Do You Remember My Name?

Chapter 25

Chapter 25

When Hai Xiu woke up the next day, he was the only one on the bed.

He sat on the bed and didn’t know whether the event last night really happened or was it just his own imagination.

Hai Xiu looked at the time… 6:15 am—his usual time of waking up.

Although his body followed his biological clock to wake up on time, he was still sleepy. This showed that he did sleep late last night, because last night… Hai Xiu"s heart beat a little faster as he touched his own lips. He then realized that what happened yesterday wasn’t a dream… it really happened.

But where was Feng Fei?

Hai Xiu got off of the bed and changed his clothes. He went to the washroom to look for Feng Fei… but Feng Fei wasn’t in there.

He then went downstairs and turned a round, but still didn’t find Feng Fei. Hai Xiu suddenly felt a little unsteady, he softly shouted: "Feng… Feng Fei?"

Hai Xiu wrapped himself in a bundle of clothes and opened the door to look outside, but Feng Fei wasn’t in the yard either.

He slowly went back to the house and his heart was gradually sinking down… Did Feng Fei regretted it?

Hai Xiu recalled the event last night. In fact, Feng Fei"s action could be clearly explained that it was just the spur of the moment… he stole a kiss from Feng Fei. Feng Fei was only surprised and out of sympathy, kissed him back. It was really possible…

Hai Xiu shook his head and didn’t dare think down that path.

He then suddenly remembered the book he had read before. In this case, it would be better to wait for the other person to show a behavior. If the other side really avoided him, then it was better to act like nothing happened. Because if he didn’t forget those things that happened previously, he would just make himself appear very embarra.s.sed.

His reasonings were very clear, but Hai Xiu still picked up his phone and called Feng Fei.

He wasn’t afraid that he would feel very embarra.s.sed, because Feng Fei mattered more than this thing.

The call was quickly connected, Feng Fei"s tone was a bit brisk when he asked: "Just woke up?"

"I… I just woke up." Hai Xiu swallowed and said with a little difficulty, "Where… Where are you?"

"I went out, but I’m already at home now." Feng Fei hurriedly said, "Hung up, I’m going to enter the door.

Just as Hai Xiu ended the call, the front door opened and he saw Feng Fei carrying the bread shop"s takeout meal. He put down the box, took off his coat and changed his shoes, "You woke up so early? I was even thinking of calling you later."

Hai Xiu approached a few steps and whispered: "Feng Fei?"

"Hmm?" Feng Fei smiled, "what"s wrong?"

Hai Xiu"s face reddened as he closed the distance between them by hugging Feng Fei. Then he said softly: "Last night… it"s true that… I really like you very much…"

Rather than wait for Feng Fei to show any behavior, Hai Xiu was willing to lower his stance first to confess to Feng Fei.

So that Feng Fei would know that he was serious last night.

Feng Fei froze for a moment. After coming back to his senses, he looked down at Hai Xiu"s face and smiled: "I know ah, I like you as well. What’s wrong?"

The big stone in Hai Xiu"s heart was immediately put down. He blushed and shook his head: "No, it"s nothing… I’ll go wash up."

Hai Xiu run upstairs while Feng Fei was left downstairs and thinking what had happened to Hai Xiu. He even heard him humming a song from upstairs.

Feng Fei stood for a full three minutes before he came to finally understand.

He quickly went upstairs and directly into the bathroom, and hugged Hai Xiu from behind who was brushing his teeth.


"You thought that I regretted it?" Feng Fei lowered his head, kissed Hai Xiu"s cheek and smiled, "Don"t be silly ah. Didn’t you say that you want to eat a bread? I woke up early just to buy it for you."

With a toothbrush dangling in his mouth, Hai Xiu looked through the mirror to see Feng Fei.

"I wanted to let you sleep a little longer, I didn’t expect you to wake up early." Feng Fei looked at Hai Xiu in the mirror and smiled. "Did you wake up looking for me?"

Hai Xiu nodded honestly.

"But…" Feng Fei felt something sweet in his heart as he smiled, "According to your temperament, it means you"re alright now. Also, how did you even say something I liked a while ago, ah?"

