Doctor, My Bottom Half is Wet Again

Chapter 7


Because he was unsatisfied, An He quit for the day, wanting to pull Zhao Kaiming home. Who would expect that Zhao Kaiming was even more impatient than An He. As soon as they got in the car, he cleanly stripped off all of An He’s clothes.

An He lay on the roomy back seats. He couldn’t hold back and kicked at Zhao Kaiming who was undressing himself:

“Tell me, did you buy this car so you could make love at any time? I wonder how many people you’ve done it with in the car.”

Zhao Kaiming threw his clothes onto the front seat, saying:

“You’ve unjustly accused me, aside from the bar and the hotel, I’ve never made love anywhere else.”

After speaking, Zhao Kaiming lifted one of An He’s legs in front of his chest. He felt that that this person was very flexible.

“You’re lying to me again. Obviously we’ve done it at the hospital before.”

An He laughed while speaking, in his heart he was very happy. Although Zhao Kaiming’s lines were ingratiating, An He still felt quite pleased.

Zhao Kaiming continued to explain: “Wasn’t it because you were too s.e.xy? Who dared to seduce me in the examination room at the hospital?”

Zhao Khaiming repeated that he never did anything like that with anyone else. Although normally Zhao Kaiming was a regular at the bar and had pulled people in the toilet to make love before, that really was the first time he did it while examining a patient.

When An He heard that, he was very excited. He wrapped his arms around Zhao Kaiming’s neck and kissed his lips. Zhao Kaiming went from pa.s.sive to aggressive, licking and sucking An He’s small mouth, refusing to let go. It made An He feel itchy and he wrap his legs around Zhao Kaiming’s waist. Zhao Kaiming saw that it was the right time and immediately stabbed his meat rod deep inside.

An He used a lot of strength before he could finally push Zhao Kaiming away. He opened his mouth wide and panted. The bottom that was pierced made his breathing chaotic:

“b.a.s.t.a.r.d, you almost made me choke to death.”

Zhao Kaiming powerfully shoved twice before stopping: “Little demon, you’re getting more arrogant by the day. You even dare to scold your husband.”

“Ah~, I love it. Hubby, I was wrong, don’t stop, ah~.”

An He shook the left leg that was a little sore, rested it on the back of the seat. He opened his legs widely into a V shape, allowing Zhao Kaiming to conveniently have his way. Recently, An He would do whatever he wanted in front of Zhao Kaiming. Before, An He would listen to Zhao Kaiming. Whatever fetish Zhao Kaiming had, An He would follow his lead. But right now, An He would occasionally be unruly. Basically, this was because he could feel his place in Zhao Kaiming’s heart.

“Alright, if you want your husband to do it, say something pleasing to the ears.”

Zhao Kaiming not only stopped, he also pulled out. He leaned over An He’s chest and sucked and licked, leaving behind red love marks that looked like strawberries. An He’s skin was both soft and white, ma.s.saging it a little hard would immediately leave behind obvious marks. The inside of the thigh, on the a.s.s, the whole body was covered in marks, making Zhao Kaiming feel incredibly accomplished.

An He clenched his teeth. He didn’t want to lose even though Zhao Kaiming’s caresses all over his body lit it on fire. In the short amount of time they’ve known each other, they already clearly knew the other’s weak spots, thoroughly understanding, with no mistakes. Besides, right now Zhao Kaiming was biting and gnawing An He’s stomach and inner thigh, licking all over his body. His hot breath fell on An He’s p.e.n.i.s but refused to touch it. An He had soon forgot how to use his weapon.

It was a stalemate for a long time. An He lightly bit his lips. After all, this wasn’t the first time. It was still him who spoke first. Therefore, An He raised his voice, smiled, and seductively spoke:

“Hubby~ ~.”

This was the first time Zhao Kaiming heard An He mimic a woman’s voice. Outside of his calculations, it unintentionally sounded great:

“I didn’t expect that you had this ability. It seems that not only the small mouth below is as l.u.s.tful as a woman, automatically overflowing with liquid, the small mouth above is also very similar.”

