Dynevor Terrace; Or, The Clue of Life

Chapter 104

"But what does he mean? He must be under some terrible error. Who is this Ford?"

"It is Delaford, ma"am, I make no doubt, though however he could have got there! And, oh dear me! if I had only told poor Tom the whole, that I was a silly girl, and liked his flatteries now and then, but constant in my heart I always was!"

Isabel could not but suppose that Delaford, if it were he, might have exaggerated poor Charlotte"s little flirtation; but there was small comfort here, since contradiction was impossible. The U. S., over which the poor child had puzzled in vain, was no field in which to follow him up--he had not even dated his letter; and it was a very, very faint hope that Lord Fitzjocelyn might trace him out, especially as he had evidently fled in disgrace; and poor Charlotte sobbed bitterly over his troubles, as well as her own.

She was better after she had told her mistress, though still she shrank from any other sympathy. Even Jane"s pity would have been too much for her, and her tender nature was afraid of the tongues that would have discussed her grief. Perhaps the high-toned nature of Isabel was the very best to be brought into contact with the poor girl"s spirit, which was of the same order, and many an evening did Isabel sit in the twilight, beside the children"s beds, talking to her, or sometimes reading a few lines to show her how others had suffered in the same way. "It is my own fault," said poor Charlotte; "it all came of my liking to be treated like one above the common, and it serves me right.

Yes, ma"am, that was a beautiful text you showed me last night, I thought of it all day, and I"ll try to believe that good will come out of it. I am sure you are very good to let me love the children! I"m certain sure Miss Salome knows that I"m in trouble, for she never fails to run and kiss me the minute she comes in sight; and she"ll sit so quiet in my lap, the little dear, and look at me as much as to say, "Charlotte, I wish I could comfort you." But it was all my own fault, ma"am, and I think I could feel as if I was punished right, so I knew poor Tom was happy."

"Alas!" thought Isabel, after hearing Charlotte"s reminiscences; "how close I have lived to a world of which I was in utter ignorance! How little did we guess that, by the careless ease and inattention of our household, we were carrying about a firebrand, endangering not only poor Walter, but doing fearful harm wherever we went!"



On Darien"s sands and deadly dew.


Enterprise and speed both alike directed Fitzjocelyn"s course across the Isthmus of Panama, which in 1853 had newly become practicable for adventurous travellers. A ca.n.a.l conducted him as far as Cruces, after which he had to push on through wild forest and swamp, under the escort of the muleteers who took charge of the various travellers who had arrived by the same packet.

It was a very novel and amusing journey, even in the very discomforts and the strange characters with whom he was thrown, and more discontented travellers used to declare that Don Luis, as he told the muleteers to call him, always seemed to have the best success with the surly hotel-keepers, though when he resigned his acquisitions to any resolute grumbler, it used to be discovered that he had been putting up with the worst share.

A place called Guallaval seemed to be the most squalid and forlorn of all the stations--outside, an atmosphere of mosquitoes; inside, an atmosphere of brandy and smoke, the master an ague-stricken Yankee, who sat with his bare feet high against the wall, and only deigned to jerk with his head to show in what quarter was the drink and food, and to "guess that strangers must sleep on the ground, for first-comers had all the beds"--hammocks slung up in a barn, or unwholesome cupboards in the wall.

At the dirty board sat several of the party first arrived, washing down tough, stringy beef with brandy. Louis was about to take his place near a very black-bearded young man, who appeared more civilized than the rest, and who surprised him by at once making room for him, leaving the table with an air of courtesy; and when, in his halting Spanish, he begged "his Grace" not to disturb himself, he was answered, in the same tongue, "I have finished."

After the meal, such as it was, he wandered out of the hut, to escape the fumes and the company within; but he was presently accosted by the same stranger, who, touching his slouched Panama hat, made him a speech in Spanish, too long and fluent for his comprehension, at the same time offering him a cigar. He was civilly refusing, when, to his surprise, the man interrupted him in good English. "These swamps breed fever, to a certainty. A cigar is the only protection; and even then there is nothing more dangerous than to be out at sunset."

"Thank you, I am much obliged," said Louis, turning towards the hut.

