Doomsday Wonderland

Chapter 687: To The Sky!

Chapter 687: To The Sky!

The Veda had once used a gorilla as an example when they were explaining their a.n.a.lyzing and code writing ability to Lin Sanjiu in the Data Stream Library. 

Lin Sanjiu felt a little humiliated at that time, but it was only after she obtained their ability through her choker that she could understand their feelings. Right now, she felt that she was facing four amoebae.

"All in all, the highest G.o.d is up there now, and it seems that he"s leaving the Olympics."

"But I cannot see anything up there." An amoeba named Maxin could not help but ask, "And how should we go up?" 

Lin Sanjiu did not have the time to explain it to them anymore, as the duration of the [Pygmalion Choker] had only one minute left. She was always bad at explaining verbally, and even though she had obtained the ability to control everything, she still had no idea how to articulate her thoughts and made them into words. She turned her head around and looked at the night sky. The data that made up the sky was weird and aroused a strange feeling inside of her heart. Finally, she gave up. She turned around and said, "We gotta go now. Just imagine that there is an elevator over there. It will bring us up."

"Where is it headed? And why should we go there?" asked another amoeba who was out of the picture. This amoeba sat on Maxin"s shoulder.

"I should"ve a.n.a.lyzed them just now when I got the chance. That way, I could send whatever is in my mind directly to theirs."

Shoving aside the thought, Lin Sanjiu "condensed" the ground again and again by folding and cutting it to propel the entire group forward. After ten seconds or so, she stopped. 

The night sky was still clouded by a dense layer of fog. 

However, there was a tunnel made up of data bridging the sky and the ground. It looked a lot like a large-sized gla.s.s test tube, and only Lin Sanjiu could see it. It flickered with faint brilliance under the night sky, and its columnar body spun at high speed while its top pierced into the grey fog. The nearly imperceptible light dot disappeared from the "gla.s.s test tube" in merely ten seconds. Lin Sanjiu"s eyes traced the "gla.s.s test tube" until she stared at the rolling fog. She set her jaw tight, her eyes full of determination. Above the fog was where they were heading—the Data Stream Library. 

"The place we are going is too dangerous for you and Polva. Both of you don"t have to follow us," Lin Sanjiu spoke to the two behind her when they were about a dozen steps away from the data tunnel. "Besides, I have something that can use both your help." 

"Where are you guys going?" Maxin asked again. 

Lin Sanjiu paid the question no mind. She parted her lips and a name tumbled off her tongue. "Ji Shanqing."

Then, she smiled bitterly. "I sent him away, but I don"t know where he is right now. I think he should still be in the Olympics. After all, he has realized my wish, and I"m still here, so he should not be far away. Can you guys help me look for him before you guys are transferred away?" 

The Olympics had been reduced to a wasteland by the tsunami the highest G.o.d conjured when they were in the sea arena. Since Maxin and Polva no longer needed to partic.i.p.ate in a match anymore, they were the best candidates to look for the grand prize. 

Maxin nodded hesitantly. 

"Then, I will leave him to the both of you," Lin Sanjiu said, offering a wide grin to both of them. "After you guys find him, tell him to go to the Twelve World Centrum and wait for me there. I will try my best to go to the Twelve World Centrum in the next three apocalyptic worlds." 

They did not have to specify a certain world, as the Twelve World Centrum was interconnected. All they needed to do was leave a message at the Mokugyo Encyclopedia Forum.

This time, both Maxin and Polva nodded. The white fatty then chimed in, sounding a bit low, "Take care of yourself. I have gone through several worlds myself, and it is rare to come across somebody like you… I hope we will be able to meet each other in the Twelve World Centrum in the future." 

The feeling was mutual for Lin Sanjiu. 

"Enough talking?" Puppeteer, who had been standing silently to one side, interrupted. Lin Sanjiu had no idea why, but she felt his voice was even colder than before. It was as if he loathed this kind of parting scene a lot. "If we are too slow and he gets away, I will make d.a.m.n sure that you will not be able to survive through three apocalyptic worlds."

Lin Sanjiu instinctively touched her choker. She did not have much time left. She glanced at her two new friends that were soon to part ways. She wanted to say something, but her mind was blank. A lump formed in her throat, and she suddenly made a deep bow. 

"Thank you. Thank you so much."

It was a normal phrase that had been on the tip of everyone"s tongue and was often said several times in a day before the doomsday arrived, yet when it was said in a desolate wilderness such as this one, it felt solemnly odd. 

"Oh yeah," Maxin suddenly remembered something, "Here, I guess this belongs to you." 

It was her [Battle Item].

Lin Sanjiu felt a little embarra.s.sed. She had promised to give him the Special Items she got from Hegel. However, not only did she fail to honor her promise, but she had also caused him a lot of trouble where he was nearly killed about half the time. She straightened her body and took the [Battle Item].