“Does it sound similar? Is it good? Hubby, if you inspect it, you’ll know soon enough~.”

An He continued speaking with a female voice. This was his secret technique, normal people couldn’t withstand it.

Zhao Kaiming grasped An He’s d.i.c.k and stroked it twice:

“But women don’t have little, and they don’t shoot s.e.m.e.n. Call me hubby a few more times and I’ll make you very comfortable.” After speaking, Zhao Kaiming swallowed An He’s p.e.n.i.s, continuously swallowing and releasing.

An He understood Zhao Kaiming’s intentions clearly, starting to moan with the female voice:

“A a a a a~, so hot, a a a a, hubby’s mouth is so amazing, ah~. Wanna come, wanna climax, ah~.”

In his mouth was the p.e.n.i.s, in his ears were the sounds of a woman’s l.u.s.tly moaning. Zhao Kaiming had a brief moment of confusion, temporarily bringing about a strange feeling of arousal. Zhao Kaiming quickened the pace of his b.l.o.w.j.o.b. Feeling An He about to come, Zhao Kaiming didn’t spit out the male object, but sucked harder, making An He come straight in his mouth. Afterwards, Zhao Kaiming kissed An He’s mouth. Lips and tongue pushed back and forth, more than half of the s.e.m.e.n flowed past the corner of their lips, the rest entered their stomachs.

“Little sister, does the s.e.m.e.n taste delicious? Do you want to eat more?”

“I want more, I want big brother’s s.e.m.e.n. s.e.m.e.n tastes delicious. My small mouth below also wants to eat, wants to carry big brother’s child.”

“Alright, I’ll f.u.c.k you to death, f.u.c.k you until you’re pregnant, fill your v.a.g.i.n.a with s.e.m.e.n.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhao Kaiming immediately started rocking back and forth, going deeper and deeper, as if he were subtly looking for the uterus inside.

An He hugged Zhao Kaiming’s shoulders and wrapped his legs around Zhao Kaiming’s waist, his whole body lethargic. Following the rhythm of the rocking, it was like An He was sitting on a swing, being pushed up and down. Finally, the right frequency was found. They moved up and down like a seesaw. Compared to the times they made love before, it was even more intense, pushing deeper and deeper into the small hole.

“Ah, ah, not good, too, too deep. It’s. .h.i.tting my uterus, big brother, ah~. My v.a.g.i.n.a’s broken. Big brother is so strong, your meat rod is so big, so long. Quick, hurry up~, ah, ah~.”

“Little s.l.u.t, here’s your big brother’s s.e.m.e.n. Quickly receive it so you can hurry up and bear your big brother’s children.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhao Kaiming immediately shot several streams of s.e.m.e.n into the small hole. As if he were scared that the s.e.m.e.n would flow out and be rendered useless, Zhao Kaiming didn’t pull out and directly lay on top of An He.

Translator’s Notes:

I have no idea if this was supposed to be incest play. I don’t think these two are satisfied unless they’re acting out some kind of fetish.

…Woooow. The Internet works fast. I thought that author’s listed name was a bit of nonsense, but it turned out the author’s name really WAS “a bit of nonsense”. Thanks to whoever found the t.i.tle. It turns out their names are Zhao Qiming>Zhao Kaiming and An Hua>An He. GG. I knew An He’s name meant peace but I always felt I had the wrong characters for it. See guys? This is why you shouldn’t upload other people’s translations without contacting them first. Luckily, due to that, I finally found out what their names were. Man, it feels so weird typing out these new names. Oh well. I’m gonna go back and change all the names in a few days. The next chapter is somewhat relate to this… “ark”, but it’s a loose one and I’m punishing you guys for uploading this without permission. I was just going to finish this in one go because it only takes like three or four hours a chapter? But now you’ll have to wait for me to finish the other chapters.