Doomsday Wonderland

Chapter 952: Awkward Boarding

Chapter 952: Awkward Boarding

Temporarily disembarking, Twelve actually made Lin Sanjiu’s determination even stronger. In her eyes, finding a way to explore the giant s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p had become a natural course of action. She didn’t know the whereabouts of the Chicky brothers and Exodus, leaving her with only one choice—to seize the source of this matter.

Now, the source was likely right in front of her, inside the "whale."

As for how to get on board, she had only one straightforward method—of course, to charge ahead!

And so, the small aircraft, missing one side of its c.o.c.kpit and with a large portion of its outer hull blown off, struggled to turn its head in mid-air. Its engines suddenly accelerated, flying straight up into the sky. The higher it climbed, the stronger the air currents sandwiched it from both sides. After a few seconds of rapid ascent, it was truly astonis.h.i.+ng that it hadn’t been swept away by the fierce winds.

It seemed a bit too strained...

Even though she had her back facing the empty airlock, Lin Sanjiu could barely keep her eyes open. Muttering to herself, she used her free hand to search for the weapon bag Silvan had given her. If she remembered correctly, there should be a spare climbing rope inside.

Even she couldn’t help but sweat slightly in the palm of her hand as she gripped the rough surface of the rope. Once she left the protection of the small aircraft, her life would depend entirely on this rope. But there probably wasn’t a climbing rope in the world designed for forcefully breaking through a s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p at an alt.i.tude of kilometers. If the rope was blown away by the wind...

Even though she had survived countless life-or-death situations, it didn’t make the next life-threatening danger any less daunting.

Just as Lin Sanjiu hesitated, her ears suddenly caught a burst of urgent electronic sounds. She paused for a moment and squinted, only to realize that the communication channel on the control panel was flas.h.i.+ng red. She reached out and tapped it, and a composed female voice immediately emerged from the communication channel: "This is the Night Wanderers colony s.h.i.+p R201. Please report your flight permit number and name. Repeat, please report..."

The Night Wanderer’s s.h.i.+p? Could it be that the 12th persona—or more accurately, Luther—had infiltrated this s.h.i.+p?

Lin Sanjiu’s eyes lit up, immediately seizing upon an idea that flashed through her mind.

"MAY DAY, MAY DAY!" In her urgency, she shouted the emergency call she had heard in movies before, "My aircraft has suffered severe damage, and I can’t control it. Please help me!"

The female voice on the other end fell silent for a moment and then slightly accelerated its pace, "Please report your flight permit number. We will organize rescue immediately."

The aircraft Lin Sanjiu stole from the Falling Zone must have a permit number, but how would she know where to find it? Desperate, she raised her voice and screamed into the communication channel—in the midst of the howling wind, screams, and the sound of a imminent catastrophe, she still didn’t forget to desperately lift the aircraft higher into the sky.

"Permit number!" The female voice seemed startled by her shout, "With the permit number, we can..."

"I can’t see it now!" Lin Sanjiu listened to her voice being intermittently interrupted by the sound of the wind, her heart soaring high. She hastily shouted, "I can’t move, the airlock... the airlock was destroyed by someone—"

She had no idea in what form the flight permit number was issued. If this gamble didn’t work out, her only option would be to use the climbing rope to jump from the aircraft in mid-air. Just thinking about it made her feel uneasy...

"Please hold on, we are scanning the exterior of your aircraft," the female voice responded quickly. "Your permit number isn’t printed on the dropped airlock, is it?"

So the permit number could also be on the exterior of the s.p.a.cecraft?

Lin Sanjiu recalled the moment she forcefully tore off the airlock and replied, "No!"

Perhaps because the aircraft that traveled through the Heaven Underworld usually obtained permits, the Night Wanderers colony s.h.i.+p didn’t seem to suspect her at all. Soon, the female operator on the other end found the number on this shabby little s.p.a.cecraft—it was printed above the "beak." Under Lin Sanjiu’s grateful gaze, a section of the alloy plate beneath the giant whale-like s.h.i.+p opened up, and a shuttlecraft was sent out to her.

When she firmly set foot on the colony s.h.i.+p, Lin Sanjiu couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

She had initially planned to forcefully break through with her strength, but unexpectedly, someone extended a helping hand to her... She felt a little embarra.s.sed now.

"Your aircraft is also being towed," said the young man who was piloting the shuttlecraft. He was ordinary-looking and had a serious expression. "You can go to the hangar in an hour and check it out."

"What happened to you?" a young girl next to him tilted her head and asked softly, keeping a short distance from Lin Sanjiu. This young girl seemed to be learning from the young pilot, as she had been poking her head out and looking at everything along the way, as if everything was novel to her.

"I encountered enemies," Lin Sanjiu answered simply.

The girl was younger than her, but her expression made it clear that she understood everything. She seemed to want to ask something but hesitated. After a few seconds, she blurted out, "Your s.p.a.cecraft seems to be about to be sc.r.a.pped. The enemies must be very powerful, right?"

"Yeah, they’re very powerful," Lin Sanjiu nodded and glanced at the young man. "This colony s.h.i.+p is...?"

"R201, haven’t you heard of it?" The young man’s expression and the corners of his mouth drooped as if he had a stone tied to his chin. He looked so serious that he seemed ten years older than his actual age. "Your navigation record didn’t come from the Heaven Zone? You must have heard of the name ’Ocean Voyager’ at least."

Lin Sanjiu, who knew nothing about what had happened in the Heaven Underworld, could only respond vaguely, "Oh, that, um..."

On another note, this s.p.a.cecraft was probably several times larger than Exodus... What was it used for? They were currently in the lowermost section of the s.h.i.+p, known as the "fish belly," which was mostly occupied by machinery rooms and pipelines. Apart from themselves, there was no one else here, and it was difficult to even make a guess.

"I remember now," Lin Sanjiu just wanted to get away from them and enter the main area of ​​the s.p.a.cecraft as soon as possible. "I happen to have a friend on this s.h.i.+p, so that’s why it sounded familiar. You might have seen him, a fair-skinned..."

The words "young boy" were on the tip of her tongue but were swallowed back. After eight or nine years, Luther had already grown into a young man, and she had no idea what he looked like now.

The young man looked at her for a few more seconds, his narrow eyes scrutinizing and doubtful.

"A fair-skinned person?" the young girl asked, although her senior didn’t seem keen on letting her speak out of turn. She smiled and said, "Is that the only description? How would we know if we’ve seen that person? There are probably three hundred fair-skinned people on this s.h.i.+p, if not five hundred! Besides, what if your friend got tanned ? Then it would be like finding a needle in a haystack among over a thousand people..."