Doomsday Wonderland

Chapter 1128: Fool"s Broth

Chapter 1128: Fool"s Broth

As the other doomsday world came into view, the three of them chose to sit down. Puppeteer leaned against a tree, while Lin Sanjiu and Bohemia settled on the ground. They observed as the sun gradually descended westward, painting half of the dark blue sky with shades of orange and pink.

The reason they didn"t rush across the road was because Magus had advised them to wait there for something. Besides, even Puppeteer didn"t know what kind of doomsday world lay on the other side of the road. While they prepared Magus" requested "materials," they could also keep an eye on the situation.

Without the puppets, Lin Sanjiu and Bohemia essentially acted as puppets themselves. They did their best to craft a large pot from sc.r.a.p metal rings as per Magus"s instructions. They gathered branches for firewood and positioned the pot beneath the night sky outside the shade of the trees. Throughout the process, Puppeteer reluctantly served as Magus"s messenger, guiding them on what to do next, although his tone was quite peculiar.

"So, what is Magus about to do?" Lin Sanjiu asked Bohemia in a hushed tone after they finally hung the crooked metal pot on the branches. "What does she need such a large pot for? She couldn"t be hungry."

She had her own pots, but unfortunately, they were trapped in [Planar World] and couldn"t be retrieved. When she had the opportunity, she would have to study the two fine rings on her wrist.

Bohemia, who had also lost her storage item, was now without spare clothes and continued to wear only a short top and shorts as she busied herself. "Don"t you know? There is a reason why she"s called "Magus.""

"Please elaborate."

"Her parents didn"t name her that at birth. Hey, go fetch some water," Bohemia said, completely playing the role of a diligent servant. "She possesses powers similar to those of a magus, or in other words, a witch."

"A witch?" Perhaps it had been common to hear about such things on television before, but it was the first time Lin Sanjiu had heard of this type of ability in the doomsday world.

"I don"t know much about her witchcraft-like abilities except for the most famous one. This ability is part of why she used to be so highly respected. Because from a certain perspective, she can be considered a Special Items maker."

Lin Sanjiu didn"t rush her and listened attentively.

"So, like in fairy tales, if she wants to turn someone into a frog, she can use her ability to brew a potion that can transform people. She sets up a pot and adds all sorts of peculiar ingredients, just like the witches in fairy tales adding frog legs or spider silk. She needs all sorts of bizarre materials."

Lin Sanjiu began to understand. "That which goes from big to small?"

"Exactly." Bohemia glanced back at the slope behind them and the road that separated them from another doomsday world, curiosity glinting in her eyes. "I wonder what kind of world is on the other side."

"Let"s wait and see. Maybe someone will pa.s.s by."

Lin Sanjiu remembered that Puppeteer had apparently concealed their tracks using some form of light refraction, making it convenient for them to observe from the sidelines. "Maybe we can gather some clues from others."

It was a hopeful notion, but even after they fetched water and sat under the stars, surrounded by the sounds of cicadas for half an hour, they still didn"t glimpse a single shadow on the road.

The doomsday world on the other side of the road remained silent in the night, like a dormant giant. If Puppeteer hadn"t mentioned it, no one would have imagined that another doomsday world lay just across the road.

This is a new version of New Beginning I will do a crossover with Harry Potter like the previous one but make a few changes I hope you like it like my other books I don...

"Have you gathered all the other items Magus needs? Is it too early to start boiling water?" Lin Sanjiu refilled the pot several times, observing it nearly drying up each time, and couldn"t resist asking, "Since she doesn"t have a physical body now, is it inconvenient for her to use her powers?"

In theory, after losing her body, she shouldn"t have been able to use her abilities anymore, but Magus was far from ordinary.

In the flickering firelight, Puppeteer, resting with his eyes closed, appeared to have a slightly healthier complexion. He didn"t open his eyes upon hearing the question and remained silent for a moment before saying, "She said... her witch abilities are of a spiritual nature. It"s related to her naturally high potential growth value."

It seemed that Magus had just shared this information with him.

Perhaps even Puppeteer himself hadn"t realized that Magus"s magic had quietly taken effect—she possessed both awe-inspiring power and a rea.s.suring stability. To draw a comparison that might irk him, it was akin to the comforting feeling of spending summers at one"s grandma"s house.

"She already has two of the materials she needs." Puppeteer continued to speak with his eyes closed, calmly relaying Magus"s words. "The shadow of a star and a pot of hot water. After collecting that which goes from big to small, only one more thing is left..."

