Doomsday Wonderland

Chapter 366: The Unpredictability of Life; No One Can Fight G.o.d’s Will

Chapter 366: The Unpredictability of Life; No One Can Fight G.o.d’s Will

Geran wasn"t someone with great combative skills. There was a stretch of upturned ground and granite outcrops, the aftermath of Puppeteer"s ability, between them and Geran. When that plain-looking young man walked slowly toward them, a thought flashed through Lin Sanjiu"s mind.

When a posthuman"s ability reached a certain point, that person might be able to hide his competency very well, but there would always be hints of his true strength. Just like how some people could hide their true personality.

However, when Lin Sanjiu observed Geran, she could not tell the difference between him and all the other posthumans that traveled around the Free Zone in Red Nautilus. In other words, Lin Sanjiu wouldn"t even give him a second thought on a normal day.

Puppeteer scoffed as he sat not far from Lin Sanjiu. Yet, he did not move or stand up.

"I thought you were dead," Lin Sanjiu pursed her lips as she eyed the man who was approaching.

Pumpkin Route was currently battered and riddled with holes. Geran stopped in front of a deep fissure in the ground. He stared into the fissure before looking up and replying her softly, "Miss Lin, you haver never actually seen my dead body, have you? You actually only saw a shadow and a pair of spectacles."

Lin Sanjiu immediately remembered the pair of spectacles she had kept. When she saw that Geran looked exactly the same as before, she couldn"t help feeling angry, "Is Aker also your subordinate? Why would you spend so much effort to trick me deliberately? How does it even benefit you?"

Sighing, Geran threw a glance toward Puppeteer. He acted almost as if it was difficult for him to articulate what he was about to say.

"Miss Lin," Geran used a considerably gentle tone, "I don"t mean to offend you, but, my plans certainly weren"t directed at you. Perhaps, you tend to victimize yourself a little too often."

Even though Lin Sanjiu usually thought of herself as an even-tempered person, she couldn"t help turning red with anger when she heard what he said. She narrowed her eyes and a glint of cold anger skirted across them. "What did you mean by that?"

"I believe you know what I mean. I might not have delivered the message directly to you. I even admit that I have hidden some things from you. But, I am sure I was open and overboard all along when I conveyed my plans to you. My targets never changed. You were simply an opportunity that came along at the right time. Just a person that I thought I could use. It didn"t matter to me whether you lived or died. Neither should you concern yourself over my survival or death."

From the way Geran phrased his words, he sounded like he was placed in a predicament because of Lin Sanjiu. The way he expressed his intention so clearly, and the way he worded his answer to sound earnest, made it seem like he was trying his best to be considerate toward Lin Sanjiu. "You have never been my target from the beginning. I don"t even recognize you. When I first saw you in Haunted House Dare, I didn"t even know your ident.i.ty. I just didn"t wish to see another Growth-type just die like that. That was why I stepped up and warned you about the situation."

"When you knocked on the door of unit 601, I was standing at the end of the stairway. After I overheard your conversation with Livia, I realized who you were. At that point, I finally reacted. I knew I must not complete the round with you. If you spent too much time with me, you might pick up hints that things were amiss. Besides, Aker was around. Was there any better way out of the situation than to fake my death? If I called you from behind, you would not even dare to look back to confirm if I was really dead."

Geran lowered his head and adjusted his spectacles. At that particular moment, he finally revealed a hint of coldness behind his polite and personable facade. The corner of his lips curled downward, icily, as if he was finally tired of maintaining his false etiquette.

"If Zhang Tian could... Oh, that is the name of that person with the Santa hat magnet, he died, I guess. If he could bring Santa Claus here and you could keep Puppeteer here, there is all that I could wish for. As for your final fate as well as Zhang Tian"s, it just wasn"t within my plan or consideration… I would say that it was fortunate that you survived Haunted House Dare. It would be quite bothersome to find someone to replace your particular role in the plan."

After he finished his explanation, Geran smiled at Lin Sanjiu before looking at Puppeteer.

After a few deep breaths, Lin Sanjiu fully suppressed her fury. After all, she understood that Geran was right. Compared to the likes of Puppeteer, Lin Sanjiu certainly wasn"t worthy to be a target.

