Dynevor Terrace; Or, The Clue of Life

Chapter 40

Again the Earl paused, then said, "He may probably speak more unreservedly to you than to me."

"He shuns the topic. He says there is no use in aggravating the feelings by discussion. He would fain submit in heart as well as in will."

Lord Ormersfield sighed, but did not appear disposed to say more; and, charitably hoping that a dagger had been implanted in him, Jem ran up-stairs, and found Louis sitting writing at a table, which looked as if Mary had never been near it.

"Jem! That"s right! I"ve not seen you this age."

"What are you about?"

"I wanted particularly some one to listen. It is an essay on the Police--"

"Is this earnest?"

"Sober earnest. Sir Miles and all that set are anxious to bring the matter forward, and my father has been getting it up, as he does whatever he may have to speak upon. His eyes are rather failing for candle-light work, so I have been helping him in the evening, till it struck me that it was a curious subject to trace in history,--the Censors, the attempts in Germany and Spain, to supply the defective law, the Spanish and Italian dread of justice. I became enamoured of the notion, and when I have thrown all the hints together, I shall try to take in my father by reading them to him as an article in the Quarterly."

"Oh, very well. If your soul is there, that is an end of the matter."

"Of what matter?"

"Things cannot run on in this way. It is not a thing to lay upon me to go on working in your cause with her when you will not stir a step in your own behalf."

"I am very much obliged to you, but I never asked you to work in my cause. I beg your pardon, Jem, don"t fly into a Welsh explosion. No one ever meant more kindly and generously--" He checked himself in amaze at the demonstration he had elicited; but, as it was not accompanied with words, he continued, "No one can be more grateful to you than I; but, as far as I can see, there is nothing for it but to be thankful that no more harm has been done, and to let the matter drop;"

and he dropped his hand with just so much despondency as to make Jem think him worth storming at, instead of giving him up; and he went over the old ground of Louis being incapable of true pa.s.sion and unworthy of such a being if he could yield her without an effort, merely for the sake of peace.

"I say, Jem," said Louis, quietly, "all this was bad enough on neutral ground; it is mere treason under my father"s own roof, and I will have no more of it."

"Then," cried James, with a strange light in his eyes, "you henceforth renounce all hopes--all pretensions?"

"I never had either hope or pretension. I do not cease to think her, as I always did, the loveliest creature I ever beheld. I cannot help that; and the state I fell into after being with her on Tuesday, convinced me that it is safest to stay here and fill up time and thought as best I may."

"For once, Fitzjocelyn," said James, with a gravity not natural to him, "I think better of your father than you do. I would neither treat him as so tyrannical nor so prejudiced as your conduct supposes him."

"How? He is as kind as possible. We never had so much in common."

"Yes. Your submission so far, and the united testimony of the Terrace, will soften him. Show your true sentiments. A little steadiness and perseverance, and you will prevail."

"Don"t make me feverish, Jem."

A summons to Lord Fitzjocelyn to come down to a visitor in the library cut short the discussion, and James took leave at once, neither cousin wishing to resume the conversation.

The darts had not been injudiciously aimed. The father and son were both rendered uneasy. They had hitherto been unusually comfortable together, and though the life was unexciting, Louis"s desire to be useful to his father, and the pressing need of working for his degree, kept his mind fairly occupied. Though wistful looks might sometimes be turned along the Northwold road, when he sallied forth in the twilight for his const.i.tutional walk, he did not a.n.a.lyse which number of the Terrace was the magnet, and he avoided testing to the utmost the powers of his foot. The affection and solicitude shown for him at home claimed a full return; nor had James been greatly mistaken in ascribing something to the facility of nature that yielded to force of character.

But Jem had stirred up much that Louis would have been contented to leave dormant; and the hope that he had striven to excite came almost teazingly to interfere with the pa.s.sive acquiescence of an indolent will. Perturbed and doubtful, he was going to seek counsel as usual of the open air, as soon as the visitor was gone, but his father followed him into the hall, asking whither he was going.

"I do not know. I had been thinking of trying whether I can get as far as Marksedge."

Marksedge would be fatal to the ankle, solitude to the spirits, thought the Earl; and he at once declared his intention of walking with his son as far as he should let him go.

Louis was half vexed, half flattered, and they proceeded in silence, till conscious of being ruffled, and afraid of being ungracious, he made a remark on the farm that they were approaching, and learnt in return that the lease was nearly out, the tenant did not want a renewal, and that Richardson intended to advertise.

