Dragon Emperor, Martial God

Chapter 28: Beating the privileged

Chapter 28: Beating the privileged

Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

Not long after Zhang Ling was done with her bookings, two figures emerged at the door of the cla.s.s.

With his body full of branded products head to toe, his s.h.i.+ny earrings and rings enhanced his superficial presence. His arrogant look on his face, with his overly long hair, depicted his egoistic personality. The first thing he did when he entered the room was to insatiate at Cao Shanshan, without bothering to hide his desire for her.

Next to enter was someone less snooty. He held a tall and muscular physique which was just a few centimeter squares shy of covering the whole frame of the entrance.

Cao Shanshan, unlike Zhang Ling, was conscious about the presence of the two hooligan-looking individuals. “Gou Junfa, what brings you to our cla.s.sroom again? Get out now!” Cao Shanshan shouted sternly.

Gou Junfa, with his fanciful clothing, was one of the Four Famous Privileged in Qingshui High.

He stared at Shanshan for pouring cold water on him, then proceeded to ask her out. “Shanshan, have you eaten? Let me treat you to a meal at Savant’s Restaurant once I’m done with my matters on hand”.

Zhang Ling looked up after being distracted by this bragging voice, only to go white at the sight of Gou Junfa.

The Four Famous Privileged of Qingshui High were made up of namely: Xie Junyan, Tang Meng, Gou Junfa and Lu Chentian.

Xie Junyan was well known for being the teachers’ pet. His family background, appearance and academic results were all that one could wish for. There was no reason to dislike him.

As for Tang Meng, The Little Gambling G.o.d, he was one of the Four Ruffians of Qingshui High. However, his c.o.c.ky att.i.tude was neutralized by his reasonable and loyal character traits.

Gou Junfa and Lu Chentian were the completely different compared to the two former students. They were complete wastrels; despite coming from better families, the only abilities they had were going against the school rules and finding joy in fooling around with girls.

One was the only son of Qingshui City’s largest real estate developer, whereas the other had the Minister of Education Bureau of Qingshui as his father. With two great pillars behind them, they did not need to worry when they broke the rules and got into troubles. Their admissions to University would not be a problem to them as they could rely on their family backgrounds to pull strings.

Zhang Ling might have seemed really daring when she went up against Tang Meng but there was a difference between Guo Junfa and the former. Guo Junfa, together with Chentian, were delinquents that left no evil undone. From what she heard, there were a few rather good-looking girls that had been violated by these two sinners. Zhang Ling turned and gazed at Ling Yun only to see him engrossed in reading his books, oblivious to the happenings around him.

Everyone in the school knew about Gou Junfa’s crush on Shanshan. If not for her deep and complicated family background, he would have forced himself on her.

“So what was the matter that had to have you personally come to my cla.s.sroom to settle?” Cao Shanshan ignored his offer by posing him a question. Subconsciously, anxiety took over her as she knew that his target was Ling Yun.

They were all in the cla.s.sroom which made it difficult for Cao Shanshan to use her moves when needed. She predicted another loss for Ling Yun today, after recalling all the pain he had suffered from their previous encounters.

Indeed, Gou Junfa smirked at the school belle before making his way towards Ling Yun, who up till now had no idea of this ruffian’s presence.

“Idiot! I have heard stories about your incredible acts today! So what? Are you l.u.s.ting after Shanshan too? Please take a look at yourself first!” Junfa criticized Ling Yun in his face.

Ling Yun ignored him as he was too lazy to care about the ruffian.

“Wow! You dare to not reply when I’m talking to you? Looks like someone is itching to get beaten to a pulp again! Stupid idiot, you jolly well raise your pig head up to me, you understand?” Gou Junfa was infuriated, as he threw profanities out of his mouth.

This time, Ling Yun chose to look up but he had a wide smile on his face. “You are Gou Junfa, right? I have some questions for you”.

