Dragon Martial Emperor

Chapter 182 – h.e.l.l devil seeds

Chapter 182 – h.e.l.l devil seeds

When Long Yu had entered the garden, he didn’t pay any attention to his nine hidden dragon mark.

However, since now the mark was getting more and more heated up, it was impossible to ignore it.

What’s more: it was getting heated up because of Liu Yuan’s father!

“What’s the matter?”

Long Yu thought to himself as he silently observed the connection between his nine hidden dragon mark and Liu Yuan’s father.

Liu Yuan’s father didn’t have any notable cultivation level; he was as good as some crippled cultivator. Moreover, he was acting like a madman, blabbering incessantly.

However, there was something unusual that was hidden in his body.

“h.e.l.l… Devil seeds…”

The nine hidden dragon mark transmitted a fuzzy vision to Long Yu.

The three words that echoed through the vision – ‘h.e.l.l devil seeds’ changed Long Yu’s complexion immediately.

h.e.l.l devil seeds was something that indeed belonged to the Shen Wu continent.

It was not some material thing; it was some sort of martial skill used by the martial experts of Shen Wu continent.

The chief effect of this martial skill was that some sort of terror got implanted inside the victim’s mind. This provided the pract.i.tioner complete control over his opponent’s mind.

The h.e.l.l devil seeds technique was quite dangerous and potentially fatal. Under some circ.u.mstances, the h.e.l.l devil seeds could even burst out of the targeted person and infect everyone in his surroundings!

First, if a martial artist of the Shen Wu continent exercised more control over the mind of his target, he could even propagate the h.e.l.l devil seeds and could infect more people through that one person he initially targeted.

Secondly, if a person infected with the h.e.l.l devil seeds were to die.

For example, if Liu Yuan’s father, who was infected with h.e.l.l devil seeds, died or was killed by someone, the h.e.l.l devil seeds would be released from his body into the atmosphere and could seep into the bodies of the other people, infecting them.

Liu Yuan and Long Yu stood no chance of escape if he died while they stood beside him. In fact, the eruption of the h.e.l.l devil seeds that would follow his death had the potential of infecting the entire Imperial city!

In other words, Liu Yuan’s father was a living time bomb. If someone killed him, all the people of the Imperial city would have to suffer.

“These h.e.l.l devil seeds are actually just a set of terrifying thoughts that a martial expert of the Shen Wu continent would implant in the mind of a person!”

Although Long Yu was not a kind of person who could be easily deterred, the realization about the h.e.l.l devil seeds scared him.

The h.e.l.l devil seeds could instill fear in the mind of a person for a lifetime. No doubt Liu Yuan’s father acted like a madman since his return from the hunting mishap.

Since he had been shouting the words h.e.l.l, storm and devil when Long Yu approached him, these words gave Long Yu a more accurate picture of what might have happened to him.

While they were out for hunting the beasts, a strong martial expert of the Shen Wu continent might somehow have entered the Tian Yu continent. He must have attacked Liu Yuan’s mother and the other people and held them captive.

Although he couldn’t figure out why Liu Yuan’s father was left behind in the Tian Yu continent by that martial expert from the Shen Wu continent, he was sure that the same martial artist must have implanted a gruesome fear in his mind using the h.e.l.l devil seeds, making him act like an insane man.

“Could it be that the martial expert from the Shen Wu continent has left him behind for some purpose?”

Long Yu thought deeply.

Since their opponent was so tyrannical, it was foolish to think that he would have left Liu Yuan’s father behind just out of pity. This indicated towards one thing – the person had some ulterior motive behind leaving Liu Yuan’s father in Tian Yu continent.

What motive could he have behind it?

Obviously, if Liu Yuan’s father was killed by someone, the h.e.l.l devil seeds would erupt into the atmosphere and seep into the bodies of as many people as possible. Perhaps all the martial artists as well as the beasts would get infected by the h.e.l.l devil seeds if Liu Yuan’s father died!

At that time, the martial artist from the Shen Wu continent might return to the Tian Yu continent to collect his harvest.

If that ever happened, all the martial artists of the Tin Yu continent would obey all his commands!

“Fortunately, there is something that’s keeping this person away from the Tian Yu continent. Otherwise, he could’ve killed Liu Yuan’s father right after he infected him with the h.e.l.l devil seeds, making it erupt immediately and infect people all over the Tang kingdom…”

Long Yu figured out that although the person behind such a condition of Liu Yuan’s father was dangerous and tyrannical, it wasn’t impossible to stop him since there was already something that was stopping him from carrying out his devious plans.

Although all this was a mere speculation, Long Yu’s nine hidden dragon mark had at least provided him with some vague details that he didn’t know earlier.

Tian Yu continent was not all what this world was made up of. There was a continent called Shen Wu continent which was full of mysterious and magical beings.

Tian Yu continent was just a small fragment of Shen Wu continent!

Long Yu wasn’t sure of how many people in Tian Yu continent knew about Shen Wu continent. All he knew was that without entering the realm of the resonance of heaven and man, it was impossible for anyone to even observe the expanse of Shen Wu continent.

“Tian Yu continent is in danger….!”

Long Yu believed the nine hidden mark completely. Just one question bothered him now: Were there any other people besides Liu Yuan’s father who were infected by the h.e.l.l devil seeds?

This was almost impossible for him to know.

At this time, he could only seek his nine hidden dragon mark to help him get some answers about whether there was a way to cure Liu Yuan’s father of the effects of h.e.l.l devil seeds.

