Do You Remember My Name?

Chapter 15

Chapter 15

After the love letter incident, the girls who liked Feng Fei seemed to increase a lot.

"Just because I didn’t say… the name of the girl?" Feng Fei gasped in amazement, "Is that so easy to be tempted?"

"This time I didn’t help, no matter how much they asked for your phone number." He Hao felt that the last incident was his fault as well, so he no longer wanted to help. "Now the girls were trying to look cool, and I think they kinda look stupid, acting like they have a sense of responsibility."

"Sense of responsibility, my a.s.s!" Feng Fei sneered, "I"m tired of getting into trouble. If those people find out who it is, I won’t be able to wash my hands clean1. Oh yeah, I’m not going this weekend ah. I have matters to do."

He Hao was speechless for some seconds before he could finally say, "But there is a friendly match from a different school this weekend ah! You will not really go? A lot of girls are coming."

"Then you go." Feng Fei said absentmindedly, "I have somewhere to go, and you don’t have to notify me about the later event. I will not go as well."

He Hao was thoroughly dumbfounded, "This is not like you. Do you really have a girlfriend? I heard them say that the reason you rejected Ji Ya Qi was because you already have a girlfriend."

"Who said that behind my back?!" Feng Fei thought for a while then hurriedly said, "Well, sort of… but don’t let them talk nonsense, it’s annoying."

"What else can I say to your buddies?" The less Feng Fei said, the more He Hao got curious. So he could not help but ask: "Who ah? Is it in our school?"

Feng Fei shook his head, "Don"t ask. Oh… what are you doing?"

Feng Fei was leaning on He Hao"s desk, he turned around to see He Hao and his deskmate holding a single pen together and pointing it on a paper.

"Bunshinsaba2 please come to me…" He Hao"s desk mate Pan Bai, was a plumb little boy and was always smiling. So whenever Feng Fei sees him, he felt like he was seeing a Buddha. But at that moment, Pan Bai looked solemn and his voice was lighter than before, "I"m asking who is my marriage partner…"

Feng Fei looked down at the written names of several female stars on the paper and then to the tip of the pen that was not moving at all. He fell into a silence.

After some seconds, Feng Fei could finally say to He Hao with a smile: "You fill it up this weekend, this big brother won’t steal your limelight. Cause if I really go, then you mean nothing."

He Hao laughed and shoved the smug Feng Fei, it just so happened that Hai Xiu was handing the homework behind him. Feng Fei casually b.u.mped into Hai Xiu.

"Why are you not walking properly?" Feng Fei accused him first, "Do I look like a floor?"

Hai Xiu felt helpless, this person was really……

"I……" Hai Xiu pushed aside Feng Fei, "I didn’t see you…"

But Feng Fei didn’t budge and was still blocking his way, "You didn’t see? Are you blind ah? You just b.u.mped me… Oh, it hurts…"

Feng Fei clutched his stomach and his brows knitted, "Tsk… it really hurts…"

Hai Xiu refrained himself from smiling and asked, "Where does it hurt?"

"It hurts everywhere." Feng Fei took a half step forward, closer to Hai Xiu, and looked down at the kid with a smile: "Do you want me to lift my clothes for you to see? Then you rub it?"


Hai Xiu was driven beyond the limits of tolerance, he pushed Feng Fei and continued on doing his task.

Feng Fei nonchalantly leaned on the table and happily watched Hai Xiu walked around the cla.s.sroom.

The next period was self-study cla.s.s, Feng Fei did not wait for this cla.s.s to finish and hurriedly told Hai Xiu: "I just told He Hao that I won’t partic.i.p.ate in the school team activities this weekend. I feel at ease just reading. What do you think?"

Hai Xiu hesitated before saying: "You… You"re willing?"

"There"s nothing to be unwilling." Feng Fei looked down to his homework, "Now that I have a vacant time to read books with you… though we may not be able to do it, but at least I can go with you and its more interesting than playing with them."

Hai Xiu"s heart beat fast, he lowered his head to look at the homework then said softly: "My… My mom is not at home this weekend."

Feng Fei looked up, stared at Hai Xiu and smiled: "What does that mean?"

Hai Xiu quickly regretted what he had said. He panicked and tried taking out a book, causing his pen to accidentally fell on the ground. Hai Xiu was about to pick it up, but Feng Fei was the first one to crouched down to pick it up and handed it to Hai Xiu. "I"m asking you. What do you mean?"

"It… It doesn’t have any meaning." Hai Xiu took the pen, "Thanks. Let"s do the questions…"

It was Friday afternoon and it was going to be weekend soon, so they did not have any mood to read a book, and Feng Fei was not an exception. He stared at it for a while, his heart was not really into it, then to Hai Xiu who seemed to be eager to study. Hai Xiu handed him the mathematics test practice book. "You missed the last two questions. You… You do it."

Feng Fei took it and sure enough, he really missed the last two questions like what Hai Xiu said. Feng Fei had to think on how to answer it and do it step by step.

"Don"t move……"

"Your hand is too awkward!"

Feng Fei took a look and saw two of his cla.s.smates were also playing the Pen Fairy. He laughed and said: "How did it become so popular recently?"

The two cla.s.smates made a "sush" gesture at Feng Fei, then asked in a mysterious voice: "Bunshinsaba, Bunshinsaba, please come to me. I want to know on which university will I be admitted.”

Hai Xiu also turned his head to look, he was somewhat curious.

"Have you ever played it?" Feng Fei asked Hai Xiu.