"How did Santa Claus find out that I was here?" Puppeteer"s voice sounded behind Lin Sanjiu before she could ask another question. His voice sounded very light. "I guess, you must have helped?"

Geran nodded at him.

"Frankly speaking, I"m a little surprised that you"re still alive, Mr. Puppeteer. I made a calculated guess about your abilities and Santa Claus". Comparing both your capabilities, even with the best scenario, both of you should at least be seriously injured. I didn"t know that Santa Claus was a duoluozhong then. If we consider that, Mr. Puppeteer, your injuries should be way worse."

After he said that, he turned and eyed Lin Sanjiu. Then, he laughed, "I guess you were the unexpected variable this time, Miss Lin. Isn"t it interesting? The very person I failed to consider into the equation actually had a large impact to the final outcome…"

Lin Sanjiu was tired of Geran"s speech. She immediately interrupted him with a cold remark, "Shut up with your nonsense! I only have one question. Where are Reno and Rena? Where did you send them?"

"Those two children are precious Growth-types," he replied. "Don"t worry. I will never harm them," he said with affirmation. "I just don"t like some of their beliefs… Luckily, they"re still young so they can still be corrected. I already sent them away for re-education. They are very safe now."

"As long as they"re still alive, that matters the most…" Lin Sanjiu let out a slight sigh of relief which revealed her concern and anxiety regarding the children"s welfare. She frowned slightly and continued, "What do I have to do for you to let them go?"

Surprisingly, the person that answered her wasn"t Geran but Puppeteer.

Somehow, his effeminate voice already drifted to her left ear. With a mocking tone, he spoke to her without even casting a glance in her direction. Puppeteer stared at Geran and flashed a smile. His lips were almost sheet-white just like his face. "His goal is the present at the final pitstop. Santa Claus is dead and I am injured. Now, the present is almost in his hands. You don"t have any leverage that will make him release those children."

Puppeteer, who had finally admitted that he was injured, certainly looked unwell. He was covered in sweat and blood, yet Lin Sanjiu could not tell specifically how he was injured and what sort of wounds he had sustained. Their conversation was short, but his face seemed gaunter than before, making his chin look even sharper. There was a hint of color on his face.

The bespectacled young man standing at the edge of a fissure tilted his head noncommittally. After a few seconds, he chuckled. "Well. As expected of our Mr. Puppeteer, with whom we have worked together for such a long time."

"Then, let me create that leverage!" With another burst of anger, Lin Sanjiu raised her wings up high before even finished her sentence. She lunged herself at Geran like an arrow. She might not be Santa Claus" match, but that didn"t mean she couldn"t take down Geran!

Puppeteer scrunched half his face as if he wanted to say something but he eventually kept quiet. Just a second later, Lin Sanjiu thrust her large skeletal wings into the spot that Geran was standing. Clouds of dust rose into the air. She placed so much strength into that attack that the ground even shook slightly.

However, when the dust slowly settled, she only found her white skeletal wings sticking out of the ground.

"Miss Lin," Geran"s voice came from a granite outcrop quite some distance away.

Lin Sanjiu pulled her wings out and slowly turned around.

She had been in her hypersensory state all this time. She was 100% certain that Geran could not escape from her previous attack. At least, based on his own capabilities, there was no way he could evade that attack.

"My potential growth value isn"t that high," Geran stood quietly on top of that outcrop. He s.h.i.+fted his gaze from Puppeteer and Lin Sanjiu and back again a few times. His voice was calm as he explained, "As a Growth-type, my main combat ability is also quite weak. But, since I dare to appear before you, naturally, I"m not just relying on my own abilities."

"Special Items?" Lin Sanjiu narrowed her eyes.

Geran nodded as if he already guessed Lin Sanjiu"s thoughts, "I came here only after making adequate preparations beforehand. A word of advice to you, Miss Lin. Don"t underestimate your enemies."

"What are you planning now?" Puppeteer suddenly questioned Geran. His wet black hair lay limply. A sneering smile fleeted over his face, "Are you going to try your luck fighting against me with your little items?"

