Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 40

Chapter 40

One could see that Logan and Claire had question marks all over their face . They both didn"t know why he got serious all of a sudden .

"Both of you should know that lying to Clara is forbidden as she possesses the Transcendent Truth Eyes . Have you both ever lied to Clara before?" Davis asked with a solemn tone .

After thinking for a few seconds, Claire answered .

"I don"t think I ever lied to Clara . "

"Me neither . " Logan shrugged with an innocent face .

Davis turned his head only to see Clara being stunned . Her eyes were glowing indicating that her eyes were active .

"How is it Clara? Are they telling the truth?"

"My eyes seems to say that they are telling the truth . . . " With a stunned expression, she said .

Davis seemed to visibly relax .

Clara had a confused expression on her face . " . . . But… how? My eyes had also said to me way before that they have lied to me . "

"Clara, believe me! We have never lied to you before . " Claire said, stepping forward .

"A misunderstanding?" Davis muttered softly .

"Not a lie? If it is not a lie… could it possibly be deceit?" Davis though

"Clara, what did Mom say when your eye said that she lied to you?" Davis narrowed his eyes .

Clara got out from her bed and stood beside Davis .

"There are many instances of Mom and Dad lying to me . " She said with some grievance in her heart .

"Many?" All three of them were visibly dumbfounded .

Clara gathered her courage and said with a determined face .

"One such instance is when mom said that she was going to the bathroom when I was around three years old . Mom only came to me after more than an hour . When I asked what was she doing there for so long? She said that she was enjoying the bath, and so that it had took her long to come out . "

Seeing that the three of them with furrowed brows and a confused expression, she grit her teeth and continued .

"Another instance was when dad was playing with me, he rarely plays with me and even so he says that he is really busy . One day when dad was playing with me, I accidentally slept off, and when I woke up… what I saw was dad beating mom from behind her, he even hit her back . They then quickly separated when they saw me wake up . I saw it, don"t you try to deny it dad! Mom"s face was red, she must have been really in pain . " Clara cried so hard .

"An… . And when I asked… dad about it… he said that he was just playing with her . Lies… all lies, Waaah . . . "

Clara cried and sniffed… .

"And… when I ask . . asked mom about it, she also said that she was playing with him . Waa, brother! They"re just lying to me all the time…"

"Anoth… . "

"Alright stop! Clara, it"s enough, I"ve already understood . " Davis embraced and comforted her .

Clara kept crying, pouring her emotions over to her brother . After a few moments, she stopped crying .

Davis then let her out of his embrace . He then turned around and glared at them .

They both put their head down in shame .

"Alright Mom and Dad, care to explain yourselves to Clara?"

They both stayed silent, still hanging their heads low .

"Brother? Does this mean that they admit that they have lied to me?" Clara innocently asked .

"Sigh, Clara they didn"t lie to you . "


"They deceived you . "

"Deceive? Me? But why?"

"Why don"t you ask them yourselves, Clara, go ahead, brother is here, they will answer you . " Davis smiled . Inside his heart, he was laughing his a.s.s off . He didn"t want to let them go easily after they had created this mess .

Clara nodded . She then turned around and asked .

"Mom! Why did you deceive me?"

There was no answer .

Davis could see their eyes darting around . He could faintly guess that they were having a conversation using Soul Transmission .

"Dad! Why did you deceive me?" Clara wasn"t giving up . Tears had again formed on her eyes .

Clara and Logan looked at each other"s face and sighed .

"Clara, it"s too soon for you to know . " Logan said .

Davis narrowed his eyes . Seems like they"re not ready to admit it yet?

"Clara, when you said that father was beating mother, he was just using his peepee to . . . . . "

"Alright, alright, I"ll tell, you shut up Davis . " Logan shouted out of shame .

"Then tell fast, I and Clara don"t have all day, we"re busy with cultivation . " Davis smirked .

Clara looked at Davis in admiration, astonished at the fact that he can even talk back to their dad at his age .

Logan visibly raged while Claire just stayed silent . When she heard "his peepee", she froze .

"Fine . " Logan calmed down .

"Clara, I and mom was just procreating at the time when we deceived you . In your age, you shouldn"t know all these things . "

Clara could tell that they were saying the truth but she couldn"t understand why they would deceive her .

"Why? Isn"t it just an act of sticking a male"s reproductive organ into a female"s one? What"s so special about that you deceive me to hide it from me?"

"You!" Logan and Claire were totally shocked at what their daughter was saying .

Davis sighed . He understood what the h.e.l.l was going on now .

"You two!" Davis shouted .

It immediately grabbed everyone"s attention .

"Both of you are just forgetting that Clara is just a child capable of complex thoughts and emotions, not an adult capable of complex thoughts and emotions . Even if a child utters the word "s.e.x", that child will only think of gender while adults will surely think of procreation . "

"What she said is purely from her knowledge without any in depth meaning to it . "

He paused a moment before sneering . "Unlike you two with impure thoughts all day long . "

Logan"s veins popped up in his head while he clenched his fists while Claire put her head down in shame .

But they understood why they were wrong . They subconsciously treated Clara as a second Davis . Davis was an adult and Clara was a child in terms of mentality . They were wrong to treat them the same .

"Clara, father and mother meant no harm . It was all for your sake . " Davis tried to convince her .

"Hmm, I believe in brother . "

"Glad to hear that, so it"s all ok now, right?" He asked doubtfully .

"Yes, I guess all the problems were with my eye . When will I be able to master it?" She muttered regretfully .

"Don"t worry, believe in yourself and also don"t let a person"s lie affect your mentality . Always be warm to your family, got it?"

"Hmm!" Clara replied brightly