Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 72

Chapter 72

Ellia, who heard that managed to calm down as their intent wasn"t to kill her but only rob .

The eight youths were clad in different armours and had different weapons which made them look like a group of ragtag .

Ellia narrowed her eyes and shouted in a brave voice as she steadied herself, "If you want it, then come and take it from me!"

"Haha, I admire your courage but it wouldn"t be wise to let go of our offer . "

"Leave it, everyone, who partic.i.p.ates here have their own backbone . You can"t just expect them to hand it over . "

"Then, I"ll take care of her . . . "

A youth with a spear on his back approached Ellia .

"I can do this!" Ellia thought as she readied herself .

"Bullying a little kid isn"t my hobby, but we are fighting with our lives on the line here . You can only blame yourself for stepping on this land!" That youth who had a spear charged at her with open fists . It seemed like he had cultivation but no fist skills as he was clearly clumsy with his fists .

"A spear user? He went easy on me?" Ellia thought as she jumped out of the branch . She aimed her fists at him and collided with each other .


"Argh!" That youth was sent flying as he felt his bones crack in his arms .

"H . . Hand over your token . . . now that you have been defeated . !" Ellia threatened in a not so threatening tone .

"Heh, little miss, did you forget that there were 7 of us left?" A voice echoed at the back of her head which startled her greatly .

She ducked her head down as suddenly a black sword cut the top of her hair a little while she hurriedly moved away from her position .

Ellia who was almost killed was greatly angered as she looked at the scrawny youth who sneak attacked her .

"Hawk, what are you doing?" A youth with a sword shouted .

"She"s just a little girl, why are you aiming to kill her for?" Even the guy who had his fists broken shouted at him .

"Hmph! You guys should just give up and go back to the s.h.i.+p . If you don"t have enough resolve, just go back to your hometown!" That scrawny youth who was called Hawk sneered in derision .

A short handling of the little girl led to a confusion in the newly formed random team . They exchanged back arguments as they decided what to do with her .

After all, every team here was either formed way before or after this preliminary started .

"He"s right! If you don"t have enough resolve then you guys should just hand over your tokens and leave!"

"That"s right! . . . "

The situation went out of hand as an internal fight broke out among them while they argued whether to kill her or not .

Out of the eight individuals who pursued them, it was only that youth who had a sword and the youth who had a spear outright denied to kill her .

Ellia who watched that felt an emotion wash over her as she laughed at herself in derision as she thought .

"How lamentable! They"re fighting over whether to kill me or not as if I am a savage beast . So this is what Davis, my prince, meant by that he is weak, even when he is so strong . "

"Heh, this is why he told me to make myself stronger, so that there will be none who could control my fate by then!"


" . . . . You!" The scrawny youth who argued with the youth with the sword suddenly had his heart pierced as electricity ran through him like a snake that was bent on devouring the innards of its prey .

Ellia looked up at him in indifference as she thought of him as an ant .

That scrawny youth"s eyes went red as he collapsed while his heart corroded as it let out a charred smell .

"Kill her!!" The two youths who supported her froze, while the other five youths who were clad in different armours surrounded as they charged at her in all directions .

Ellia looked at her surrounding calmly as if she weren"t the one who was targeted anymore . She looked like a bystander who was calmly watching an ongoing battle . Her eyes looked indifferent to her surroundings as she cast a technique .

"Lightning Storm . . " She lightly muttered to herself as she looked at those two youths who s.h.i.+elded in a different light .

Suddenly . thick lines of lightning tinged with a light black colour erupted from her body as it flew to the youths who charged at her in a zig-zag motion .

"Hurry dodge!" A youth shouted in horror as he saw that lightning approach him like a snake .

But alas, the lightning discharged by Ellia was faster than them, resulting in the black lightning hitting them with a crackling sound .

Lightning covered them as they were burnt like a pig while a charred smell wafted in the air .

The two youths who supported Ellia, froze in fear as if they saw a ghost, their face pale as snow .

"Hand over the tokens and leave . . . "

Those two youths who heard that threw over their tokens hurriedly and ran away with their lives pathetically as if they were granted an amnesty for a great crime they had committed before .

"Davis! I won! Look!" Ellia shouted as she turned jubilant while she collected the tokens from their tokens as if nothing of importance happened a moment ago .

Just when she collected the last of the eight tokens, she collapsed on the gra.s.s as if she was exhausted .

But just when she was going to fall on the gra.s.s, a hand extended around her waist and supported her from falling .

. . . .

A few minutes ago .

Davis looked at the confrontation in utter concentration as he couldn"t let Ellia die in front of him so easily, no matter what .

"Eight youths, let"s see how she would handle this . . . " Davis thought .

He was on the branch were Ellia had supposedly stood on before, watching the battle below with eyes wide open . He used his Dark Concealing Shroud Art to make himself invisible to the people below .

In fact, even all the people in this preliminary couldn"t see through his cloaking . Even if he stood beside them and acted like a clown, they wouldn"t be able to notice .