Dynevor Terrace; Or, The Clue of Life

Chapter 4

"Ay, ma"am, Betty do fight it out tolerablish," was the reply to this compliment.

"Why, Gervas, what"s all that wilderness? Surely those used to be strawberry beds."

"Yes, ma"am, the earliest hautboys; don"t ye mind? My young Lord came and begged it of me, and, bless the lad, I can"t refuse him nothing."

"He seems to be no gardener!"

"He said he wanted to make a Botany Bay sort of garden," said the old man; "and sure enough "tis a garden of weeds he"s made of it, and mine into the bargain! He has a great big thistle here, and the down blows right over my beds, thick as snow, so that it is three women"s work to be a match for the weeds; but speak to him of pulling it up, ye"d think "twas the heart out of him."

"Does he ever work here?"

"At first it was nought else; he and that young chap, Madison, always bringing docks and darnel out of the hedges, and plants from the nursery gardens, and bringing rockwork, and letting water in to make a swamp. There"s no saying what"s in the lad"s head! But, of late, he"s not done much but by times lying on the bank, reading or speaking verses out loud to himself, or getting young Madison off his work to listen to him. Once he got me to hear; but, ma"am, "twas all about fairies and such like, putting an a.s.s"s head on an honest body as had lost his way. I told him "twas no good for him or the boy to read such stuff, and I"d ha" none of it; but, if he chose to read me some good book, he"d be welcome--for the candles baint so good as they used, and I can"t get no spectacles to suit me."

"And did he read to you?"

"A bit or two, ma"am, if the humour took him. But he"s young, you see, ma"am. I"m right glad he"ll find you here. My old woman says he do want a lady about the place to make him comfortable like."

"And who is this young Madison?" asked Mrs. Ponsonby, when they had turned from the old gardener.

"To hear Jem, you would believe that he is the most promising plant rearing for Botany Bay!" said Mrs. Frost. "He is a boy from that wild place Marksedge, whom Louis took interest in, and made more familiar than Jem liked, or than, perhaps, was good for him. It did not answer; the servants did not like it, and it ended in his being sent to work with Smith, the ironmonger. Poor Louis! he took it sadly to heart, for he had taken great pains with the boy."

"I like to hear the old name, Louis!"

"I can"t help it," said Mrs. Frost. "He must be his old aunt Kitty"s Louis le Debonnaire! Don"t you, remember your calling him so when he was a baby?"

"Oh yes, it has exactly recalled to me the sort of gracious look that he used to have--half sly, half sweet-and so very pretty!"

"It suits him as well now. He is the kind of being who must have a pet name;" and Mrs. Frost, hoping he might be already arrived, could hardly slacken her eager step so as to keep pace with her niece"s feeble movements. She was disappointed; the carriage had returned without Lord Fitzjocelyn. His hat and luggage were come, but he himself was missing. Mrs. Frost was very uneasy, but his father silenced conjectures by saying, that it was his usual way, and he would make his appearance before the evening. He would not send to meet another train, saying, that the penalty of irregularity must be borne, and the horses should not suffer for such freaks; and he would fain have been utterly indifferent, but he was evidently listening to every sound, and betrayed his anxiety by the decision with which he checked all expression of his aunt"s fears.

There was no arrival all that evening, no explanation in the morning; and Betty Gervas, whom Mary went to visit in the course of the day, began to wonder whether the young Lord could be gone for a soldier--the usual fate of all missing village lads.

Mary was on her way home, through the park, along a path skirting the top of a wooded ravine, a dashing rivulet making a pleasant murmur among the rocks below, and glancing here and there through the brushwood that clothed the precipitous banks, when, with a sudden rustling and crackling, a man leaped upon the path with a stone in each hand.

Mary started, but she did not lose her presence of mind, and her next glance showed her that the apparition was not alarming, and was nearly as much amazed as herself. It was a tall slight young man, in a suit of shepherd"s plaid, with a fair face and graceful agile form, recalling the word debonnaire as she had yesterday heard it applied. In instant conviction that this was the truant, she put out her hand by the same impulse that lighted his features with a smile of welcome, and the years of separation seemed annihilated as he exclaimed, "My cousin Mary!" and grasped her hand, adding, "I hope I did not frighten you--"

"Oh no; but where did you come from?"

"Up a hill perpendicular, like Hotspur," he replied, in soft low quiet tones, which were a strange contrast to the words. "No, see here," and parting the bushes he showed some rude steps, half nature, half art, leading between the ferns and mountain-ash, and looking very inviting.