He breathed a wish that it were in their own hands, and this led to a statement of the condition of affairs, the same to which a year before he had been wilfully deaf, and to which he now attended chiefly for the sake of gratifying his father, though he better understood what depended on it. At least, it was making the Earl insensible to the s.p.a.ce they were traversing, and the black outlines of Marksedge were rising on him before he was aware. Then he would have turned, but Louis pleaded that having come so far, he should be glad to speak to Madison"s grandfather, and one or two other old people, and he prevailed.

Lord Ormersfield was not prepared for the real aspect of the hamlet.

"Richardson always declared that the cottages were kept in repair," he said.

"Richardson never sees them. He trusts to Reeves."

"The people might do something themselves to keep the place decent."

"They might; but they lose heart out of sight of respectability. I will just knock at this door--I will not detain you a moment."

The dark smoky room, damp, ill-paved floor, and cracked walls produced their effect; and the name and voice of the inmate did more. Lord Ormersfield recognised a man who had once worked in the garden, and came forward and spoke, astonished and shocked to find him prematurely old. The story was soon told; there had been a seasoning fever as a welcome to the half-reclaimed moorland; ague and typhus were frequent visitors, and disabling rheumatism a more permanent companion to labourers exhausted by long wet walks in addition to the daily toil.

At an age less than that of the Earl himself, he beheld a bowed and broken cripple.

Fitzjocelyn perceived his victory, and forebore to press it too hastily, lest he should hurt his father"s feelings; and walked on silently, thinking how glad Mary would be to hear of this expedition, and what a pity it was that the unlucky pa.s.sage of last August should have interfered with their comfortable friendship. At last the Earl broke silence by saying, "It is very unfortunate;" and Louis echoed, "Very."

"My poor Uncle Dynevor! He was, without exception, the most wrong-headed person I ever came in contact with, yet so excessively plausible and eager that he carried my poor father entirely along with him. Louis! nothing is so ruinous as to surrender the judgment."

Fully a.s.senting, Louis wondered whether Marksedge would serve no purpose save the elucidation of this truism, and presently another ensued.

"Mischief is sooner done than repaired. As I have been allowing you, there has never been ready money at command."

"I thought there were no more mortgages to be paid off. The rents of the Fitzjocelyn estate and the houses in the lower town must come to something."

He was then told how these, with his mother"s fortune, had been set apart to form a fund for his establishment, and for the first time he was shown the object of arrangements against which he had often in heart rebelled. His first impulse was to exclaim that it was a great pity, and that he could not bear that his father should have denied himself on his account.

"Do you think these things are sacrifices to me?" said the Earl. "My habits were formed long ago."

"Mine have been formed on yours," said Louis. "I should be enc.u.mbered by such an income as you propose unless you would let me lay it out in making work for the men and improving the estate, and that I had rather you undertook, for I should be certain to do something preposterous, and then be sorry."

"Mrs. Ponsonby judged rightly. It was her very advice."

"Then!" cried Louis, as if the deed were done.

"You would not find the income too large in the event of your marriage."

"A most unlikely event!"

His father glanced towards him. If there had been a symptom of unhappiness, relenting was near, but it so chanced that Marksedge was reigning supreme, and he was chiefly concerned to set aside the supposition as an obstacle to his views. The same notion as James Frost"s occurred to the Earl, that it could not be a tenacious character which could so easily set aside an attachment apparently so fervent, but the resignation was too much in accordance with his desires to render him otherwise than gratified, and he listened with complacency to Louis"s plans. Nothing was fixed, but there was an understanding that all should have due consideration.

This settled, Louis"s mind recurred to the hint which his father had thrown out, and he wondered whether it meant that the present compliance might be further stretched, but he thought it more likely to be merely a reference to ordinary contingencies. Things were far too comfortable between him and his father to be disturbed by discussion, and he might ultimately succeed better by submitting, and leaving facts and candour to remove prejudice.

To forget perplexity in the amus.e.m.e.nt of a mystification, he brought down his essay, concealing it ingeniously within a review flanked by blue-books, and, when Lord Ormersfield was taking out a pair of spectacles with the reluctance of a man not yet accustomed to them, he asked him if he would like to hear an article on the Police question.

At first the Earl showed signs of nodding, and said there was nothing to the purpose in all the historical curiosities at the outset, so that Louis, alarmed lest he should absolutely drop asleep, skipped all his favourite pa.s.sages, and came at once to the results of the recent inquiries. The Earl was roused. Who could have learnt those facts?

That was telling--well put, but how did he get hold of it. The very thing he had said himself--What Quarterly was it? Surely the Christmas number was not out. Hitherto Louis had kept his countenance and voice, but in an hiatus, where he was trying to extemporize, his father came to look over his shoulder to see what ailed the book, and, glancing upwards with a merry debonnaire face, he made a gesture as if convicted.

"Do you mean that this is your own composition?"