“Wow… Looks like someone has indeed grown some b.a.l.l.s to ask me questions! Go ahead! Ask anything you want.” Gou Junfa was surprised by Ling Yun’s request and decided to play along. It was a good opportunity for him to perform and impress Cao Shanshan.

“So here’s my question. For the past three years, how many times have you beat me up? How much money have you taken from me? Do you want more?” Ling Yun smiled innocently.

Hearing that, Gou Junfa was delighted as he gazed at Cao Shanshan, hoping that she would be impressed by his upcoming actions. “I’m not very sure how many times I’ve beaten you up, but everytime my hands are itching to train, you will be the first I find. As for the money, I would estimate it at four thousand dollars. Plus, there is nothing much I can get from you given how poor your family is, isn’t it?”

Junfa took attempts at ridiculing him. “Oh, by the way, I’ve heard that your sister has won ten thousand dollars from the Little Tyrant. This, together with the thousand dollars you took from Shanshan, shall all come to me after this”.

“Gou Junfa! Can you stop bullying people? What is the difference between you and a pirate then?” Cao Shanshan lost her temper and raged at the ruffian.

Ling Yun had totally forgotten about the tiff at the canteen earlier in the day and felt that it might be worth it to treat her to dinner.

“Then why must I give up these eleven thousand dollars?” Ling Yun asked the wastrel.

“When I ask for this amount of money from you, you jolly well give it to me. Why must you have so many questions?”

“Alright fine then, one last question. I want to know how much cash you have with you now.” Ling Yun directed his question to Junfa.

“I think you are really itching for a fight! A person of my standard will minimally have close to ten thousand dollars with me everyday!” The ruffian replied angrily after being offended by Ling Yun.

“That’s good. I will not have to worry about you then!”

“What do you mean by that? What worry would you have?” Junfa was unclear about what Ling Yun was trying to say.

Ling Yun chose not to reply as he stood up from his chair and clenched his right fist. Before Junfa knew it, a punch landed on his left cheek! “Ouch!” Although Ling Yun used only half his strength, the speed and impact were enough for Gou Junfa to groan in pain.

“I was worried that after returning what you took from me with interest, you would not have enough to see a doctor for your bruises.” Ling Yun boasted confidently as his punch had only sent the ruffian two steps back.

Ling Yun walked to the front of Junfa, grabbed his s.h.i.+rt before rewarding him with another punch from his left fist. This time, seventy percent of his effort was used. Gou Junfa literally flew a good two meters away before falling to the ground and curling up like a centipede. The pain was so agonizing that no sound could be heard from him.

He was sweating profusely from the pain, along with the blood oozing out from his mouth that was missing some teeth. He was shocked that this fat a*s dared to a.s.sault him and fearful of what would happen to him. What was even more shocking was that this fella was actually smiling even after beating him so viciously. He didn’t seem afraid of the consequences at all.

By now, everyone present in the cla.s.sroom was flabbergasted. Cao Shanshan and Zhang Ling were even more dumbfounded as they could not believe what they saw. The incredible tales of Ling Yun teaching the big bullies lessons were now accepted to be part of the truth to the two of them.

His moves were swift and ruthless, just like his personality to not beat around the bush and get things done immediately.

As of now, the muscular dude at the door, Pi Hezhi, had gotten himself out of the shock. He was Gou Junfa’s lackey, someone who had probably also done more evil than good.

Pi Hezhi rushed to the fighting scene only to be restricted by the narrow s.p.a.ce between the tables and Junfa’s badly bruised body. Just as he got himself into a dilemma to either fight or save Junfa first, Ling Yun attacked with yet another violent move.

He took a step to move beside Gou Junfa, single-handedly held this delinquent off the floor before aiming a shot at his chest.

*Boom!* Ling Yun gave approximately a hundred percent effort with this kick. Junfa’s bulky body was directed at Pi Hezhi, sending them colliding into each other before falling to the floor.

“Wow! He is so cool! This is so amazing!” Zhang Ling cheered enthusiastically as she was impressed by Ling Yun’s majestic presence and ruthlessness.