"Have you been long out here?"

"The first time on the Isthmus; but I know these sort of places. Pray go in, my Lord."

The t.i.tle and the accent startled Louis, and he exclaimed, "You must be from the Northwold country?"

He drew back, and said bluntly, "Never mind me, only keep out of this pestiferous air."

But the abrupt surliness completed the recognition, and, seizing his hand, Louis cried, "Tom! how are you?" You have turned into a thorough Spaniard, and taken me in entirely."

"Only come in, my Lord; I would never have spoken to you, but that I could not see you catching your death."

"I am coming: but what"s the matter? Why avoid me, when you are the very man I most wished to see?"

"I"m done for," said Tom. "The fellows up there have saddled their rogueries on me, and I"m off to the States. I--"

"What do you say? There, I am coming in. Be satisfied, Tom; I am come out with a commission from Mr. Dynevor, to see what can be arranged."

"That"s right," cried Tom, "now poor Miss Ponsonby will have one friend."

"Your letter to Charlotte brought me out--" began Louis; but Madison broke in with an expression of dismay and self-reproach at seeing him walking somewhat lame.

"It is only when I am tired, and not thinking of it," said Louis; "do you know that old ash stick, Tom, my constant friend? See, here are the names of all the places I have seen cut out on it."

"I knew it, and you, the moment you sat down by the table," said Tom, in a tone of the utmost feeling, as Louis took his arm. "You are not one to forget."

"And yet you were going to pa.s.s me without making yourself known."

"A disgraced man has no business to be known," said Tom, low and hoa.r.s.ely. "No, I wish none of them ever to hear my name again; and but for the slip of the tongue that came so naturally, you should not, but I was drawn to you, and could not help it. I am glad I have seen you once more, my Lord--"

He would have left him at the entrance, but Louis held him fast.

"You are the very man I depend on for unravelling the business. A man cannot be disgraced by any one but himself, and that is not the case with you, Tom."

"No, thank Heaven," said Tom, fervently; "I"ve kept my honesty, if I have lost all the rest."

Little more was needed to bring Madison to a seat on a wooden bench beside Fitzjocelyn, answering his anxious inquiries. The first tidings were a shock--Mr. Ponsonby was dead. He had long been declining, and the last thing Tom had heard from Lima was, that he was dead; but of the daughter there was no intelligence; Tom had been too much occupied with his own affairs to know anything of her. Robson had returned from Guayaquil some weeks previously, and in the settlement of accounts consequent on Mr. Ponsonby"s death, Tom had demurred giving up all the valuable property at the mines under his charge, until he should have direct orders from Mr. Dynevor or Miss Ponsonby. A hot dispute ensued, and Robson became aware that Tom was informed of his nefarious practices, and had threatened him violently; but a few hours after he had returned, affecting to have learnt from the new clerk, Ford, that Madison"s peculations required to be winked at with equal forbearance, and giving him the alternative of sharing the spoil, or of being denounced to the authorities. He took a night to consider; and, as Louis started at hearing of any deliberation, he said, sadly, "You would not believe me, my Lord, but I had almost a mind. They would take away my character, any way; and what advantage was my honesty without that? And as to hurting my employers, they would only take what I did not; and such as that is thought nothing of by very many. I"d got no faith in man nor woman left, and I"d got nothing but suspicion by my honesty; so why should I not give in to the way of the world, and try if it would serve me. But then, my Lord, it struck me that if I had nothing else, I had still my G.o.d left."

Louis grasped his hand.

"Yes, I"m thankful that Miss Ponsonby asked me to read to the Cornish miners," said Madison. "One gets soon heathenish in a heathenish place; and but for that I don"t believe I should ever have stood it out. But Joseph"s words, "How can I do this great wickedness, and sin against G.o.d," kept ringing in my ears like a peal of bells, all night, and by morning I sent in a note to Mr. Robson, to say No to what he proposed."

Every other principle would have cracked in such a conflict, and Louis looked up at Tom with intense admiration, while the young man spoke on, not conscious that it had been n.o.ble, but ashamed of owning himself to have been brought to a pa.s.s where mere integrity had been an effort.

