Dynevor Terrace; Or, The Clue of Life

Chapter 1

Dynevor Terrace.

Vol. I.

by Charlotte M. Yonge.


Who wisdom"s sacred prize would win, Must with the fear of G.o.d begin; Immortal praise and heavenly skill Have they who know and do His will.

New Version.



Farewell rewards and fairies, Good housewives now may say, For now foul s.l.u.ts in dairies May fare as well as they.


An ancient leafless stump of a horse-chesnut stood in the middle of a dusty field, bordered on the south side by a row of houses of some pretension. Against this stump, a pretty delicate fair girl of seventeen, whose short lilac sleeves revealed slender white arms, and her tight, plain cap tresses of flaxen hair that many a beauty might have envied, was banging a cocoa-nut mat, chanting by way of accompaniment in a sort of cadence--

"I have found out a gift for my fur, I have found where the wood-pigeons breed; But let me the plunder forbear, She will say--"

"Hollo, I"ll give you a shilling for "em!" was the unlooked-for conclusion, causing her to start aside with a slight scream, as there stood beside her a stout, black-eyed, round-faced lad, his ruddy cheeks and loutish air showing more rusticity than agreed with his keen, saucy expression, and mechanic"s dress.

"So that"s what you call beating a mat," said he, catching it from her hands, and mimicking the tender clasp of her little fingers. "D"ye think it"s alive, that you use it so gingerly? Look here! Give it him well!" as he made it resound against the tree, and emit a whirlwind of dust. "Lay it into him with some jolly good song fit to fetch a stroke home with! Why, I heard my young Lord say, when Shakspeare was a butcher, he used to make speeches at the calves, as if they was for a sacrifice, or ever he could lift a knife to "em."

"Shakspeare! He as wrote Romeo and Juliet, and all that! He a butcher! Why, he was a poet!" cried the girl, indignantly.

"If you know better than Lord Fitzjocelyn, you may!" said the boy.

"I couldn"t have thought it!" sighed the maiden.

"It"s the best of it!" cried the lad, eagerly. "Why, Charlotte, don"t ye see, he rose hisself. Anybody may rise hisself as has a mind to it!"

"Yes, I"ve read that in books said Charlotte. "You can, men can, Tom, if you would but educate yourself like Edmund! in the _Old English Baron_. But then, you know whose son you are. There can"t be no catastrophe--"

"I don"t want none," said Tom. "We are all equal by birth, so the orator proves without a doubt, and we"ll show it one of these days. A rare lady I"ll make of you yet, Charlotte Arnold."

"O hush, Tom, I can never be a lady--and I can"t stand dawdling here--nor you neither. "Tisn"t right to want to be out of our station, though I do wish I lived in an old castle, where the maidens worked tapestry, and heard minstrels, never had no stairs to scour. Come, give me my mats, and thank you kindly!"

"I"ll take "em in," said Tom, shouldering them. ""Tis breakfast-hour, so I thought I"d just run up and ax you when my young Lord goes up to Oxford.

"He is gone," said Charlotte; "he was here yesterday to take leave of missus. Mr. James goes later--"

"Gone!" cried Tom. "If he didn"t say he"d come and see me at Mr.


"Did you want to speak to him?"

"I wanted to see him particular. There"s a thing lays heavy on my mind. You see that place down in Ferny dell--there"s a steep bank down to the water. Well, my young Lord was very keen about building a kind of steps there in the summer, and he and I settled the stones, and I was to cement "em. By comes Mr. Frost, and finds faults, what I thought he"d no call to; so I flings down my trowel, and wouldn"t go on for he! I was so mortal angry, I would not go back to the work; and I believe my Lord forgot it--and then he went back to college; and Frampton and Gervas, they put on me, and you know how "twas I come away from Ormersfield. I was not going to say a word to one of that lot! but if I could see Lord Fitzjocelyn, I"d tell him they stones arn"t fixed; and if the frost gets into "em, there"ll be a pretty go next time there"s a tolerablish weight! But there--it is his own look-out! If he never thought it worth his while to keep his promise, and come and see me--"

"O Tom! that isn"t right! He only forgot--I hear Mrs. Beckett telling him he"d forget his own head if it wasn"t fixed on, and Mr. James is always at him."

"Forget! Aye, there"s nothing gentlefolks forget like poor folks. But I"ve done with he! Let him look out--I kept my promises to him long enough, but if he don"t keep his"n--"

"For shame, for shame, Tom! You don"t mean it!" cried Charlotte. "But, oh!" with a different tone, "give me the mat! There"s the old Lord and Mr. Poynings riding down the terrace!"