"Next time, if I see him, I"ll surely give him what he deserves."

She waved her hands at the duo as she strode towards the data tunnel not far away. Soulsqn followed suit, but Puppeteer stopped beside Maxin and Polva.

"Give me your hand," he commanded.

Maxin stood as stiff as a ramrod, reluctance written all over his face. Polva, on the other hand, stretched his chubby little arm forward readily. Then he turned to Maxin and whispered into his ear, "Just do as he says. We don"t have another choice."

Puppeteer gave a cold laugh. He did not touch the two open palms with his hand but instead grazed the tips of their fingers with the red plume that extruded from his sleeve. After that, he turned around and left, leaving both Maxin and Polva standing bewildered there. 

Remaining time for the choker: 14 seconds.

Lin Sanjiu raised her head skyward and peered into the data tunnel that reached the clouds for one last time. She took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and walked into the center of the "gla.s.s test tube". 

She stepped into the data tunnel without any obstruction. Although she heard Puppeteer and Soulsqn walk into the "gla.s.s test tube" almost at the same time, the creaking of the leather and the rustling noise as the flesh worm"s body grazed the ground disappeared into the ether in that instant.

This was because the thing that could cause friction was gone.

When Lin Sanjiu lowered her eyes, the thing that welcomed her gaze was not her own legs but a piece of greyish land that got smaller and smaller. The wind must be very strong in their current alt.i.tude, but strangely, Lin Sanjiu did not feel anything. Maxin"s and Polva"s figures had disappeared in her vision, and she guessed that all three of them looked like three light dots in their eyes. Or both of them could not see them since they had turned into a set of data? Lin Sanjiu did not know.

"What is going on here?" Soulsqn asked. However, rather than hearing her voice, her question was directly projected in front of Lin Sanjiu"s eyes. "What did we get into?"

"This is a tunnel written by the highest G.o.d. Its attributions are similar to the Data Stream Library"s, thus we will turn into a set of data once we set foot in it. I guess when we were trapped in the furniture cemetery, the reason he did not show up at all is that he was busy creating this data tunnel." Once they omitted the talking and listening process, the exchange of information could be done within a second. After that, Lin Sanjiu added, "Even the Veda need a desirable environment to survive. That"s why they altered the piece of cosmos."

"So in other words, the highest G.o.d is also a Veda?"

Lin Sanjiu was stumped with the question.

Logically speaking, if he was not a Veda, then he would not have the a.n.a.lyzing and code writing ability. However, the highest G.o.d was too different from the Veda she had seen before.

"I have no idea. But since he is going to the Data Stream Library too, I think we will find out soon enough." Then she lifted her head to look at the nearing grey fog before turning to Puppeteer and asking, "What did you do back there when you asked them to show you their hands?"

Puppeteer paid her no mind.

Lin Sanjiu knew she had to be patient when dealing with this kind of person who had a bad att.i.tude and disposition flaw. She asked the same question five times. Then, when she was about to go for the sixth time, the light dot representing Puppeteer snarled, "You are so annoying! I just their fingertips into puppet material." 

But why?

Lin Sanjiu was baffled.

Even if they were now communicating through message, Puppeteer"s words were still full of derision and disgust. "Do you know how many people yearn for my mark, but cannot get it? With my mark, n.o.body would dare to mess around with them in the Twelve World Centrum. They could even ask for a.s.sistance from the Munition Factory when the situation calls for it. This is the best gift I could give them in return. They should be satisfied."

"I have heard rumors about Puppeteer having a weird relations.h.i.+p with the Munition Factory. However, what if someone had bad eyes and failed to recognize his mark?"

"At the moment when my puppet is destroyed, it will send a message to me," Puppeteer said. "Anyway, do you know how many puppets you have destroyed in the past?" 

Seeing that the Data Stream Library was getting closer and closer, Lin Sanjiu said, "We must devise a combat plan now. Any thoughts?"

Puppeteer sneered at her question.

Amongst the trio, Puppeteer and Lin Sanjiu had been thoroughly a.n.a.lyzed by the Veda. Hence, they could only use the Special Items and abilities they obtained in the Olympics—since they hadn"t been a.n.a.lyzed yet—to fight against the Veda and find a way to return to the Salvation of G.o.d.

"Indeed, the Veda is fearsome." This kind of communication method was surprisingly efficient. Even though they had exchanged a lot of information, it had only been two seconds. "I think the highest G.o.d is our only hope to defeat the Veda."

"What does that mean?" asked Soulsqn.

"This tunnel was written by the highest G.o.d. The Veda might not know we are coming back, but I"m pretty certain that the highest G.o.d knows we are following him. If we could subdue him before he meets up with the Veda, then we could use him to fight against the Veda."

"There is the entrance." 

Peering into the billowing fog, Puppeteer said softly, "Prepare yourself. I can smell our victim."