Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 84

Chapter 84

Boisterous laughter erupted in the main arena as everyone lost their bearings .

"Hahaha!" Emperor Ashton loudly laughed as he bent down, hugging his stomach .

Logan also couldn"t take it as he laughed in satisfaction while he thought, "All that humiliation I experienced earlier was worth it! Good! Good!"

The other emperors also couldn"t hold their laughter as they looked at Tritor and laughed .

The geniuses looked like they were suffering from constipation as their face looked flushed . They tried to hold their laughter through various means . Some tried to hide their faces, while some buried their faces as they held their stomach .

Emperor Tritor"s face went pale from anger . When had he ever faced a humiliation like this?

His arms were trembling as he gritted his fingers tightly while blood was dripping out of his palms, dirtying the ground .

"What is meaning of this!? Logan Loret!" His tone was incomparably cold as it induced a bone-chilling effect on whoever heard it .

"Heh, weren"t you the one who sent him to the preliminaries, doubting about his abilities? Look, isn"t he nice? He didn"t even forget to send you his regards . . . " Logan said in an earnest tone . His face looked as if he was incomparably sincere in explaining .

"You . . . !"

"No matter, how can you lose your bearing over the tantrum of a child . Remember that you are an emperor!" Emperor Raven reminded him .

Emperor Tritor gritted his teeth as he looked at the projection in hatred only to rage again .

"You are courting death!!!"

The projection showed the ground around Davis were filled with letters of blood .

[I hope you had liked my present, Grandson!]

Not only that but Davis could be seen waving at them in a carefree manner .

Another round of continuous laughter erupted in the arena as the geniuses really couldn"t stop themselves from laughing anymore .

Suddenly, Emperor Tritor regained his bearings and calmly sat on his seat . He then lazily uttered, "Reasoning with you people is useless, no haste . I"ll wait for your cute son to come here . "

As he thought about the humiliation he received, his eyes flashed with killing intent . The reason why he was able to calm down was that he had already started concocting a plan for killing Davis . A plan that was well deserved and humiliating for Davis .

Logan, Emperor Ashton and Emperor Ruth narrowed their eyes . The other emperors could also see the killing intent in Emperor Tritor"s eyes, but they remained silent as it wasn"t related to them .

"Emperor Loret, if he makes a move on your son, know that this emperor will aid you in helping your son escape . " Emperor Ruth sent a Soul Transmission to Logan .

"Yes, this is serious . It would be fine if he did this in our home, but disrespecting an emperor is the same as disrespecting us as well . So it will be quite difficult for us to protect him . That said, I won"t watch him take it too far with my son . If he wants to kill my son, then he should be prepared to die!" Logan said as his eyes turned cold .

Logan also received a Soul Transmission from Emperor Ashton . Now he felt relieved as two emperors were supporting him .

. . . .

"I bet that stick man is p.i.s.sed off if he had watched what I"d done . "

After waving his hands to the monitoring bug, Davis took off in some other direction .

Of course, the direction in which he headed to, was where Ellia was .

He felt so good, doing that stunt which was childish .

He knew that he was needlessly provoking Emperor Tritor, but he knew that one shouldn"t let their enemies live long . So he took a leap of risk in provoking him .

The impression Davis had about Tritor was that "A person who would adopt any means to kill off his enemies . "

As he made his way to the place where Ellia was, he saw a lot of partic.i.p.ants still hunting for some beasts .

Suddenly, he stopped because he caught sight of Evelynn who was battling a Peak-Level Earth Beast Stage Magical Beast .

The beast looked haggard as it went an intense battle against Evelynn . Its fur was red in colour and back was razor sharp . One of its eyes were slashed, while one of its two tails were cut off .

"A Two-Tailed Red Tiger . . . " Davis muttered as he looked at the almost dead beast .

Evelynn held a sword in her hands which was dyed red from the beast blood .

"Die beast!"

She cast her sonic technique which added on to the damage already she had already inflicted on the tiger .

*Rawwrrr* The beast roared as it felt its head ache while simultaneously it closed its only working eye .


The beast"s head was severed as the head flew and landed near Davis .

"Davis?" Evelynn saw a familiar silhouette and called out doubtfully .

Davis walked inside her range of sight . After all, there was fog perpetually all over the place .

Seeing Davis showing himself in front of her, her heart relaxed . After all, she was all alone in this place, hunting a beast . If she saw a vague silhouette that looked like a kid, then she would"ve been spooked if she didn"t know that a kid like Davis was partic.i.p.ating in the second round .

"That was a good kill . . . " Davis commented as he approached her .

"Oh, that, I couldn"t fight it in close quarters so I used that technique which was ineffective against you to overcome the gap . And effectively I was able to sever a . . . lot of its body parts . . . " When Evelynn caught sight of him, she turned pretty nervous . So to hide that, she tried to explain what she had done .

"Hmm? Something wrong with her? Why is she turning nervous? This makes no sense!" Davis thought as he saw her getting fidgety .

He wryly laughed and asked as he changed the topic, "The second round is almost ending, why don"t we travel together?"

"Sss . . . Sure . " Evelynn said as she hastily went near the beast to take out its core . But she then remembered something as she continued, "My team is nearby as well, we should move together then . "

" . . . Alright" Davis had no objections, although he felt like he had lost something in that instant .

He then realized it a second later as he felt intense regret, "f.u.c.k! I lost my time to be alone with Evelynn together!"