"I ain"t ashamed of nothing!" said the lad, proudly; and as Charlotte s.n.a.t.c.hed away the mats, and vanished like a frightened hare, he stalked along like a village Hampden, muttering, "The old tyrant shall see whether I"m to be trampled on!" and with both hands in his pockets, he gazed straight up into the face of the grave elderly gentleman, who never even perceived him. He could merely bandy glances with Poynings, the groom, and he was so far from indifferent that he significantly lifted up the end of his whip. Nothing could more have gratified Tom, who retorted with a grimace and murmur, "Don"t you wish you may catch me? You jealous syc--what is the word, sick of uncles or aunts, was it, that the orator called "em? He"d say I"d a good miss of being one of that sort, and that my young Lord there opened my eyes in time. No better than the rest of "em--"

And the clock striking eight, he quickened his pace to return to his work. He had for the two or three previous years been nominally under the gardener at Ormersfield, but really a sort of follower and favourite to the young heir, Lord Fitzjocelyn--a position which had brought on him dislike from the superior servants, who were not propitiated by his independent and insubordinate temper. Faults on every side had led to his dismissal; but Lord Fitzjocelyn had placed him at an ironmonger"s shop in the town of Northwold, where he had been just long enough to become accessible to the various temptations of a lad in such a situation.

Charlotte sped hastily round the end of the block of buildings, hurried down the little back garden, and flew breathlessly into her own kitchen, as a haven of refuge, but she found a tall, stiff starched, elderly woman standing just within the door, and heard her last words.

"Well! as I said, "tis no concern of mine; only I thought it the part of a friend to give you a warning, when I seen it with my own eyes!-- Ah! here she is!" as Charlotte dropped into a chair. "Yes, yes, Miss, you need not think to deceive me; I saw you from Miss Mercy"s window--"

"Saw what?" faintly exclaimed Charlotte.

"You know well enough," was the return. "You may think to blind Mrs.

Beckett here, but I know what over good-nature to young girls comes to.

Pretty use to make of your fine scholarship, to be encouraging followers and sweethearts, at that time in the morning too!"

"Speak up, Charlotte," said the other occupant of the room, a pleasant little brisk woman, with soft brown, eyes, a clear pale skin, and a face smooth, in spite of nearly sixty years; "speak up, and tell Mrs.

Martha the truth, that you never encouraged no one."

The girl"s face was all one flame, but she rose up, and clasping her hands together, exclaimed--"Me encourage! I never thought of what Mrs.

Martha says! I don"t know what it is all about!"

"Here, Jane Beckett," cried Mrs. Martha; "d"ye see what "tis to vindicate her! Will you take her word against mine, that she"s been gossiping this half hour with that young rogue as was turned off at Ormersfield?"

"Tom Madison! cried the girl, in utter amaze. "Oh! Mrs. Martha!"

"Well! I can"t stop!" said Martha. "I must get Miss Faithfull"s breakfast! but if you was under me, Miss Charlotte, I can tell you it would be better for you! You"ll sup sorrow yet, and you"ll both recollect my advice, both of you."

Wherewith the Ca.s.sandra departed, and Charlotte, throwing her ap.r.o.n over her face, began to cry and sob piteously.

"My dear! what is it now? exclaimed her kind companion, pulling down her ap.r.o.n, and trying to draw down first one, then the other of the arms which persisted in veiling the crimson face. "Surely you don"t think missus or I would mistrust you, or think you"d take up with the likes of him!"

"How could she be so cruel--so spiteful," sobbed Charlotte, "when he only came to ask one question, and did a good turn for me with the mats. I never thought of such a thing. Sweetheart, indeed! So cruel of her!"

"Bless me!" said Jane, "girls used to think it only civility to say they had a sweetheart!"

"Don"t, Mrs. Beckett! I hate the word! I don"t want no such thing! I won"t never speak to Tom Madison again, if such constructions is to be put on it!"

"Well, after all, Charlotte dear, that will be the safest way. You are young yet, and best not to think of settling, special if you aren"t sure of one that is steady and religious, and you"d better keep yourself up, and not get a name for gossiping--though there"s no harm done yet, so don"t make such a work. Bless me, if I don"t hear his lordship"s voice! He ain"t never come so early!"

"Yes, he is," said Charlotte, recovering from her sobs; "he rode up as I came in."