Dragon God System

Chapter 111

Alan went to the most famous restaurant on the continent "Wonders of the Sky" Alan went there many times, but in the imperial city, it must be even more spectacular, in the books he had, this restaurant had a legend, it is said that one day, someone came down from the sky, he said he wanted to create a restaurant, the food was so delicious that the restaurant was named "Wonders of the Sky". »

Even though now the food in the restaurant was not as delicious as in the legend, but it is still the best restaurant on the continent. Of course, the two other human continents also have the restaurant "les merveilles du ciel". It was a very great force that integrated itself in the 3 continents, like the alchemist a.s.sociation and the world organization.

When he entered the restaurant with Li Lu, everyone could see a handsome young man followed by a woman wearing a veil, but many thought that a girl accompanying such a handsome young man was surely a rarely seen beauty.

"Welcome, which floor wanted to reserve for you. " Suddenly a woman came along, she was beautiful but nothing more.
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" I"d like to go to the top floor. " Said Alan.

The woman was very surprised, the people who could go to the top floor were people known from all over the continent, people with enormous wealth or a high-ranking martial emperor. But at the moment, it was a young man who wanted to go to the top floor, it surprised him pleasantly.

"To go to the top floor, you have to pay for 10 high level spiritual stones, sir. " Says the woman with an ironic smile. The food on the top floor was not ordinary food, it was the best meat of demonic beasts, the best wines or other drinks that can help or make someone younger. 10 high level spiritual stones was huge, especially to be able to eat, rare are those who can afford it.

"Here are 10 high level spiritual stones. "Said Alan as he took out 10 high level spiritual stones.

The woman was surprised, she certainly wasn"t expecting that. She took the High Level Spirit Stones and then took Alan and Li Lu to the top floor where many people were surprised and jealous.

On every floor Alan went up, he could smell through his very keen sense of smell that the smell of food could help the internal energy circulation, it was really exceptional.

For example, on the 7th floor, the aroma of all the food could help to decrease the time before breaking through to the higher realm. This was all thanks to the high quality food and expert cooks. The meat of demonic beasts or wines brewed and cultivated with the best herbs and fruit.

Alan arrived on the ninth floor, when he arrived there was almost no one there, there was a middle aged man sitting on a table eating. When Alan looked at him, a feeling of fear appeared in his heart, it was a feeling he had never felt before, the man who was eating was of immeasurable strength.

The man raised his head and met Alan"s eyes. As Alan guessed, with a single glance, a phenomenal power hit his body that almost brought him to his knees. The energy in Alan"s body circulated extremely rapidly, the pressure of the man on Alan increased second by second, when suddenly a celestial meridian opened and the pressure disappeared. Alan looked at the man sitting at the table, the man smiled at him and continued to eat.

Alan was completely shocked, who was that man? With a simple look he had seen his meridians, but thanks to him he had managed to open another celestial meridian, Alan wanted to go and thank this man after eating.

"Alan, what happened? "Suddenly Li Lu"s voice rang out, she could see Alan sweating, it was the first time she had seen this, she didn"t understand why.

"Nothing, let"s eat. "Alan smiled, but he couldn"t help but look at the man"s table, but when he looked at the place, the man had magically disappeared.

"Who could he be? " Alan thought.

Alan and Li Lu tried their hand at a table, then ordered the best dishes, there was even a special dish for those on the 9th floor, it was a piece of a demonic beast of rank 9 with spiritual wine which can be considered a treasure of high spirit category.

The dishes were extremely well cooked, Li Lu had never eaten anything so good in her life, she was so happy that she even congratulated the waitresses for bringing them delicious food. Alan watched her eat with a smile on his face, this woman was also a glutton for food. Thinking of a glutton, Alan thought of his daughter Luan, he remembered that at the beginning she had eaten all the fruits and herbs in his little world leaving not even a trace of them, at that time he had almost no system points and that had bothered him a lot.

"Li Lu, if you want afterwards you can go and increase your strength and finish absorbing the energy fruit, I will go to the gladiator arena to enter the earth ranking, it will be a good training before the tournament. "Smiled Alan.

"Mm, I"ll listen to you, I"ll get stronger to protect you! "Says Li Lu as he swallows more food.

Alan shook his head, his behavior changed so much that he didn"t even know that she was the real Li Lu, but well, it livens up his travels, and at least he"s not alone anymore. He realizes that until now, the only good encounters he"s had were with women.

As she left the restaurant, Li Lu was extremely happy, she happily left to refine all the energy contained in the food she had just eaten and the rest of the energy fruit in her body as Alan headed to the gladiator arena.

It didn"t take Alan long to find this as a huge circular building could be seen where several shouts of encouragement could be heard.

As he arrived in front of the building. Alan had to pay for 5 low level spirit stones to enter, he paid for this and then went inside.

"Today this man has made 12 victories! Who can defeat him, the price for defeating him is 150 mid-level spirit stones! "Suddenly, when Alan, a loud voice resounded, it was the referee, when Alan looked into the arena, he saw a man with scars, he was on top of the realm of heaven, he was someone who lived only by fighting.

"I would do it. "Suddenly a calm voice rang out, Alan looked in the direction of the voice, it was a man of about 20 years old, he had a calm aura, but it was an extremely strong aura.

"A genius who will be in the tournament? "Alan thought. It could become that the cultivation of man is only at the 8th stage of the sky realm, yet he dared to challenge someone at the top of the sky realm. If he wasn"t a fool, then he had the necessary skills.

"Isn"t he the prince of the Yu Empire, a 7th-rank empire? " Said one man.

" Yes, I remember, he"s also ranked 724th in the earth rankings. " Says another man.

« 724e ? And he has such strength! What is the strength of the top ten or even the top three! "Alan was surprised, even though that Alan only needed one look to kill that man, he was surprised, because he was ranked extremely high.

"I"m really looking forward to meeting the first one, I have to get noticed and destroy all the people in the top 100," Alan thought. That way he can get the attention of the highest ranked and fight against them.