Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 451

Many of those Blackwell Family members and the guests who were present in the hall moved their gazes away from them, not daring to heed Jackson Lars"s cries.

In an inconspicuous place, Nina looked at the sight in front of her with intense emotions such as shock and disbelief!

Is this the reason why these people had come here? To violate the bride and humiliate the groom?

Nine felt anger cloud her eyes, however, she quickly realized how powerless she was when faced with the reality in front of her. She looked down and recognized that she had unknowingly taken a step forward.

However, she also looked at her belly which told her that she should stay concealed.

She felt that she could call Lucas and Lucia but she knew not even them could do anything about this situation.

Biting her lips, Nina trembled as she looked away from reality. A silent tear fell from her eyes, staining the tiled floor.

It was unknown to whom Jackson was pleading to but Young Leader Baris deeply relished this feeling as he felt the other party was pleading him!

He didn"t do anything to the bride yet and was just hovering over her body while his gaze roamed over her curvaceous figure. He wasn"t in a hurry as he felt that all was within his grasp since Kron was with him. He was deeply relis.h.i.+ng the sensation of her whimpers.

However, his soul sense was enveloping Jackson Lars"s miserable silhouette and pathetic cries which made him feel such joy!

This, along with the hot figure which was underneath him, ready to be bedded, gave him an incredible twisted sense of accomplishment.

His sense of depravity was deeply satisfied, however, he couldn"t get enough of it.

He turned to face Jackson Lars and spoke in a pitiful tone, "Aren"t you a pathetic husband? Not only do you have to take the bride"s family name but you also have to witness "our" night?"

"Don"t worry, once I am done with her, you can have her, I promise."

Young Leader Baris smilingly spoke as if he was consoling him but that garnered an even intense reaction from Jackson Lars, spewing him with vulgarities and curses.

Young Leader Baris didn"t actually mind. In fact, Jackson Lars"s cries and curses sounded like music to his ears. Nevertheless, his curved lips indicated that he wasn"t done yet.

"Oh, I get it, you can"t see your wife properly after marrying her, is that it? Don"t worry, I will help you!"

He then gestured with his eyebrows and one of his cronies moved towards Jackson Lars and picked him up, placing him closer towards the disgusting spectacle.

Young Leader Baris looked at Jackson"s crazy expression and even wanted to push him to the edge, "Originally, I intended to bed her in the nuptial chamber while being watched by you, but since she had already done the deed with you, I think... a public display will suffice!"

Katrine Blackwell cried as tears fell like a waterfall, rolling down the side of her cheeks. The words spoken by the man who was pressing down on her had overwhelmed her entirety.

Her husband"s bloodshot eyes made her feel like dying out of shame. She could no longer bear to witness his gaze, closing her eyes while her heart turned dead.

"No!!" Jackson Lars cried and tried to struggle but it amounted to nothing. He never felt this helpless in his life before, not even at the time when he encountered that unscrupulous bandit.

When he saw her close her eyes and the b.a.s.t.a.r.d about to take her lips, his heart trembled, "Imryll!"

Suddenly, a dagger covered with immense might flew from the sides, pa.s.sing all the Fifth Stage Cultivators and even managing to slip past them as it zoomed towards Young Leader Baris at an incredible speed.

Kron reacted, however, he was at the other side and was too late to capture or deflect the dagger.

Young Leader Baris suddenly felt a hint of danger and instinctively reacted from feeling the killing intent that came from a certain direction.

With his battle-hardened instincts, he didn"t even look at the direction but inclined his neck above like a snake while he saw dagger flypast in front of his eyes.

Only then did he hear the shouts and the worried cries echoing from his lackeys while a painful cry echoed from the crowd, likely from one of the guests who got stabbed by the dagger unluckily.

Katrine Blackwell had also opened her eyes in shock when she heard her husband cry out a name. The name felt incredibly familiar as this name belonged to none other than her rival!

The moment Katrine Blackwell opened her eyes, a dagger flew past above her, almost piercing that b.a.s.t.a.r.d"s head, however, it missed by a slight margin. She then turned to look towards the direction in which the dagger flew from and her eyes widened even more from shock.

Imryll from the Berilan Family! She was someone that her family would target since the Blackwell Family and the Berilan Family had been always at odds!

Young Leader Baris also turned towards the source of the killing intent and saw a woman quickly taking another dagger out of her spatial ring but then he instantly realized that it wasn"t for him but...

Imryll Berilan looked at the situation in front of her. Her hands trembled as she kept the dagger in front of her glabella, however, she failed to decisively kill herself.

One thrust was all it needed to save herself from a cruel fate than death but she couldn"t make a stabbing motion towards herself as her pupils dilated and elongated.

The Sixth Stage Expert was just an instant away from her.

It only took a second for her to renew her determination and stab at herself, however, by that time, it was too late.

Kron appeared in front of her and effectively disarmed her while sending a palm strike towards her abdomen, dealing critical damage to her dantian.

Imryll Berilan spat out a mouthful of blood as she felt her dantian circulate out of control in chaos. She felt that it was going to crumble, effectively crippling her Essence Gathering Cultivation System.

Unable to stand as her legs gave out, she knelt down as she spat a mouthful of blood again, along with some bits and pieces of meat which was none other than her various internal organs.

"Bring that b.i.t.c.h over here!" Young Leader Baris coldly spoke, his eyes frosting over the fear of death he felt in that instant.

Kron was about to deal the killing blow with his own hands but he instantly stopped once he had heard the command. He grasped Imryll Berilan"s hair and dragged her over the floor as he walked towards Young Leader Baris.

Imryll Berilan gave a painful cry as she held her hair, however, it amounted to nothing as she was held by her neck in the next moment. She felt so weak that she was not able to control the energy her body, disabling her even from making a suicide attempt such as exploding her revolving core!

Her eyes were slumped as she felt weak. She was then made to kneel down beside Jackson Lars, while her neck was also turned, forced to watch Young Leader Baris"s cold gaze.

Young Leader Baris couldn"t help but view her with killing intent. He thought of ending her life right here and now. Despite that, since the other party was a woman, his mind twisted her ending to a fate crueler than death.

Jackson Lars went stiff, no longer trembling from the intensity of the situation. Only one thought was running on his mind, "What have I done?!"