Dragon Martial Emperor

Chapter 170 – Awakening of Heavenly Resonance

Chapter 170 – Awakening of Heavenly Resonance

Long Yu grabbed the feathered garment immediately.

Just then, he felt as if his lunar wings trembled a little. Clearly, this garment had some relation with his lunar wings.

“I have been missing just one small step in order to attain complete resonance with the lunar wings. Now that I have obtained this feathered garment, I might succeed!”

Long Yu’s eyes flashed with excitement.

This white feathered garment was a top grade spiritual level battle weapon. After being worn on body, it not only served as armour but also enhanced one’s speed.

More importantly, it could help Long Yu attain absolute resonance with the lunar wings!

“Thank you so much, Sovereign.”

Long Yu looked up.

“There is nothing to say thanks for. Your contribution to the sect in the seven sect compet.i.tion would be enough.”

Baiyun Zhong stroked his beard and smiled: “It seems that you are our only hope to defend our Zhentian sect. Make sure you don’t disappoint us.”

“Yes, Sovereign.”

Long Yu said sincerely.

This exchange between them made the rest of the disciples gape in surprise.

All the hopes of the sect were invested in Long Yu and not Bu Xing!

All this, in spite of Bu Xing having a cultivation level of one layer higher than Long Yu!

They couldn’t figure out what this exactly meant and casted curious gazes on Long Yu, especially that swordsman Zhuge Jian.

This young man, clad in purple robe and carrying purple scabbard, looked contemptuously towards Long Yu as if he wanted to challenge him.

He and Long Yu had the same cultivation, but Baiyun Zhong’s favour for Long Yu had certainly made him jealous.

Needless to say, Zhuge Jian had also ventured out in the Tang kingdom and had gained a lot of combat experience.

He believed that his combat experience was far more than Long Yu and hence in spite of sharing the same cultivation level, Long Yu was no match for him.

However, no one knew the real strength of Long Yu.

Soon afterwards, Long Yu wore the feathered garment that he had just received. His whole appearance changed after wearing that garment. He looked more heroic and attracted the attention of several female disciples.

Long Yu’s temperament would never allow him to wear such conspicuous clothing, but since he wanted to utilize this garment in order to achieve absolute resonance with the lunar wings, there was no harm in wearing it for a while.

“You have never worn such garments earlier. But trust me, this feathered garment suits you.”

Liao Lele came and stood by Long Yu’s side and spoke to him in her usual soft voice.

“Liao Lele, if you start paying such attention to your own appearance, Brother Long Yu might develop a liking for you.”

Feng Yuxin chuckled.

Feng Yuxin and Liao Lele, both had Old White as their teacher, and were well acquainted with each other. In fact, they had become good friends now and shared everything with each other.

These words struck Liao Lele like lightening.

Feng Yuxin was right!

She never cared about her appearance in front of Long Yu. Although every girl cared about her appearance and clothing, Liao Lele was not a girly girl!

What man would not like a beautiful and elegant woman?

Liao Lele felt ashamed of her appearance in front of Long Yu.

However, Long Yu immediately understood how she had been feeling and said: “Feng Yuxin, you should not talk so irresponsibly. Since no two humans are same, each and every person is beautiful in his or her own way.”

“Alright, alright. Let’s go now.”

Baiyun Zhong led the contingent while Elders Yu Shengshi and Li Bufan walked behind the whole contingent since they were responsible for the safety of the disciples.

All the other people walked in teams.

Soon afterwards, Liao Lele and Feng Yuxin went to another side and were evidently discussing the ways which could be used to attract Long Yu.

Since they didn’t know what kind of girls did Long Yu like, they were making vague guesses.

Long Yu looked towards them and wondered what the girls were talking about, but soon put this matter aside and moved forward.

Just then, he felt as if his lunar wings and the white feathered garment were fusing together.

“What is this?”

Long Yu’s complexion changed as he realized that some movement was happening in these two battle weapons.

He reacted immediately.

“Sovereign, I want to explore the way ahead.”

Long Yu took two or three steps and approached Baiyun Zhong.

Baiyun Zhong looked profoundly at him and smiled: “Alright, go on if you want to, but take good care of yourself and return to the contingent once you are done with your exploration.”

“Yes, Sovereign.”

Long Yu nodded and continued to stride forward. Soon afterwards, he disappeared completely from the sight of all the seventy people of the contingent.

He decided to abandon the contingent as he feared that the infusion of lunar wings and the feathered garment would create a strange sight.

He didn’t want anyone to know about these changes. He wanted to keep it as a secret weapon to use in the seven sect compet.i.tion.

