Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 568

Davis wasn"t disappointed much since he possessed various Pill Recipes capable of increasing his Light Laws. The stash of Pill Recipes he received from Old Man Garvin wasn"t anything small.

Old Man Garvin even once said that comprehension of laws depended on one"s talent... making him a little bit scared of his future. Thinking back, Old Man Garvin was just feeding him fear and shaping him up like an elder.

"Old geezer..." Davis inwardly chuckled.

Old Man Garvin wasn"t stingy at all when it came to Pill Recipes, even at King Grade.

However, Davis knew that Old Man Garvin didn"t give the Emperor Grade Pill Recipes that were for the Eighth Stage. He knew that it was probably within the spatial ring which Old Man Garvin has designated for his descendants.

Nevertheless, he couldn"t access it. If he did, he would undoubtedly face the consequences of the Blood Soul Contract.

"That said, why are these pills graded at King Grade? Isn"t Level Five Law Intent of Primary Laws something which could be comprehended at the Law Manifestation Stage if one is talented enough?" Davis became confused.

"Shouldn"t it be graded at Sky Grade?"

Laws were gradually categorized depending on the level of prowess one displayed just by using interacting with heaven and earth energy to display their comprehension of laws without using any type of energy such as essence energy, martial energy, and soul force.

From ancient times, this knowledge was pa.s.sed down so no one doubted the authenticity of this information!

That is... Comprehension of Primary Laws, such as Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Lightning, and other such laws can all be only considered elementary before one reached the Fifth Stage of Essence Gathering Cultivation.

Of course, this also applied to the other two Cultivation Systems.

Before reaching the Fifth Stage, all such laws, whether it is Primary Laws or Greater Laws, they can all only be considered elementary in prowess and level.

After a cultivator reached the Fifth Stage, the cultivator would be able to comprehend intents.

At the Fifth Stage, the Law Seed Stage, the cultivator would only be able to comprehend from Level One Intent to Level Three Intent!

At the Sixth Stage, the Law Manifestation Stage, the cultivator would only be able to comprehend from Level Four Intent to Level Six Intent!

At the Seventh Stage, the Law Dominion Stage, the cultivator would only be able to comprehend from Level Seven Intent to Level Nine Intent!

And powers at the Seventh Stage is graded at King Grade. Hence, only pills capable of increasing the chances of comprehending Level Seven Intent and above would have been graded at King Grade!

However, in the Verdant Hurricane Pill and the Regal Sunbeam Pill which only provides a chance at comprehending Level Five Intent which should in all right graded at High-Level or Peak-Level Sky Grade, is graded at King Grade!

"Perhaps, is it because of the main King Grade Ingredients that these pills are graded at King Grade despite its inadequate effects?"

Davis instantly became curious and checked the Pill Recipes that he had already memorized.

After a few seconds of searching in his memory, he looked at the few pill recipes he had, finding it even similar to the Regal Sunbeam Pill.


Regal Flamelight Pill - Mid-Level King Grade Pill


This pill is capable of increasing the chances of a person comprehending both Fire Laws and Light Laws to an extent, depending upon the quality of the ingredients used as well as the tier of the concocted pill.

The Fire Laws" is the major since there are more Fire Attributed Ingredients in this pill while the single Light Attributed Ingredient influences the Fire Laws to invoke the comprehension of Light Laws...





The person consuming this pill should"ve at least comprehended Level Four Intent of Fire Laws, otherwise, the comprehension state granted by the pill would just slip away like a slithering snake.

The requirements differ for each tier of the pill...








-Concocting Method




-Tier Effects


Grants an increase in the chances of comprehending Level Five Intent of Fire Laws. It does not invoke the comprehension of Light Laws.


Grants a slight increase in the chances of comprehending Level Six Intent of Fire Laws and Level One Intent of Light Laws.


Grants an increase in the chances of comprehending Level Six Intent of Fire Laws and Level One Intent of Light Laws.

Perfect-Tier (Theoretical, not realized)

Grants a slight increase in the chances of comprehending Level Seven Intent of Fire Laws and Level One Intent of Light Laws.

Personal Notes




This pill should be graded at Peal-Level Sky Grade in all honesty since Perfect-Tier Pill is not realizable, however, since many recipes like this only grants meager effects while using ingredients that are of higher level, it became a necessity to grade them at a grade befitting of its concoction cost.





The Pill Recipe was thoroughly detailed, making Davis instantly understand that this Regal Sunbeam Pill is undoubtedly a Crude-Tier Pill just as he suspected.

Especially, the personal note in the Pill Recipe made him understand more about the Regal Sunbeam Pill.

Besides, the additional description that was included in the Regal Sunbeam Pill - to grant the chances of comprehending Level One Light Laws seemed to be bogus since it was just a Crude Tier Pill.

"Talk about adding a fake effect to the Crude Tier Regal Sunbeam Pill..." Davis cast a mocking glance at the Low-Level King Grade Alchemist causing the latter to look back at him.

However, the Low-Level King Grade Alchemist noticed his robe which had lower stars than him and cast a mocking gaze back before moving his gaze to the beauties.

"Fraud..." Davis faintly sneered and also no longer bothered.

The Regal Sunbeam Pill should in no doubt be similar to the Regal Flamelight Pill, or they both are the same pill but has different names due to some factors.

Whether it is plagiarism or difference due to the birthplace of the Pill Recipe, he didn"t care.


He quickly bought the Verdant Hurricane Pill for 20,000 Mid-Level Spirit Stones since he realized that he didn"t have the Pill Recipe for it when he searched in his memories.

The Verdant Hurricane Pill seemed to be a Normal-Tier Pill that was graded at Low-Level King Grade. It seemed that Pills that increased the chances for comprehension of law intents were rather sold for high prices than their general prices.

He wasn"t surprised because the Regal Sunbeam Pill actually sold for 100,000 Mid-Level Spirit Stones which is sky high when considering that it was just a Mid-Level King Grade Pill.

No wonder people found it hard to comprehend Law Intents.

These pills just increased the chances to a slight, normal, and great extent, meaning that they provided little to great help depending upon the tier of the pill but they weren"t mentioned due to marketing tactics and attracting customers.

And this Regal Sunbeam Pill is undoubtedly the worst, giving only a slight increase, so he didn"t buy that pill.

He bought the Verdant Hurricane Pill despite its high price for his little sister Diana who trained in the Wind and Illusion Attributed Cultivation Manual.

To Diana, Wind Laws were something that she would need to comprehend in the future to enhance her prowess. hence, he bought it without thinking for a second time.

Black hair draped over shoulders, gleaming sapphire eyes, a small nose, and thin lips. Just charmingly beautiful...

Her appearance that is similar yet contrasting to Clara"s cold expression flashed across his mind. If that playful and lovable little sister of his can become stronger, then he felt that he could gladly spend even more Spirit Stones!