"How delightful!" cried Mary.

"I am glad you appreciate it," he exclaimed; "I will finish it off now, and put a rail. I did not care to go on when I had lost the poor fellow who helped me, but it saves a world of distance."

"It must be very pretty amongst those beautiful ferns!"

"You can"t conceive anything more charming," he continued, with the same low distinct utterance, but an earnestness that almost took away her breath. "There are nine ferns on this bank--that is, if we have the Scolopendrium Loevigatum, as I am persuaded. Do you know anything of ferns? Ah! you come from the land of tree ferns."

"Oh! I am so glad to exchange them for our home flowers. Primroses look so friendly and natural."

"These rocks are perfect nests for them, and they even overhang the river. This is the best bit of the stream, so rapid and foaming that I must throw a bridge across for Aunt Catharine. Which would be most appropriate? I was weighing it as I came up--a simple stone, or a rustic performance in wood?"

"I should like stone," said Mary, amused by his eagerness.

"A rough Druidical stone! That"s it! The idea of rude negligent strength accords with such places, and this is a stone country. I know the very stone! Do come down and see!"

"To-morrow, if you please," said Mary. "Mamma must want me, and--but I suppose they know of your return at home."

"No, they don"t. They have learnt by experience that the right time is the one never to expect me."

Mary"s eyes were all astonishment, as she said, between wonder and reproof, "Is that on purpose?"

"Adventures are thrust on some people," was the nonchalant reply, with shoulders depressed, and a twinkle of the eye, as if he purposed amazing his auditor."

"I hope you have had an adventure, for nothing else could justify you,"

said Mary, with some humour, but more gravity.

"Only a stray infant-errant, cast on my mercy at the junction station.

Nurse, between eating and gossiping left behind--bell rings--engine squeaks--train starts--Fitzjocelyn and infant vis-a-vis."

"You don"t mean a baby?"

"A child of five years old, who soon ceased howling, and confided his history to me. He had been visiting grandmamma in London, and was going home to Illershall; so I found the best plan would be to leave the train at the next station, and take him home."

"Oh, that was quite another thing!" exclaimed Mary, gratified at being able to like him. "Could you find his home?"

"Yes; he knew his name and address too well to be lost or mislaid. I would have come home as soon as I had seen him in at the door; but the whole family rushed out on me, and conjured me first to dine and then to sleep. They are capital people. Dobbs is superintendent of the copper and tin works--a thoroughly right-minded man, with a nice, ladylike wife, the right sort of sound stuff that old England"s heart is made of. It was worth anything to have seen it! They do incalculable good with their work-people. I saw the whole concern."

He launched into an explanation of the process, producing from his pocket, papers of the ore, in every stage of manufacture, and twisting them up so carelessly, that they would have become a ma.s.s of confusion, had not Mary undertaken the repacking.

As they approached the house, the library window was thrown up, and Mrs. Frost came hurrying down with outstretched arms. She was met by her young nephew with an overflow of fond affection, before he looked up and beheld his father standing upright and motionless on the highest step. His excuses were made more lightly and easily than seemed to suit such rigid looks; but Lord Ormersfield bent his head as if resigning himself perforce to the explanation, and, with the softened voice in which he always spoke to Mrs. Ponsonby, said, "Here he is--Louis, you remember your cousin."

She was positively startled; for it was as if his mother"s deep blue eyes were raised to hers, and there were the same regular delicate features, fair, transparent complexion, and glossy light-brown hair tinted with gold--the same careless yet deprecating glance, the same engaging smile that warmed her heart to him at once, in spite of an air which was not that of wisdom.

"How little altered you are!" she exclaimed. "If you were not taller than your father, I should say you were the same Louis that I left fourteen years ago."

"I fear that is the chief change," said Lord Ormersfield.

"A boy that would be a boy all his life, like Sir Thomas More"s son!"

said Louis, coolly and simply, but with a twinkle in the corner of his eye, as if he said it on purpose to be provoking; and Mrs. Frost interposed by asking where the cousins had met, and whether they had known each other.

"I knew him by what you said yesterday," said Mary.

"Louis le Debonnaire? asked Mrs. Frost, smiling.

"No, Mary; not that name!" he exclaimed. "It is what Jem calls me, when he has nothing more cutting to say--"

"Aye, because it is exactly what you look when you know you deserve a scolding--with your shoulders pulled down, and your face made up!" said his aunt, patting him.