If anyone knew about it beforehand, it wouldn’t be of much use.

“This feeling is getting more and more intense…..”

Long Yu felt his heart throbbing faster and faster along with the lunar wings. At the same time, the feathered garment started resonating with the lunar wings more and more with each pa.s.sing moment.



These two powers of the feathered garment created two separate bursts of energy which integrated with the lunar wings.

To Long Yu, this process seemed similar to that of the transformation of the nine hidden dragon mark.

“I used to think that the nine hidden mark could only enhance my power and serve as a storage s.p.a.ce. However, now it seems that it has much more powers…..!”

Long Yu thought to himself.

Under the influence of nine hidden dragon mark, not only the two powers but the feathered garment itself decomposed and started to integrate with the lunar wings.

After absorbing the powers and the garment itself, the lunar wings had transformed into a whole new battle weapon!

This battle weapon still had the shape of lunar wings and was still a top grade spiritual level battle weapon, but its speed had increased by leaps and bounds. Moreover, it now displayed great defence abilities that it absorbed from the white feathered garment.

However, this was not good for the enhancement of Long Yu’s strength as it would prevent Long Yu from facing life threatening situations which could hinder Long Yu’s progress.

However, the most important thing was that at this moment, Long Yu felt that after absorbing the white feathered garment, the lunar wings had forged an even stronger connection with the lunar charm.

Heavenly resonance, awaken!

Long Yu’s eyes flashed and he now had a vague idea about the transformation of the lunar wings.

The integration of demon wings with the lunar charm and the white feathered garment had formed a completely different consciousness!

“Lunar spirit!”

Long Yu felt that lunar wings now gave him a speed that was much faster than his earlier speed.

Even a Zhenling sixth layer powerhouse wouldn’t be able to catch Long Yu – such was his speed now!

When a battle weapon achieves heavenly resonance with a martial artist, it attains its own intelligence and increases the martial artist’s battle efficiency to a great extent.

Moreover, when a martial artist and his battle weapon enter into resonance with each other, the person no longer needs to be in a life endangering situation to stimulate the movement of the battle weapon.

The battle weapon’s own intelligence would stimulate its movements on its own in order to save its master’s life and a.s.sist him in combats.

“With this lunar spirit, I think my lunar wings would understand whatever I’m thinking. Such being the case, let’s give it a try.”

Long Yu mentally commanded the lunar wings to move, and the lunar wings immediately started flapping.

The lunar wings were imparted white colour by the white feathered garment and black colour by the nine hidden dragon mark. The black and white colours gave the lunar wings a mystical appearance.

The gigantic wings flapped at a great speed, leading Long Yu and changing him into a black and white streamer. His speed was much greater than it earlier was!

“The new speed is too fast!”

Long Yu was surprised.

At this moment, his speed was even more than a martial artist who would’ve practised ‘Horizon is Close’ martial skill to the perfection level.

The accordance of a battle weapon with a martial artist went step by step from resonance level to the psychic level and finally reached the heavenly resonance level.

When the battle weapon reaches the heavenly resonance level, it develops its own intelligence and spirit.

The lunar wings now had a lunar spirit, but this lunar spirit depended wholly upon Long Yu for its existence.

If Long Yu dies, the lunar spirit would wither away because it was Long Yu who had imparted this lunar spirit to his battle weapon.

Oh! No!

Long Yu stopped suddenly and realized that in this short time of half an hour, he had travelled a hundred miles away from his contingent! Long Yu was greatly shocked.

Only a Zhenling seventh layer powerhouse could’ve overtaken Long Yu at his current speed and that too by a slight margin.

“This lunar spirit contains traces of demon qi from the Demon valley as well as the strength of the lunar principle.”

Long Yu felt himself to be under the influence of some gloomy energy.

This gloomy energy was the result of the Demon qi of the Demon valley!

This newly transformed battle weapon was formed by the combination of lunar wings and the white feathered garment, both of which were made from the body parts of a beast of the Demon valley. That’s why this battle weapon contained some traces of Demon qi.

However, while the gloominess soon dissipated, the Demon qi seeped deep into Long Yu’s body as if trying to convey some message to him.

“This gloomy energy wants to tell me something…..”

Long Yu tried hard to grasp what exactly it wanted to convey, but was unable to understand since his level of heavenly resonance was insufficient.

He thought to himself: “If only I could get a step further, I might’ve understood what information it wants to convey to me.”

It was a pity that moving to the next level of heavenly resonance couldn’t be achieved in a short period of time!