Hai Xiu blinked. He rinsed the foam in his mouth, wiped it and whispered: "Not really… it"s because I like you so much…"

Feng Fei took a deep breath and turned Hai Xiu around to face him. Then he lifted Hai Xiu"s face and kissed him directly.

Hai Xiu"s lips still had a hint of mint fragrance. Feng Fei wasn’t softhearted this time, he separated Hai Xiu"s lips and invaded Hai Xiu"s mouth.

Hai Xiu"s eyes widened and wanted to retreat, but Feng Fei was well-prepared, his one hand was at the back of Hai Xiu"s head and didn’t allow him to escape. He could no longer be gentle as he deepened the kiss.

After a full five minutes, only did Feng Fei felt completely satisfied and released Hai Xiu"s lips. Then he said: "If you’re not afraid to be late, I…"

Feng Fei felt a little regretful as he let go of Hai Xiu: "I"ll boil the milk. Tidy up quickly and come downstairs."

Hai Xiu touched his chest and sighed… He really thought that he was going to die!

Hai Xiu turned around to wash his face with a cold water. After adjusting his breathing, he went downstairs and ate breakfast with Feng Fei.

The bread that Feng Fei bought was exactly what Hai Xiu said, it really "smells good and soft". The two felt good and unconsciously ate a lot. Feng Fei even brought a box of small cookies for Hai Xiu and said: "Let"s go."

Hai Xiu nodded, he had already compiled his and Feng Fei"s homeworks and textbook they have to use today. They both took their school bag and went to school.

When they entered the cla.s.sroom together, He Hao was talking to the students at the backdoor of the cla.s.sroom.

The two didn’t come early, so some cla.s.s representatives had already received the homeworks. Hai Xiu took their homeworks and gave them to each cla.s.s representative. He Hao frowned and called Feng Fei without making a sound.

Feng Fei was tidying up their books when he saw He Hao gesturing something to him. He put down the books and followed He Hao out of the cla.s.sroom.

"You two…" He Hao hesitated first, "Well, I went back and thought about it. The more I thought of it, the more I think that it was wrong. I still think that you both—"

"Are fine." Feng Fei nodded easily, "It"s what you think."

He Hao looked around nervously, he lowered his voice and said: "Do you even know what I’m saying?! Why are you so impulsive…"

"Who"s impulsive?" Feng Fei sneered, "I know what you’re talking about. You already know what"s going on between us. We have a tacit understanding."

He Hao stared at Feng Fei in disbelief, he looked at Hai Xiu inside the cla.s.sroom and back to Feng Fei. Then he said: "You two…"

Feng Fei stared back at He Hao calmly: "What"s wrong?"

He Hao"s face reddened, he didn’t even speak for half a day. Feng Fei felt helpless, so he pulled He Hao to the side of the corridor and walked until they reached the staircase. He whispered: "I know your mouth isn’t that loose, that’s why I told you about it. It maybe not that great, but both of us are quite good, you don’t have to worry, ah."

Feng Fei talked about going back, but He Hao stopped him and quickly said: "You two are very occupied, this…"

"What are we doing?" Feng Fei glanced at He Hao and laughed, "Who are we bothering?"

He Hao couldn’t say that Feng Fei was really heartless. He straightened his collar and went back to the cla.s.sroom.

There was always a lump in He Hao"s heart.

There was a letter on his desk. It was written for Feng Fei from Ji Ya Qi.

(T/N: that girl again)

After the love letter incident before, Ji Ya Qi didn’t show up after a long time. But Ji Ya Qi would look for He Hao several times just to ask if Feng Fei has a girlfriend or if He Hao could give Feng Fei"s number to her.

Although He Hao also thought that Ji Ya Qi was beautiful, he couldn’t understand her behavior, so he really didn’t care about her. However, Ji Ya Qi looked for him again this morning. He didn’t speak but accepted her letter.

Of course, it was because he wanted his good brother to go to the right path.

In fact, he wasn’t disgusted of Hai Xiu and even quite like him, but it was only limited to the appreciation of a cla.s.smate. And because of that, he also wanted Hai Xiu to have a normal and stable life.

