Dragon Emperor, Martial God

Chapter 186: Long Wu

Chapter 186: Long Wu

Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

This time, the two ladies tried on two different pieces of clothing. These were western-styled evening gowns that had long skirts. Coincidentally, these were the two most expensive pieces in that particular shop.

After Zhuang Meifeng and Xiao Meimei had finished changing into the dresses, they scanned each other with their eyes and gave each other a satisfied smile as they walked out of the changing room together.

Zhuang Meifeng was wearing a scarlet red evening gown. The red was definitely eye-catching, but the real highlights of the dress were its low V-cut at the chest area and the body-hugging waist area. Zhuang Meifeng’s ample chest and tiny waist were highlighted by the elegant design of the dress. When she emerged from the changing room, her silhouette displayed the impression of an exquisite piece of art. The dress fit her so well and amplified her beauty so much that one could say that it was practically made for her!

In comparison, Xiao Meimei tried on a jet-black dress. The black color of the dress dovetailed perfectly with her crystal clear white skin to create a dazzling picture. Unlike Zhuang Meifeng’s dress, this one was not low cut at all. It covered up much of her skin, only exposing her slender neck and forearms. This conveniently allowed Xiao Meimei to cover up her scars on her shoulder. The black dress was plastered onto the svelte figure of Xiao Meimei, giving her an aura of mystery and seduction. One could also say that her body was made for this exact dress! If any of her three measurements were any larger or smaller, it would destroy the perfect fit-to-form of the dress she was trying out. Generally, black dresses are more conservative and low key, but on Xiao Meimei’s body, it was as eye-catching and charming as the red dress of Zhuang Meifeng!

At the moment when the two ladies stepped out of the changing room, the eyes of all the people in the vicinity could not help but turn towards them. Exclamations and praises were heard from all around them, for the two of them were ravis.h.i.+ng. Their beauty was literally earth-shaking!

Ling Yun was staring so hard at the two of them that he could not even bring himself to blink his eyes. He tried to compare the two in his head to see who he thought was more beautiful but to no avail. The two of them were stunning in their own way, and he could not pick one over the other. He could only exclaim, “Beautiful! Simply gorgeous! These dresses, when worn by the two of you are simply perfect! We’ll take them no matter how much they cost!”

As Ling Yun finished his sentence, an alluring smell wafted in from the area near the lift. At this time, Xiao Meimei and Tie Xiaohu felt something was amiss and they quickly s.h.i.+fted their gazes towards the smell.

They quickly saw a young girl in heavy makeup that was decked out in designer clothes. She was followed by a bunch of large men who appeared to be her bodyguards. Upon exiting the lift, she haughtily exclaimed, “Today, I’m going to buy ALL the beautiful clothes I see!” Her voice was loud, but at the same time, it was crisp and easy on the ears.

“What a hot figure! Her scent is really alluring as well…” Ling Yun muttered under his breath, unable to stop himself from praising the lady in his sights.

The thing was, the girl’s makeup was so thick and heavy that it was impossible to discern whether she was beautiful or ugly…

As Tie Xiaohu caught sight of the girl, his expression changed drastically! He shook his head dejectedly and said to himself softly, “You’ve got to be kidding me… Even when I’m following Boss out to buy clothes, I run into Long Wu. When did she get back anyway?”

Long Wu was the daughter of Long Kun, the head of the Green Dragon Gang. She was seventeen years old and had lived in America since she was young. She would only come back to stay in China for about three months a year or so.

Long Kun never allowed Long Wu to ask about the proceedings of the Green Dragon Gang. Because of this, Long Wu was not acquainted with Tie Xiaohu. But on the other hand, anybody who was even slightly affiliated with the Green Dragon Gang knew that Long Wu was Long Kun’s prized daughter.

As Long Wu arrived on the floor that Ling Yun and company were on, her attention was grabbed by the two lovely ladies Zhuang Meifeng and Xiao Meimei. She exclaimed in excitement, “Wow! The dresses on those two models are beautiful! Come! Let’s go take a look over there!”