A cure to her father’s illness would come as a great relief to Liu Yuan.

Only that Long Yu had no idea where to plant the h.e.l.l devil seeds should he find a cure and get it out of Liu Yuan’s father.

“h.e.l.l devil seeds is a mystical martial skill. To fight with a mystical martial skill, one either has to have an extraordinarily strong willpower or a similar mystical martial skill.”

Through his nine hidden dragon mark, Long Yu had come to know that it was almost impossible for him to obtain a mystical martial skill.

It seemed like the Shen Wu continent was far more formidable than the Tian Yu continent. Let alone the Tang kingdom, there wasn’t a single person in the entire Tian Yu continent who held the strength to defeat someone from Shen Wu continent!

Liu Yuan had been standing at a side all this time, observing Long Yu.

Long Yu maintained his composure as he kept staring at her father silently for a long time. No one could tell what exactly was going on his mind.

“Long Yu, what did you see? Did you figure out something?”

Liu Yuan asked him after some time.

Her clear voice pulled Long Yu back to the reality from his meditation-like state.

The situation about the h.e.l.l devil seeds and its cure was a different case altogether. What Long Yu could immediately do was to get Zhentian sect as well as Liu Yuan to his aid in safeguarding Liu Yuan’s father from getting killed.

“Liu Yuan, I want to ask you a question. Can you think of anyone who might bear some enmity or grudge towards your father? Is there someone who wants him dead?”

Long Yu asked Liu Yuan.

“My father was a simple man even before he met with this accident. He was good to everyone.”

Liu Yuan’s eyes turned red as she reminisced about her childhood days when her father was a sane man.

“My father never had any enemies, and I don’t think anyone would care to settle scores with a lunatic now!”

As she spoke, a miserable smile stretched across her lips.

Her father had been a madman for years. If anyone tried to kill a madman, what would that get them?

All these years, no one gave a d.a.m.n about her father, as if he was dead already!

Had she not been paying for his caretakers; her father would’ve been left on the streets to die.

“That’s good….”

Long Yu said after hesitating for a moment. He couldn’t tell her about h.e.l.l devil seeds since it would be too shocking for her to believe.

Liu Yuan knew that there was some issue that Long Yu had been keeping from her, but she was aware of the fact that Long Yu was doing it without any malicious intentions.

The chief reason for Long Yu not telling Liu Yuan about everything was that Liu Yuan couldn’t actually do anything about it.

Whether he told Liu Yuan or not, h.e.l.l devil seeds remained a threat to everyone and hence Long Yu needed to find a cure for Liu Yuan’s father by first finding the whereabouts of this strange martial skill.

Long Yu was doing it not only for Liu Yuan but for himself too.

If the h.e.l.l devil seeds ever erupted into the atmosphere, the entire Tang kingdom or perhaps the entire Tian Yu continent would be infected by it which would turn everyone into the playthings of a strange martial artist!

Long Yu had no other way out except to cure Liu Yuan’s father.

Although he didn’t care much about Liu Yuan or her father, he had to do it in order to ensure the safety of every unsuspecting person in the Tang kingdom, including his loved ones.

“There is a way through which we can save your father. We can treat your father, and this can happen if we practice a mystical martial skill.”

Long Yu said with serenity.

Mystical martial skill?

Liu Yuan was stunned. Obviously, she had never heard about a ‘mystical martial skill’ until now from Long Yu.

“I will provide you with all the details later. First, I have to gather more information about the mystical martial skills. I want to be sure that learning a mystical martial skill can actually help us in treating your father.”

Long Yu said.

“Sure! I will wait for you.”

Liu Yuan nodded gently.

However, she was unable to figure out whether Long Yu was telling her the truth. Was there really something such as a mystical martial skill? Moreover, she didn’t know how the unified pieces of the lunar tablet could help them in learning a mystical martial skill.

Was Long Yu making up this whole story in order to get hold of the other half of the lunar tablet?

The Imperial Chu clan had repeatedly been trying to find a lunar tablet, but after searching over the years, they were unable to find it. All they had been able to find was the mineral lode near the Ling clan village which produced lunar debris every once in a while.

Liu Yuan never possessed any heavenly tablet earlier and she couldn’t have found it had she not followed Long Yu and fallen in the underground chamber with him.

She owed it to Long Yu!

Since she couldn’t find any other way to thank him at that time, she lent her horse to Long Yu to show her grat.i.tude and to pave a way for maintaining good relations with him.

Now it seemed to her that her strategy had been quite fruitful.

Long Yu found a way to cure her father of his insanity!

Liu Yuan didn’t ask any questions from Long Yu since she was aware that he had some secrets of his own. Pestering him about them was only going to irritate him.

So, she turned around and said to Long Yu: “I want to comprehend the lunar tablet first. In fact, I know of an amazing place where we can comprehend the lunar tablet together. It’s the same place where I meditated to comprehend the lunar charm very quickly.”

“Where is that place?”

Long Yu seemed interested.

If he could comprehend the lunar tablet quickly, it would be beneficial for him.

“You have to come with me if you want to know.”

Liu Yuan smiled as she turned around to rush outside the Liu clan mansion.

The place that Liu Yuan was going to was not inside the Liu clan mansion. In fact, it was nowhere near the Imperial city. Long Yu had to follow her immediately so as to not lose track of her.

Long Yu had been so busy thinking about the h.e.l.l devil seeds again that he didn’t notice that a group of people were following him as he left the Imperial city.

The target of these people was obvious – Long Yu!