Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 41

Chapter 41

After that, Claire and Logan apologized to Clara for their irresponsible actions . They promised that they would never lie or deceive her again .

Davis also watched this comical sight as he thought that it served them right .

"This h.o.r.n.y couple . " Davis shook his head, in fact he was just jealous .

After this ended, he bid farewell to Clara .

He then made his way to his study and just when he was halfway there, he got blocked by two angry silhouettes . He suddenly got a bad feeling about this .

"Hmm? Why are you two here for?"

Logan cracked his fists . "Claire, I think there"s one kid over here who doesn"t understand his position . "

"That brat, how brave of him to insult the Emperor and the Empress?" Claire piped in .

Davis took a step back .

"What do you think we should do about this brat who thinks that he is so smart?"

"I am thinking of…" Just before Claire can answer .

Davis tried to run before Logan captured him over his neck .

"Claire, can I… . " Logan grinned .

"Permission granted!"

"Oh s.h.i.+t!" Davis shouted .

Davis knew that his life was over .

*bang* *bang* *bang* *bang* *bang* *bang* *bang* *bang* *bang* *bang*

After some time, Davis can be seen carried by Ellia to his study with severe external injuries .

Rumours spread about that one night in the Royal Castle, about how a lonely ghost screaming miserably can be heard at that time .

. . .

A week pa.s.sed slowly, Davis"s injuries healed slowly . Today, he healed completely .

His parents didn"t let him heal quickly and grounded him for a week, they also made it as his punishment .

"One day, I"ll teach that h.o.r.n.y couple what it means to suffer . " Davis muttered quietly . He didn"t quite think that they would really seriously injure him . Claire just watched with a determined gaze while Logan gave all the beatings .

Of course, he didn"t mean what he said either .

"Davis, since you are fully healed now, why don"t we stroll around the Royal Castle . " Ellia said with a sweet voice .

She pretty much knew how he got injured but she only laughed when he heard his plight .

"Seems like a good idea . " Davis stretched and exercised his body .

He stayed in the Study recuperating his injuries and didn"t go anywhere out as he was grounded .

"Okay, let"s go . " Davis then dragged her out of the Study .

He then made his way to the library with her . He wanted to get her some Battle Techniques which might suit her .

Just when they arrived in front of the Library, he saw Librarian Oxford .

They both greeted each other and just when he pa.s.sed by, he was stopped by Oxford .

"Prince, bringing a maid into the Castle Library is forbidden . " Oxford said .

"Even if it is your personal maid . " He added .

Davis narrowed his eyes . He had a good impression of the Librarian before .

"You are just a maid, don"t bite off more than you can chew . " Oxford berated Ellia .

"Y…Yes, I"ll just wait here, Prince Davis . " Ellia answered, a little scared .

"Just a maid?" Davis closed his eyes, he was full of anger . He didn"t think the Librarian would be this type of person . He reasoned that he was just doing his job, but the last sentence he uttered to Ellia went overboard .

"Oxford!" Davis shouted .

"Prince?" Oxford trembled when he heard that shout . He had a vague feeling that his soul was suppressed at that moment when Davis shouted .

"I"ll say the same, don"t bite more than you can chew . Since when did you get the authority to lecture my personal maid?"

"But…Pri . . "

"Where is your answer?"

"I dare not anymore . "

"This shall be your last warning . "

"Ellia, let"s go . "

"But, my Prince! The rules say… . "

Davis shot a look at Oxford which ultimately shut him up .

They then walked inside and searched for some Battle Techniques suitable for Ellia .

"Prince, there was no need for that, I could have stayed outside and not cause you any trouble . " Ellia said sadly . She was happy that he helped her, but knew that he will ultimately get into trouble for this event .

"He was just punished by the Emperor, how can he be so protective of me?" She thought .

"There"s no need to worry about me Ellia, worry about yourself . " Davis smiled back at her .

Ellia smiled back and nodded .

Davis thought that he moved a little too soon . He was too protective of her . If word gets out then then trouble will soon follow her naturally .

"Whatever, at that time, I"ll just protect her again . " He thought .

"Ellia, since you just cultivate the same Cultivation Techniques as me, I"ll find a suitable version for you as well . "

"Hmm . "

Davis then went, brought out some books from the shelves and returned after a few minutes . "

"First of all, these are the copies of all the Battle Techniques I train in . In fact, I have already finished training in all these . "

He pointed at each one of these books and explained slowly .

"This is the Devastating Lightning Palm, a Low Level Sky Grade Battle Technique . It can cause a devastating effect if you manage to hit the opponent"s body with your palm with this technique . They will be in a sorry state as their internal organs will be fried . "

She nodded her head .

"And this one over here is the *cough* Silent Erupting Finger, also a Low Level Sky Grade Battle Technique . This technique is a little difficult to train in, other than that, it is a powerful technique which concentrates all your Body Cultivation strength in your finger to erupt with an incredible piercing power . This technique is useful for killing someone silently . "

Hearing that, Ellia"s face went pale . She imagined her finger piercing into a person"s chest . She refrained from vomiting right there and somehow calmed herself down .

Davis could see that something was wrong with her, but he continued anyways . He needed his friend, Ellia to become a strong person .

"This is the final one, known as Thunder Cloud Movement . This is the fastest movement technique which our Empire has currently, it"s a Mid Level Sky Grade Technique . It creates a little sound that echoes like a thunder when used . The first step you take is an explosive step which you can even use to attack other people . "

"So powerful!" Ellia gasped .

"When used in accordance with the First Layer of Extinction Lightning Judgement, it shows an ability that"s on par with a Peak Level Sky Grade Technique, or so I heard . " Davis said indifferently .