As she finished speaking, she strode forward quickly with her long, toned legs towards the direction of Zhuang Meifeng and Xiao Meimei. Despite wearing an extremely low cut s.h.i.+rt that revealed a sizable portion of her bosom, she still ran quickly. Her b.r.e.a.s.t.s were bouncing up and down and seemed as if they were going to fall out of the s.h.i.+rt if she continued running, but Long Wu was not bothered by it one bit.

After Long Wu arrived at the store, she immediately yelled at the store owner without thinking,

“Boss! The dresses on those two models, I’ll take them! Tell them to take them off now!”

As Long Wu got closer, Ling Yun got more attracted to her scent. Ling Yun knew that this was not the work of any perfume or cologne, but rather, it was the scent of Long Wu’s body.

Long Wu’s bodyguards followed closely behind her and formed a human barricade around her while staring intently at Ling Yun and company.

When one of the bodyguards noticed that Ling Yun was being accompanied by Tie Xiaohu, he was stunned for a bit. Following that, he greeted, “B… Big Brother Hu?”

Tie Xiaohu found things a little awkward at first but quickly regained his composure. He replied flatly, “I’m no longer with the Green Dragon Gang. You guys go on with your business, no need to bother with me.”

The bodyguard looked at Tie Xiaohu and furrowed his eyebrows as if he had something important to tell him. However, it was clearly not the time and place for it. Therefore, he had to put it aside for a bit.

Ling Yun and Tang Meng exchanged glances and had similar thoughts at that very moment.

Of all the people to meet here, it’s the Green Dragon Gang… One can’t avoid meeting enemies even if he tries…

Ling Yun appeared to be pleased with Tie Xiaohu’s response to the bodyguard as he gave him an approving nod coupled with a satisfactory smile.

Xiao Meimei, upon hearing that Long Wu had mistaken her for a store model, had her eyes filled with murderous intent. Zhuang Meifeng was clearly displeased as well, frowning at the rude girl in front of her.

When the boss saw the bunch of bodyguards clad in suits and sungla.s.ses behind Long Wu, he nearly pi*sed his pants in fright. He stuttered, “Umm, Miss… Y… You’ve got it all wrong… The two beauties here are not our store’s models. They’re our customers who are trying out clothes for themselves…”

Hearing the store owner’s reply, Long Wu raised an eyebrow and proceeded to march towards the two beauties with a displeased look on her face.

Long Wu ordered, “Hey, the two of you can stop trying the dresses on now. Hurry and take them off! I’m buying both of them!”

Tang Meng laughed snidely, “Sorry, sister, you’re a little late! We’ve already bought these two dresses.”

With Ling Yun and Tie Xiaohu by his side, Tang Meng did not give two hoots about the ten or so Green Dragon Gang members in front of him. Therefore, he began mouthing off to Long Wu.

Long Wu was furious. She yelled, “I don’t care if you’ve already bought them! Take them off now! Don’t you peasants know who I am? If you don’t have a death wish then you’d better speed it up! Make me any angrier than I am now and I’ll make sure you people regret it for the rest of your lives!”

Ling Yun smiled as he walked to the haughty Long Wu. He took a good hard sniff of her alluring body scent, intoxicating himself and saying, “How fragrant!”

Following that, he gave a cheeky grin towards Long Wu and told her, “I’ll say, these two dresses don’t suit you at all! They are much too tight and restricting. That limits you from exuding your natural charm and strengths!”

Long Wu glared at Ling Yun, clearly not comprehending what he had just said. She then retorted, “Who are you and on what grounds are you telling me that these dresses don’t suit me?”

Ling Yun did not answer her. He smiled at Xiao Meimei and told her softly, “Slap her.”

Xiao Meimei gracefully strode forward towards Long Wu and gave her two slaps on her mouth and face.

The arrogant Long Wu was stunned!

When Tie Xiaohu overheard Ling Yun telling Xiao Meimei to slap Long Wu, he had thought of stopping him in order to prevent Long Wu from creating a scene and a big fuss. However, he had been too slow to react as Xiao Meimei’s actions were too fast. Besides Ling Yun, no one else could be fast enough to stop Xiao Meimei’s movements.

