Dual Cultivation

Chapter 988: Key to Success

Chapter 988: Key to Success

"Manager, what are you trying to retrieve?" Mei Xing asked him while they waited.

"The key to our success," he said with a mysterious smile on his face.

"I don"t understand," she said.

"You will understand it in the near future."

A few minutes later, the receptionist returned with a small metal box in her hands.

"I have verified the information. Here is your item." The receptionist handed the box to him without asking any more questions, as that was how the place worked.

Anyone could enter this place and store anything for a fee depending on how long they intend on storing it, and anyone could retrieve the item as long as they had the storage number and the pa.s.sword to it.

This made things convenient for the customers and the workers alike.

Of course, this place isn"t unique to the City of Pleasure, as there are many storage areas like this across the Four Divine Heavens.

Once he verified the thing inside the box is what he expected, Su Yang walked out of the building with a gentle smile on his face.

"I never thought I would need this thing…" He couldn"t help but smile after recalling how he thought that he would never use this item when he first received it, as it was something that would only be useful inside the City of Pleasure.

Both Mei Xing and Mei Ying"s antic.i.p.ation grew when they noticed Su Yang"s expression, and they began wondering to themselves what could possibly be inside the metal box.

About another hour later, they finally arrived at their new building for their business.

"Wow, there are two floors to this building? And it"s so big compared to our last building!" Mei Xing was deeply impressed by their new building.

Just the reception area alone was larger than their entire building before. Furthermore, there was furniture already prepared for them inside the building.

The three of them proceeded to explore the new building together.

Besides the reception area, there were 4 other rooms on the first floor, and each of them was many times larger than the ma.s.sage room in their old building.

Moreover, there were beds in every single one of these rooms, almost like they were in a hotel instead of a ma.s.sage parlor.

The second floor was the same as the first floor including the reception area that was right in front of the staircase.

"Manager, there are so many rooms— too many, in fact." Mei Xing said to him afterward.

"Do you intend on hiring new workers? If not… Then this place is truly overboard for three people." Mei Ying said.

"This is actually the second smallest building out of my choices." Su Yang said.

"And I don"t intend on hiring more workers. I am satisfied with just the two of you."

"As for these rooms, we don"t really need to use them."

"But that"s such a waste…" Mei Xing said.

Then she had an idea.

"Oh! Manager! I have a suggestion! We can rent out the unused rooms like a hotel! This place can be a hotel and a ma.s.sage parlor at once!" She said.

"That"s not a bad idea. I personally don"t care about the rooms, but if that"s what you want, we can do that. However, I won"t be hiring more people to manage the rooms."...

Mei Ying nodded and said, "That"s perfectly fine, Manager. One of us can manage the reception while the other manages the rooms."

"I want to be the receptionist!" Mei Xing quickly said.

Mei Ying nodded.

"As for your rooms, you can use any rooms you like." Su Yang then said.

Sometime later, Su Yang retrieved his metal box and opened it.

Both Mei Ying and Mei Xing looked at the item inside the metal box, but they were more puzzled than surprised after seeing it.

"What"s that? It looks like a medallion of sorts. How is that the key to success? It"s not even a key." Mei Xing said.

Su Yang chuckled and said, "It"s the Medallion of Pleasure."

"Medallion of Pleasure? This is my first time hearing such a name," she said.

Mei Ying also showed a questioning expression.

"Really? Neither of you knows about the Medallion of Pleasure? I thought it is supposed to be a very recognizable treasure in the City of Pleasure, and I was told that everyone in the City of Pleasure would be able to recognize it at glance."

Mei Ying shook her head and said, "I"m not really sure, but our knowledge isn"t that good despite living here for pretty much all of our lives so maybe that"s why we don"t know about it."

"Manager, are you sure you didn"t get tricked? Who sold you this medallion?" Mei Xing asked him.

"I didn"t buy it. It was given to me after I helped someone, and that person wouldn"t lie to me." Su Yang said.

"Then what is it suppose to do?"

Su Yang didn"t answer her question and instead said, "Why don"t we see for ourselves?"

He then walked outside and hung the medallion in front of his building where it could be seen by nearly everyone in the street, just like he was advised in the past.

However, n.o.body really took notice of the medallion since they all ignored what Su Yang was doing.

"It"s doing nothing. I think you really got tricked, Manager." Mei Xing said to him when nothing happened even many minutes later.

Su Yang chuckled and said, "Let"s give it some time before we jump to any conclusions."

Mei Xing nodded, and they went back inside the store.

Shortly after they went inside the building, one of the pedestrians there noticed the medallion hanging outside the building and immediately stopped walking to stare at it with wide eyes.

"I-I-It"s a Medallion of Pleasure?! When did a store with a Medallion of Pleasure open up in this place?!" The pedestrian exclaimed in a shocked voice, altering the others in that area.

"What? Did someone say the Medallion of Pleasure? How is that possible?"

"Are you sure you"re not seeing things? There"s no store with a Medallion of Pleasure on this street."

"L-Look for yourselves! I"m sure that"s the Medallion of Pleasure!"

The pedestrian pointed at the medallion hanging outside Su Yang"s store, and sure enough, when the others saw it, their eyes widened with shock, looking like they just witnessed a ghost.