But He Hao couldn’t really figure it out. Hai Xiu was such an excellent student! He would have a great future! Why did he have to be a gay?!

He Hao glanced at the love letter on his desk. He hesitated over and over again, in the end, he decided to think about it again.

From the morning self-study, He Hao had been watching Hai Xiu and Feng Fei. Thanks to his position in the last row, he could clearly see the two people"s little gestures.

But he watched for a full morning and didn’t find anything unusual.

When in cla.s.s, Feng Fei wouldn’t talk to Hai Xiu. When it was cla.s.s break, he would go to the water dispenser, stroll around, play with his cellphone, read a book or do the questions.

On the other side, Hai Xiu would still keep a keen eye on Feng Fei while attending If Feng Fei was sleeping, Hai Xiu would peek at the phone and touched him gently, or would give him a small note to remind him.

During break time, Hai Xiu would take the trouble of explaining the topic again and again to Feng Fei. The two would talk about the that He Hao didn’t understand. There was nothing else.

This morning, counting from the morning self-study and five periods, the two were really peaceful. There wasn’t any slightest change between them.

The last period was the afternoon self-study cla.s.s. For half an hour, Feng Fei and Hai Xiu did their own papers, they didn’t even say a single word. The only exchange was when Hai Xiu accidentally dropped his own ruler to the ground, he reacted and Feng Fei picked it up for him.

Feng Fei even directly put the ruler into Hai Xiu"s pen holder, and then did the questions.

"What are you doing this morning?" He Hao"s deskmate just finished doing his papers, he frowned at He Hao: "What happened to you?"

He Hao felt irritated: "You won’t understand! I’m afraid… that my buddy is not walking down the right path."

He Hao’s desk mate looked at him coldly: "I think it’s you who haven’t been walking the right path the entire morning, you still have the mind to care about others."

He Hao was shocked and realized that his desk mate was right.

Feng Fei and Hai Xiu were together, but everything was fine. However, he himself wasted his time this morning… although he usually always wasted it.

He Hao sighed and found himself being meddlesome. He took out the love letter from his desk, just as he was about to crumple and throw it away, he suddenly remembered the last incident, so he opened the letter. Fortunately, Ji Ya Qi didn’t write the name in the beginning. He Hao calmed down, he was about to tear it when the backdoor of the cla.s.sroom bursted open: "What are you holding?!"

He Hao"s hands trembled, he was so scared that he almost peed in his pants. He turned to look at the backdoor, the dean came towards him and furiously said: "Stand up! Give me that thing in your hands!"

He Hao stammered an explanation: "This… This is not for me. It"s really not for me!"

"From the moment I pa.s.sed through the backdoor of your cla.s.s, I saw you taking out something from your desk!" He Hao didn’t explain it well, but the dean"s explanation was more abundant. "I even saw you opening it! You still want to quibble?! I’ll take that thing with me and find your homeroom teacher!"

He Hao found it difficult to give a convincing explanation, so he simply cried out: "It"s not really for me! It"s none of my business ah!"

The dean looked at He Hao with distrust: "Then who’s that for?"

He Hao took a deep breath. He struggled for a few seconds, but finally resigned and closed his eyes: "Yes… it"s for me."

"You!" The dean"s angry face was purple, "Your cla.s.s had this kind of thing last time and your teacher Ni said to not take it seriously! This time, I’m going to give a heavy punishment! Write a letter of an apology and stand for a day!"

(T/N: not literally purple, it means he is very angry.)

The dean took He Hao to find Ni Mei Lin. After a moment of silence, the students in the cla.s.sroom bursted out laughing.

Feng Fei was biting his pen and watching He Hao"s back. "Oh d.a.m.n… After living for so long, anything can happen… Someone gave He Hao a love letter?! f.u.c.k…"

Hai Xiu had been doing the questions, so he didn’t know the situation outside: "What… What happened?"

Feng Fei let out a sigh and shook his head: "Nothing… Pack up, so we can leave and eat dinner early."

Hai Xiu obediently nodded: "En."