms while looking embarra.s.sed was beyond s.e.xy, causing him to rise and push her down.


He took liberties with her again, pounding her silly.

Isabella and s.h.i.+rley grinned and pounced on their big sister to bully her. If they let go of this chance, they knew they were going to be bullied in the trials by her like they were bullied by her four spider bones pinning them down while Davis had their way with them.

They further spent time moaning while discussing the possible adversities they would face in the Candidacy before they finally cleaned up and got ready.

Making their way out, they met with their family, who eagerly wished them immense success in their endeavor and a safe journey.

"So you really are going to join the Candidacy." Claire smiled wryly at Evelynn, "Don"t die. Otherwise, you should know the consequences."

"I will not die, mother."

Evelynn giggled.

She knew if she died, she would revive through Everlight if there are no variables in the trials. However, if she were to die even once, then she could tell what would happen. Any Candidate that probably harmed her might have their power destroyed the next day.

To make sure that it didn"t happen, she needed to stay alive.

"Come here, you two little Davlings~"

She got Azariel and Viridia from Claire and pampered them to her heart"s content.

Sometime later, she gave them away, looking forlorn as she wouldn"t see them for some time. It made her feel a bit sad to be not near them anymore, but the Candidacy was also important.

She must make sure to win and make the prize belong to the Davis Family. Otherwise, if Isabella and s.h.i.+rley win, they were karmically tied and indebted to give these prizes to the Earth Dragon Clan and Fire Phoenix Clan respectively.

She wasn"t restricted by the Three-Eyed Chromatic Hex Arachnid Clan after all. She doubted if they even survived the hunt enough to be able to claim her from it.

"Natalya, we leave the family to you in our absence."


Natalya took a step back and shook her hands at Evelynn, Isabella, and s.h.i.+rley.

"Not me. I"m not fit for it. Lea would do well."

"No, as the second wife, you should have the most say apart from Evelynn, but I"ve been a bad sister, always acting above you." Isabella shook her head but smirked.

"When I come back, I"ll continue being bad and take your authority away from you, but until then, you will oversee the three of our duties. You are temporarily a.s.signed the Head of the Administration Department until we come back, so don"t let us down."


Natalya pouted.

More workload? Who wanted that?

She just wanted to dilly-dally in her own world, but now, she was forced to do some administration work.

But she nodded.

When everyone was working hard, she couldn"t afford to slack.

"Be good children. Don"t make trouble. Otherwise, mother will not like it."

Eterna sniffled as s.h.i.+rley held her close.

She knew this day would soon arrive, and she didn"t think it would be this heart-wrenching to see her mother leave. On the other hand, Celestia appeared a bit fine, although her expression wasn"t certainly amused.

Her brows were furrowed as though she didn"t like her mother Isabella leaving.

Finally, Evelynn, Isabella, and s.h.i.+rley finished saying their farewells, and Davis took them to the skies on a flying boat. Zahara and Yeyin also boarded.

The barrier over their city opened up, allowing them to rise to the skies.