Long Wu clutched her face, still half-dazed. She yelled, “You… You dared to hit me?!”

Long Wu was flushed red with both embarra.s.sment and anger as she glared at Ling Yun and Xiao Meimei. She then loudly ordered her bodyguards, “What are you goons waiting for? Hurry up and beat them up! I want them dead!”

The bodyguards were also dazed but snapped back into reality upon the command of Long Wu.

They immediately started rus.h.i.+ng towards Ling Yun and Xiao Meimei like a pack of wolves hunting their prey. They did not give a second thought to the fact that they were in a public area or that there were people watching their actions. They only had one thing on their mind, and that was to beat up Xiao Meimei and Ling Yun.

Tie Xiaohu sprang ahead to the spot in between Ling Yun and the bodyguards and extended his arms as if to signal the bodyguards to stop. He bellowed in a commanding tone, “If you guys don’t wish to die here, take Long Wu and leave immediately. This isn’t a place where you can do what you please!”

Tie Xiaohu had been put in a tight spot. He did not have any bad blood with the Green Dragon Gang as he had only left them due to his newfound respect for Ling Yun after Ling Yun had beaten him into submission the last time.

Even when the Green Dragon Gang’s leader Long Kun heard about Tie Xiaohu’s defection, he had not sent any of his henchmen to create trouble for him. Tie Xiaohu did not understand why Long Kun acted the way he did, but he guessed that since Long Kun had not sought him out for his defection, he must have still thought of him as a brother.

Long Wu and her henchmen did not know of Ling Yun and Xiao Meimei’s frightening combat capabilities, but Tie Xiaohu did. Therefore, he concluded that only by preventing a brawl could everyone’s interests and well-being be preserved. It was the only way!

If Ling Yun and Xiao Meimei were to get serious, they could easily wipe out the bodyguards without even breaking a sweat, leaving them in a heap of pain and tragedy.

“Hey, you over there. Do you know who I am?” Long Wu asked Tie Xiaohu, clearly perplexed when he stood between her bodyguards and Ling Yun.

One of the bodyguards immediately ran up to Long Wu and whispered something into her ear.

Long Wu was enraged even further now! She fumed, “So you’re that Tie Xiaohu? The fool who dared to betray the Green Dragon Gang?”

Tie Xiaohu furrowed his brows and said calmly, “Whether I betrayed the Green Dragon Gang or not, that’s my problem. Long Wu, since your father did not let you in on the workings of the Green Dragon Gang, you should stay out of this. Just treat it like nothing happened here. Out of kindness, I’ll give you some advice. You should take your men and leave this place now. If not, no one will be able to save you!”

After he finished his piece, Tie Xiaohu retreated towards Ling Yun and offered him an apologetic look.

Ling Yun then smiled at Tie Xiaohu, telling him that he had handled the matter well and had not done any wrong.

Long Wu would not be persuaded by these words coming out of Tie Xiaohu’s mouth. Holding her delicate face that was now burning from the slap earlier, she intended to tell the bodyguards to go attack again. But one of the bodyguards whispered into her ear, “Lady Long, the bunch of us here couldn’t beat Tie Xiaohu even if we all went at him together. Also, the woman that slapped you just now seems to be even more powerful than Tie Xiaohu. How about we take our leave first and report back to Leader Kun about what happened. We can make plans for revenge then.”

Bodyguards are meant to put their bodies on the line to defend their master. They should not be afraid to get hurt. But if they know they cannot overcome the foe in front of them and still push on with fighting, it would only make the situation worse for the person they are trying to protect.

Long Wu was Long Kun’s daughter. Even if she was haughty, she was definitely not stupid. She thought it over for a moment before issuing another command, “Guys! We’re leaving! As for you people, you all had better watch out! I’ll definitely make you pay for this!”

Long Wu had just returned to China the previous night for her holiday. She had intended to go on an exciting shopping spree today ever since she woke up early in the morning. However, never in her wildest dreams would she have imagined that she would be on the receiving end of two slaps!

Long Wu glared viciously at Ling Yun and snorted as she left, carrying that unique body aroma with her.