Divine Talent Born Mortal

Chapter 257

This was not normal even among veteran soldiers who hesitated a little to kill even after spending several years on the battlefield, he was proud of his son having a great battlefield talent, but could not help worrying about him.

After a few hours of battle, it began to get dark and the two armies decided to end the battle that day, even with Zhang Yi"s supportive domain the soldiers were still tired after a few hours of fighting.

Physically they were not so tired, but the pressure of fighting knowing that one could die at any moment and the stress of having to be on the lookout eroded the minds of the soldiers, even Zhang Feng who was not in danger was tired of always having to watch and give commands to his troops.

Only Zhang Yi was more relaxed after this fight, he could not even get tired of this fight in which he did not have to struggle, he had already fought in much more intense battles than this, and even having to use mental energy to observe all the battlefield and using the support domain and the laws of time was easy for Zhang Yi.

He only cared more about his father, but if something happened that put Zhang Feng in danger, it wouldn"t be a problem for Zhang Yi to help his father, the only thing Zhang Yi worried about in this fight was not to stand out too much in this battle.

Zhang Yi was also watching the messengers that had been sent by Zhang Feng, the messenger who was sent later at Zhang Yi"s request had already arrived at the general"s friend"s troop who was friends with Zhang Feng and that troop was already coming to help in this battle.

So after just one more day of battle, the reinforcements would arrive, even after their troops had killed thousands of enemies without losing anyone, Zhang Feng"s troop still had fewer soldiers than its enemies and that was what stressed the most allied soldiers.

Maybe after the Allied troop arrived and they had as many troops as their enemies made the opposing army decide to retreat, that"s what Zhang Yi wanted to happen because his father would be more relaxed.

If Zhang Yi"s goal was to kill all enemies and end this war he could have done so long ago, Zhang Yi"s goal was for his parents to have a normal life until he had to leave Earth.

But the soldiers who had been sent before to call for reinforcements, as usual, had not yet reached as far as the Allied army"s troops were, the emperor was careful and ordered these troops to be far from the border.

Even if these messenger soldiers were sent more than a day before the battle began, they had not yet reached the allies, which meant that when the messenger arrived it would take more than twice as long for the allies to reach where Zhang Feng was fighting.

By then the battle would be over, and Zhang Feng could have died if it had not been for his close friend"s general, Zhang Yi understood that this is why the generals began to distrust the emperor.

This time would not work because Zhang Yi was helping the battle and Zhang Feng had more time to prepare and ask for help before the battle began, but perhaps the emperor decided to prepare something similar in a few years to kill Zhang Feng.

But Zhang Yi was not worried about that because after this battle if the opposing army decided to withdraw it would take several years to prepare another army to attack again, and by the time his master would have appeared.

Zhang Yi hoped that perhaps as soon as his master appeared he would leave the land and take his parents with him, in another 2 years his master would arrive on earth and so Zhang Yi was not worried that anything else would happen to his father by then.

The other day the two sides fought much more carefully and the barbarian army trying to invade was more aggressive, after that night the soldiers could rest much more from the forced march and could fight even better.

Also, they should be in a hurry anyway because when Zhang Feng troop allies came it would be almost impossible for them to invade the border, on the other side, Zhang Feng troop soldiers just had to defend until the allies arrived.

Zhang Yi was also not active as the day before, the enemy soldiers were attacking him more and also some archers of the enemy army were trying to hit him during the battle.

The right thing in this situation would be for Zhang Yi to back down, which was what the barbarian army had hoped for, but Zhang Yi could deflect the arrows and discreetly use his mental energy and the laws of the air to keep the arrows from reaching him.

Zhang Yi wouldn"t be hurt if the arrows. .h.i.t him, but it would make the Allies, even more, think that he was a monster for not being hurt by the arrows, it helped, even more, the Allied army that didn"t have to worry about the arrows.

After another day of fighting many soldiers on both sides had died that day of battle, Zhang Yi could protect all allies, but that would raise much suspicion if no one of his father"s troops died after nearly 2 days of the war.

But the barbarian army lost far more soldiers than Zhang Feng"s troops, at which point his father"s troops were beginning to worry that the Allies had not yet appeared.

It had been almost 3 days since the messengers had gone out to ask for help and according to the map they knew an Allied army should have come to help their troops, Zhang Feng was already worried about this and naturally thought that this could be something done by the emperor.

Zhang Yi decided not to tell his father that the allies would come in the morning, after all, it would be very strange if he showed that he knew about things no one should know when the allies arrived Zhang Feng would naturally be more relaxed.

Just as Zhang Yi had already seen, when the sun rose the Allies arrived to a.s.sist the war, Zhang Feng and his troops would be relieved and the enemies became even more worried, so Zhang Feng was angry again when he realized that the allies who had come they were brought in by the messenger his son suggested for him to send.

This meant that a troop he didn"t even know existed was closer than the troops that should normally be closer to a.s.sist the troop on his border, Zhang Feng was grateful to Zhang Yi who helped a lot in this. battle and angry with the emperor who should have done something about it.

The important thing now was to continue fighting until the enemy retreated or until they eliminated the entire enemy army, with a few more weeks of fighting that would be necessary for this to happen the allies would surely come.