Doomsday Wonderland

Chapter 955: Changed Name Again to w.i.l.l.y

Chapter 955: Changed Name Again to w.i.l.l.y

"Where are you going?"

Octo still wore his expressionless face as he slowly asked. Since they left the bulletin board, he had spoken even less, reducing each sentence to just a few words. Lin Sanjiu glanced at him and asked, "Is there somewhere you think I should go and see?"

He simply shook his head.

"Then I’ll stay here," Lin Sanjiu smiled, "Your people are polite. They gave me a temporary room to rest in. I’ll go back and take a break."

Suddenly, Octo looked up at her. He clearly had something he wanted to say, but his lips remained tightly pursed.

"Do you have any questions?"

"No." The dark-faced man even smiled at her, breaking the cement-like expression he had before. His smile was unsettling, as it appeared out of nowhere and left her feeling uneasy.

Lin Sanjiu furrowed her brows forwardly. He had nodded and turned away like that. Watching the man with the dark face walk away, she couldn’t shake off the feeling that she had said something she shouldn’t have.

Perhaps she was overthinking?

Upon closer consideration, Octo might be a nickname, a middle name, or how others referred to him. After all, she called Ji Shanqing "grand prize," regardless of his actual name. Whatever his name was, it probably had no connection to her.

As Lin Sanjiu pondered, she aimlessly walked around the s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p for a while. She had regained some composure and was no longer as restless as before boarding the s.h.i.+p. However, she didn’t want to simply wait around until she received results from the message she had published.

The residential area on the top floor was divided into working and living areas. The experimenters who boarded the s.h.i.+p were usually busy with preparations for the journey to a new planet. Some people hurriedly carried two large white boards, while others called out to their friends, "w.i.l.l.y! w.i.l.l.y!" Occasionally, someone would drive a small orange electric car, buzzing lightly as they pa.s.sed by. Amidst the bustling crowd of people coming and going, Lin Sanjiu seemed like a complete outsider.

"w.i.l.l.y!" The voice behind her called out again. She wondered what this w.i.l.l.y person was doing, as there was no response. As Lin Sanjiu thought about it, she subconsciously scanned her surroundings. In this s.p.a.cious corridor, every person hurrying by seemed to maintain their usual expression.

Wait a minute...

When she heard another "w.i.l.l.y" getting closer, her heart suddenly skipped a beat.

Something was wrong. Since she boarded the s.h.i.+p, Lin Sanjiu had asked for Lyanna’s name and asked for Octo’s name, but no one had ever asked her name in return. It couldn’t be a coincidence. Did the Night Wanderers not care about the ident.i.ties of those who boarded the s.h.i.+p?

If that was the case, there was only one answer!

When the voice sounded from behind her, Lin Sanjiu quickly came up with a plan. She hastily raised her hand to her ears as if removing headphones and then turned around, immediately smiling at the person behind her, "Did you just call me?"

As she spoke, her hands were already partially clenched into fists, and she discreetly tucked something into her pocket. The silver trash can quickly reverted from its card form and landed in her pocket, causing a slight bulge in her pants fabric. When she brought her hand out again, her palm was naturally empty.

The young driver with narrow eyes looked at her hand and then at her pocket, his face filled with doubt. "Were you listening to music just now?" he asked suspiciously. "I called you at least a dozen times."

Lin Sanjiu had nothing on her that could play music, and if he asked to borrow it to check, she would be in trouble. However, the current situation didn’t allow her to deny it. She could only smile and nod, "Do you like listening to music?"

Fortunately, the young man didn’t pursue the topic any further. He waved his hand as if brus.h.i.+ng away her question, and then asked with an accelerated pace, "Your travel record shows that you departed from the Heaven Zone. Did anything unusual happen when you left?"

Unusual? That would be an understatement.

Lin Sanjiu muttered in her mind, hesitating on how to respond. The stolen aircraft she used had been registered in the Night Wanderers’ system. It was apparent that when they confirmed the flight code, they also obtained the name of the aircraft’s owner, which they a.s.sumed was her name. So, if they were able to access the registration information of the aircraft, and now they suddenly asked such a question, it might indicate that they still had some contact with the ground...

She decided to tell the truth.

"Some unknown individuals entered the Heaven Zone," she said, while observing the expression of the young driver. "There was a huge commotion that night, and I heard sirens ringing for a long time... It seemed like the alarm came from the Munitions Factory. My enemies were nearby, and with all the chaos, I quickly flew out... As soon as I left, it seemed like they implemented a lockdown."

The young driver listened intently, nodding slowly.

"Our communication with the Heaven Zone was cut off," he said after Lin Sanjiu finished speaking. He pondered for a moment and then continued, "Shortly after you boarded the s.h.i.+p."

So, they did have communication with the Heaven Zone. But why was it cut off?

"The last message we received was a shared communication within the Twelve Worlds Centrum," the young driver sighed, gesturing for her to walk and talk at the same time. "The message mentioned that after the Munitions Factory was attacked, the entire Heaven Zone quickly came under unknown attack... The situation seemed urgent at the time, but it didn’t provide details about the nature of the attack or what ’unknown’ meant."

Lin Sanjiu furrowed her brow deeply, suddenly remembering the white "branches" she had seen. They resembled the "roots" underground in the Garden of Eden, but they were much smoother and slender, and they seemed more alive... Where had she seen that thing before?

The young driver glanced at her and asked, "Do you have any information?"

"Well... it’s just the news I heard last night," she pondered, "I heard that someone initially broke into the Munitions Factory..."

"Yes," the young driver immediately responded, "at first, it was said to be a few people of unknown origin."

It seemed like they had also heard about Gong Daoyi and his group. But what did he mean by "at first"?

Lin Sanjiu raised an eyebrow, still trying to organize her thoughts, when she heard him continue, "But things changed later. Do you know the last sentence of that message?"

She stared blankly as the driver’s lips parted and uttered a phrase she hadn’t expected: "’Former Munitions Factory Captain Silvan is now launching a comprehensive invasion of the Heaven Zone. Brother organizations who received this message, please return promptly.’"

After saying that, he let out a sigh.

"He’s just one person. How can he launch a comprehensive invasion of the Heaven Zone?" the young driver said, puzzled.