He paused for a moment, seemingly interrupted by something Magus said. Puppeteer fell silent for a few seconds, then suddenly hummed softly. Apparently responding to the voice in his mind, he said, "She can do it. She"s just the right person."

"What? Who?" Lin Sanjiu raised an eyebrow, having a vague premonition.

"You will sit inside in a moment," Puppeteer said, finally opening his eyes slightly. A hint of pink appeared in the corners of his eyes as he scanned Lin Sanjiu. "Soak in the pot for a while before coming out."

"Do we need to boil the water, too?"

"Why do I have to soak in water?"

Bohemia and Lin Sanjiu asked their questions simultaneously.

"Even if she were willing to cook herself into a dish, no one would want to eat it," Puppeteer said, closing his eyes again. Having answered several of their questions in a row, irritation became visible on one side of his face. "Magus said she needs a fool"s broth."

Lin Sanjiu highly doubted those were Magus"s exact words. But regardless of the phrasing, since Magus didn"t object, it seemed she truly had to sit and soak in a hot bath that would only reach her legs.

It was quite remarkable that with these whimsical materials, they could create something that would summon Gong Daoyi. Magus"s abilities were truly extraordinary.

In the crackling of the flames, the group fell silent once more. Lin Sanjiu glanced a few times at the other end of the road and let out a sigh. "It has been a whole day, and no one has pa.s.sed by here. What kind of world is on the other side? Even Meowie Hu hasn"t come back."

When Puppeteer first crossed the road, Meowie Hu and the two puppets naturally followed suit. However, due to the Great Deluge, Meowie Hu was unexpectedly transported away without even having the chance to bring them along. It was quite possible that Meowie Hu was still wandering around, unaware that it was in another doomsday world.

At least, that"s what Lin Sanjiu would like to think.

"I"ve never encountered such a world before."

In the quiet night, Bohemia eased into relaxation. Her long, golden-brown hair glinted with a curly radiance, as if it were on the verge of igniting in the firelight. She had a knack for seizing opportunities. Observing that Puppeteer"s eyes remained closed, she deftly skewered a few marshmallows onto twigs and roasted them over the fire. These marshmallows had been obtained from Exodus and were securely stored in her waist pouch.

"Two different doomsday worlds on the same planet," Lin Sanjiu mused, moving the marshmallows away from the fire. "How did this happen? If the world on the other side of the road is dangerous, what"s keeping them from crossing into the Mushroom Society?"

After a moment of contemplation, she added, "No, perhaps that"s why we haven"t seen anyone over there."

"The visa for Esculent Alethia hasn"t been popular for that long," Puppeteer suddenly interjected. "Probably less than twenty years. If the Mushroom Society emerged only recently, then perhaps the doomsday on this planet is spreading, like a scar. Maybe it"s related to the Great Deluge."

"Less than twenty years isn"t considered long?" Lin Sanjiu glanced at Bohemia and found her to appear unperturbed, suggesting she shared a similar perspective.

"When did the doomsday even start, though?" Lin Sanjiu whispered, not really expecting an answer. "But more than that, I want to know when it will end."

"When the Great Deluge completely destroys all order, everything will naturally come to an end," Puppeteer said in a low voice.

His words sent a s.h.i.+ver down Lin Sanjiu"s spine. He seemed unaware, but his voice carried a hidden desire—a desire for everything to be torn apart and burned to ashes, including himself—and for the universe to finally return to silence.

She tightened her grip on the gra.s.s, knuckles white.

She had always believed that Puppeteer should seek revenge against Gong Daoyi. However, over the past two days, she"d grown uncertain if it was a good idea. The semblance of mental balance he maintained was seemingly being gradually consumed by the dark vortex of impending revenge.

He was now like a barrel of volatile concoction.

A single sentence made Bohemia drop her marshmallows. She exchanged a meaningful glance with Lin Sanjiu, her displeasure evident. However, she quickly retrieved the fallen marshmallows. As she was about to wipe them off, her expression abruptly s.h.i.+fted, and she exclaimed, "Someone"s coming!"

Both of them, being exceptional posthumans, had long since noticed the figure of a person sprinting desperately at high speed from the far end of the road, as if a ghost, under the moonlight. This figure, clearly a posthuman, was frantically fleeing from something, gasping heavily in the night wind.

Yet, there was nothing behind him.

The person hadn"t noticed their presence on the hillside. He ran closer and closer, rus.h.i.+ng past them on the road below, then his figure gradually became smaller until he disappeared on the other side.

Puppeteer abruptly stood up. "Magus said, that which goes from big to small has been obtained."

Before he could finish, the posthuman emitted a piercing scream of intense pain, almost tearing through the night.