Hai Xiu shook his head. When he was still a freshman, he vaguely remembered the two girls in his cla.s.s who were holding a pen together, but he did not know what they were doing that time.

Feng Fei had not played this game yet, so he asked the student from the other table. "How do you do this thing?"

"Two people, a piece of paper and a pen." The student was looking nervously at the pen he was holding. "Hold the pen together, don’t make any regular movement… Such as, swaying it back and forth or making a circle. That"s it. Then you have to chant: Bunshinsaba, Bunshinsaba, please come to me. After that, you can start asking questions and the pen will move on its own."

His desk mate added, "It is best to be a man and a woman. If it’s two boys, there will be too much yang3 energy. It won’t attract the pen fairy."

The student nodded, "Just look at us, we"re doing this for half a day and the pen fairy hasn’t come yet. Hey, I told you to relax your hand! How do you—"

Feng Fei tore a piece of paper, placed it in the middle of his and Hai Xiu"s desk. He took Hai Xiu"s pen and said: "Come on, let’s try. You haven’t played this, right?"

Hai Xiu was eager to play the game with Feng Fei, he reached out his hand and gripped the pen.

"What…" Hai Xiu"s voice was trembling as he whispered, "What are we asking?"

Feng Fei shook his head: "I don’t know ah." He just thought that this position was very interesting, so he intertwined his fingers with Hai Xiu"s, making him think that it was very intimate.

Hai Xiu thought carefully and said: "Let"s ask if we will be admitted to the same university?"

Feng Fei almost fell down from his seat, after half a day, he finally said: "I am so disappointed in you. Ask something fun."

Hai Xiu racked his brain, but he could not really think of anything else that he wanted to know. Staring back at the kid, Feng Fei"s heart softened, Hai Xiu really wanted to go to the same university with him.

Feng Fei chuckled, "Go ask who I like right now. Don’t move your hand ah, a lot of people wants to know."

Hai Xiu also heard from the others that Feng Fei had someone he liked right now. His heart sank and he whispered: "Why don’t you just ask it yourself…"

"I don’t know ah." Feng Fei said innocently, "You don’t know that I have a girl I like, right?"

Hai Xiu bit his lower lip and did not answer.

Feng Fei looked at Hai Xiu and smiled, "What"s wrong?"

Hai Xiu did not want to really know who was the girl Feng Fei likes. He hesitated before saying: "Let"s… Let"s ask something else…"

"What to ask then?" Feng Fei laughed, "How bout you ask what is the color of the underwear I’m wearing today?"

Hai Xiu"s delicate eyebrows knotted, "Why would you ask such thing to the pen fairy ah?!"

Feng Fei laughed out loud. After laughing so much, he coughed a few times then said: "Then how about you? What do you want to know?"

Hai Xiu was not curious about their own things, so the two discussed for half a day and there was still no result. In the end, they had to return to the "Who does Feng Fei like?" issue.

Feng Fei leaned on his arm, he maintained this motionless position for half a day. The pen still did not move for a long time. Hai Xiu asked softly: "Maybe… Maybe because we are both guys?"

"Just wait for a bit more." Feng Fei was laughing inside as he whispered, "Girls’ hands are weak and there"s no strength when they are holding the pen, that’s why it"s easy to move. It won’t happen with me because I"m even able to do push up 200 times without pressure, my hands won’t tremble that easily."

Hai Xiu"s eyes widened: "You can do push up 200 times?!"

Feng Fei leaned closer, he lips hooked up as he said in a low voice: "I can do more than 200 times if you lie down under me."

Hearing this, Hai Xiu"s face flushed and his hand began trembling. Feng Fei pretended not to notice and continued on calling the pen fairy: "Bunshinsaba, please come to me."

Hai Xiu immediately focused his attention to the paper as their hands suddenly started trembling.

Feng Fei asked: "Who do I like?"

The pen"s vibration was fiercer this time, Hai Xiu swallowed the imaginary lump in his throat and waited anxiously. While Feng Fei was watching Hai Xiu"s face the entire time, his mouth hooked up unconsciously.

The movement of the pen became faster and faster, it would draw some irregular small circles in the center of the paper and would occasionally shake a few times. Hai Xiu became more and more tense, his eyes were not blinking and was staring intently on the paper. Feng Fei lowered his voice: "So curious?"

Hai Xiu unconsciously nodded, Feng Fei smiled and suddenly forced his hand.

Not long after, the pen suddenly stopped moving and their hands dropped heavily, leaving only two words—

Hai Xiu.

Translator’s Corner:

Would you like to buy translator-sama a coffee? Just click this link then support by buying a coffee(rather copy paste the link and go to the site XD) 

Don’t worry, guys. This is voluntary and only for the sake of having an internet everyday(Cause we buy our mobile data everyday here in my country) I’m not forcing you to give. And even if no one donated, rest a.s.sured, I will still finish DYRMN because I love this story. OwO)/ thank you.

On the notion of getting rid of a problem by removing it as if it were dirt on the hands. ↩Bunshinsaba or rather Pen Fairy is a game, sort of like a homemade Ouija board. Two people hold a pencil with one hand each, their fingers interlacing around the pencil. Then you call the spirit like this: Bunshinsaba, bunshinsaba, please come to me. (in chinese) and it’s supposed to start circling. Btw, there is a horror film about it made in Korea and China. Don’t search it at night like I did shudders ↩Chinese yáng means sun, positive, for men. In Chinese philosophy, the masculine or positive principle (characterized by light, warmth, dryness, activity, etc.) of the two opposing cosmic forces into which creative energy divides and whose fusion in physical matter brings the phenomenal world into being. ↩