He had gone back at once to his mines, in some hopes that the threats might yet prove nothing but bl.u.s.tering; but he had scarcely arrived there when an Indian muleteer, to whom he had shown some kindness, brought him intelligence that la justida was in quest of him, but in difficulties how to get up the mountains. The poor Indians guided his escape, conducting him down wonderful paths only known to themselves, hiding him in strange sequestered huts, and finally guiding him safely to Callao, where he had secretly embarked on board an American vessel bound for Panama. Louis asked why he had fled, instead of taking his trial, and confuting Robson; but he smiled, and said, my Lord knew little of foreign justice; besides, Ford was ready to bear any witness that Robson might put into his mouth;--and his face grew dark. Who was this Ford? He could not tell; Mr. Robson had picked him up a few months back, when there was a want of a clerk; like loved like, he supposed, but it was no concern of his. Would it be safe for him to venture back to Peru, under Fitzjocelyn"s protection, and a.s.sist him in unmasking the treacherous Robson! To this he readily agreed, catching at the hope of establishing his innocence; but declaring that he should then go at once to the States.--"What, not even go home to see Charlotte? I"ve got a letter for you, when I can get at it."

Tom made no answer, and Fitzjocelyn feared that, in spite of all his good qualities, his fidelity in love had not equalled his fidelity to his employers. He could not understand his protege during the few days of their journey. He was a great acquisition to his comfort, with his knowledge of the language and people, and his affectionate deference.

At home, where all were courtly, he had been almost rude; but here, in the land of ill manners, his attentions were so a.s.siduous that Louis was obliged to beg him to moderate them lest they should both be ridiculous. He had become a fine-looking young man, with a foreign air and dress agreeing well with his dark complexion; and he had acquired much practical ability and information. Mountains, authority, and a good selection of books had been excellent educators; he was a very superior and intelligent person, and, without much polish, had laid aside his peasant rusticities, and developed some of the best qualities of a gentleman. But though open and warm-hearted on many points with his early friend, there was a gloom and moodiness about him, which Louis could only explain by thinking that his unmerited disgrace preyed on him more than was quite manly. To this cause, likewise, Louis at first attributed his never choosing to hear a word about Charlotte; but as the distaste--nay almost sullenness, evoked by any allusion to her, became more apparent, Louis began unwillingly to balance his suspicions between some fresh attachment, or unworthy shame at an engagement to a maidservant.

The poor little damsel"s sweet blushing face and shy courtesy, and all her long and steady faithfulness, made him feel indignant at such a suspicion, and he resolved to bring Madison to some explanation; but he did not find the opportunity till after they had embarked at the beautiful little islet of Toboga for Callao. On board, he had time to find in his portmanteau the letter with which she had entrusted him, and, seeking Madison on deck, gave it to him. He held it in his hand without opening it; but the sparkle in his dark eye did not betoken the bashfulness of fondness, and Louis, taking a turn along the deck to watch him unperceived, saw him raise his hand as if to throw the poor letter overboard at once. A few long steps, and Louis was beside him, exclaiming, "What now, Tom--is that the way you treat your letters?"

"The little hypocrite! I don"t want no more of her false words,"

muttered Tom, returning, in his emotion, to his peasant"s emphatic double negative.

"Hypocrite! Do you know how n.o.bly and generously she has been helping Mr. and Mrs. Frost through their straits? how faithfully--"

"I know better," said Tom, hoa.r.s.ely; "don"t excuse her, my Lord; you know little of what pa.s.ses in your own kitchens."

"Too true, I fear, in many cases," said Louis; "but I have seen this poor child in circ.u.mstances that make me feel sure that she is an admirable creature. What misunderstanding can have arisen?"

"No misunderstanding, my Lord. I saw, as plain as I see you, her name and her writing in the book that she gave to Ford--her copying out of his love-poems, my Lord, in the blank pages,--if I had wanted any proof of what he alleged."

And he had nearly thrown the letter into the Pacific; but Louis caught his arm.

"Did you ever read Cymbeline, Tom?"

"Yes, to be sure I have," growled Tom, in surprise.