Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 67

Chapter 67

After they docked the s.h.i.+p near the Island, some made their way to the Gote Island . They were all either powerful or people with high statuses .

The Gote Island has a restriction that only people with high statuses or people with cultivation on the Fourth Stage are allowed inside .

So the other youths who couldn"t enter stayed in the s.h.i.+p till the start of the tournament .

There were other Islands near the Gote Island, but they were used for the preliminaries . So, it was off limits to land near it .

The Gote island was quite small as there was only an arena in the middle of the Island . The Island was only 5 km long, while the arena in the middle was 2 km long .

Davis and the others made their way to the Gote Island in a small flying boat .

"So this where the final compet.i.tion will be held?" Davis asked as he put a calm and indifferent face .

"That"s right, the preliminaries will be held in other Islands," Logan said as he nodded his head, "But you don"t need to partic.i.p.ate in the preliminaries since you"re from a Sky Grade Empire . "

Logan glanced at Ellia and said in a frown, "Though your maid, Ellia, needs to partic.i.p.ate in the preliminaries . "

Hearing that, Davis frowned .

As they talked, they arrived near the entrance of the arena .

They got down from the boat as they were greeted by certain people of high stature .

After they exchanged some pleasantries, Logan and the others made their way inside the arena .

When Davis got out of the entrance, he saw a ma.s.sive field which contained 3 combat stages, each 500 m long . The 3 combat stages were surrounded by a huge bunch of audience who came to view the battle between the young elites .

In the north end of the elevated audience area, was the VIP area where all the people of high statuses were seated .

Logan looked at the north end and made his way there coolly as Davis and Ellia followed him .

"Haha, long time no see, Emperor Loret, I am sure you"ve done your best to uphold the honour of your Empire . "

As he finally got there, Logan was greeted sarcastically by a middle-aged man who looked quite fat .

"Yes, this 15 year period was quite a hurdle for my Loret Empire, Emperor Ross . " Logan sneered inside but didn"t let it show on his face as he said indifferently .

He clasped his hands as he said, "I hope you had been all well during this time Emperor Ross, Emperor Ashton, Emperor Claymore and Emperor Ruth . "

His eyes scanned past the other two Emperors who looked at him coldly as he sat in his seat . He was burning with rage but chose not to do anything here .

There were seven marvellous seats at the top of the arena . All the emperors arrived there and sat as they chatted with each other . Davis and Ellia sat near them but not too close . They sat with other heaven chosen elites of the various empires .

Logan chose to ignore Emperor Tritor and Emperor Raven altogether as the other party did the same .

"Hmph! You kid, you have the guts to say I had been well? Look at that daughter of mine! Too arrogant!! She didn"t even spare me a glance and took away my position as if it were a roadside vegetable which was ripe for the taking!"

Hearing that, all the other Emperors laughed including Davis . But the other elites didn"t dare to laugh at his statement .

The one who spoke was Emperor Mark Ruth . He was the Emperor until Isabella Ruth took the throne away from him for her own empowerment .

"My condolences Emperor Ruth, you had it hard . . . " Logan perfunctorily replied but he was laughing inside .

"*sigh* Leave it, you had it harder than me! This 15 year period was a calamity to your Empire, you have my condolences as well . " Emperor Ruth said as he shook his head .

Logan nodded his head and didn"t say anything .

"Could it be . . . then the rumours were true?" Emperor Claymore asked incredulously as he narrowed his eyes .

"Yes, that little girl is in her own world, not listening to anyone"s advice . She left on her own to the outside world . That girl, I hope she stays alive . . . " Emperor Ruth said as his face turned grim .

Even though she does not listen to his words, he still dotted on her as she was his daughter and his pride .

Various gasps could be seen in the place where the young elites of each empire sat . Their faces looked like they had been given a huge blow but even so, some still stayed haughty and arrogant as they considered themselves to be of the junior generation .

Even the emperors sighed in admiration to her extraordinary feat . Some were even extremely jealous .

"In the outside world, there are probably many powers which are extremely powerful than us, so I hope that something doesn"t happen to your daughter that can be considered, brutal . . . " An eerie voice quipped from the side .

Everyone turned to look at him, it was Emperor Tritor who uttered those words .

"Those words, what exactly do you mean?" Emperor Ruth asked as his aura flared .

Some were happy to see the spectacle while few others frowned in displeasure .

"I meant exactly as I said . I hope that nothing happens to your daughter, Emperor Ruth . " Emperor Tritor grinned hideously as he said those words .

His words might sound appropriate, but everyone knew that he was wis.h.i.+ng the opposite of what he said .

Emperor Ruth gnashed his teeth in anger . Just when he going to do something, a voice echoed out .

"Leave it, Emperor Ruth . Some people just couldn"t bear to see others climbing atop of their heads . " Logan uttered as he said those words indifferently .

"Haha, nicely said, Emperor Loret!" Hearing that, Emperor Ruth laughed as he started to like this new emperor .

Emperor Tritor narrowed his eyes and laughed suddenly .

"Bringing two kids to the VIP seats, even if they are of royal status, their cultivation is probably low that they don"t deserve to be seated here . In fact, they do not even deserve to directly partic.i.p.ate in the final compet.i.tion . "

Emperor Loret and Emperor Tritor glared at each other, a tense atmosphere started to whirl around the VIP seats .