Lin Sanjiu sighed inwardly after she heard what Puppeteer said. After all, she had fought one battle together with him, so she could more or less understand his true situation. Lin Sanjiu did not know how bad Puppeteer"s injuries were but she could make a good guess from his threat. First, he probably couldn"t use any more of those immensely powerful abilities he had displayed previously for the meantime. Additionally, how many G.o.d-like cheat items like [PHOTOSHOP/CS6] could he possess?

The fact that Puppeteer had not made a single move all this time while Geran rattled on for a few minutes was more than proof that he was in trouble.

"No," Geran replied forthcomingly. He was surprisingly frank. "Both of you should know that I am an extremely cautious person. I would not appear before you if I didn"t have complete confidence that I can defeat both of you. Anyway, I think it"s time now."

Lin Sanjiu was startled. Before she could make sense of what he meant by "it"s time", the ground shook once again as they heard another rumbling sound. As she was standing at the side of another fissure, she nearly fell into it. After quickly regaining her balance, she looked up and noticed that the walls of the arena far from them were retracting once again.

"More people are coming!"

Judging from the length of time it took for the walls to fully retract, there was definitely more than one person this time.

After that rumbling sound, Geran"s delighted voice rang out clearly in both Lin Sanjiu"s and Puppeteer"s ears, "You"ve always been well-known as a maniac, Mr. Puppeteer. I still remembered that you warned me once. You told me not to a.s.sume that we are strong just because of our numbers. You said that no matter how many members there were in Progressor Alliance, we were just your backup puppets. Even though I can remember your words so clearly, I just couldn"t make myself agree with you… With the right Special Items and the right combination of abilities, even if we are the run-of-the-mill Growth-types that you two don"t even notice, I am confident that we can make this place a nightmare for both of you."

The sound of the moving walls had already faded and they could hear the multiple footsteps coming from the arena. Judging from that noise, there were at least ten people.

"Don"t tell me this fellow… decided to create a formation or something?" Puppeteer muttered to himself suddenly as he frowned with half his face.

"You are underestimating me if you just call it a "formation"..." Geran heard Puppeteer"s utterance and replied immediately, laughing. "However, if that would help you better understand your predicament, you can call it a formation. Today, I will have to kill two Growth-types and it really pai— Huh?"

Just as Geran heard Puppeteer, Geran"s unexpected exclamation also caught Lin Sanjiu"s attention. Her view was mostly blocked by the overturned ground and granite outcrops in front of her. After hearing that, she immediately leaped up onto a granite outcrop.

When she looked down, she was stunned.

To be honest, she didn"t recognize anyone from the group that was heading their way.

No, to be accurate, their appearances were completely different from the last time she saw them. However, with her higher consciousness, she recognized them… that group of lifeforms.

There were men and women in the group and most of them were in their youthful prime. Some of their eyes were normal. However, some of them still had enlarged pupils. Lin Sanjiu noticed someone at the very back of the group. She saw a small and pet.i.te figure. That person seemed to have sensed something and looked back at Lin Sanjiu. With the light from the stars, Lin Sanjiu saw a terrifying-looking face. It was like a melted face which had been pieced together again.

"Lin Sanjiu?" The pet.i.te figure called out as Geran watched with a horrified face, as though he had just seen a ghost.


Lin Sanjiu could not believe in a million years that Geran"s "secret weapon" would actually be the group of Souls she had "subdued" long ago. After Lin Sanjiu called Soulsqn, she suddenly realized she mistook Geran"s plan.

Lin Sanjiu couldn"t help smiling. Then, she guffawed a few times, uncontrollably. She leaped down from the granite outcrop and rushed over to Puppeteer"s side. Giving his shoulders a few hard pounds, she said, "Geran"s people have been worn by my people!"

Without knowing the circ.u.mstances, it was quite difficult to understand what Lin Sanjiu said. Geran"s face turned red due to his shock, anger and frustration. Even though he could sense that his subordinates had changed, he could not tell what exactly happened.

However, he knew that he did not need to understand the situation. Without saying a word, Geran turned and rushed to retreat.

Before Lin Sanjiu could chase him, he stopped the next second.

"Where do you think you"re going?" a pair of large emerald eyes peered out from behind a rock without any warning. "Don"t move. I have some questions for you."