Dynevor Terrace; Or, The Clue of Life

Chapter 61

Dynevor Terrace.

Vol. II.

by Charlotte M. Yonge.



One single flash of glad surprise Just glanced from Isabel"s dark eyes, Then vanished in the blush of shame That as its penance instant came-- "O thought unworthy of my race!"

The Lord of the Isles.

As little recked Fitzjocelyn of the murmurs which he had provoked, as he guessed the true secret of his victory. In his eyes, it was the triumph of merit over prejudice, and Mrs. Frost espoused the same gratifying view, though ascribing much to her nephew"s activity, and James himself, flushed with hope and success, was not likely to dissent.

Next they had to make their conquest available. Apart from Louis"s magnificent prognostications, at the lowest computation, the head master"s income amounted to a sum which to James appeared affluence; and though there was no house provided, it mattered the less since there were five to choose from in the Terrace, even if his grandmother had not wished that their household should be still the same. With Miss Conway"s own fortune and the Terrace settled on herself, where could be any risk?

Would Lady Conway think so? and how should the communication be made?

James at first proposed writing to her, enclosing a letter to Isabel; but he changed his mind, unable to satisfy himself that, when absent from restraint, she might not send a refusal without affording her daughter the option. He begged his grandmother to write to Isabel; but she thought her letter might carry too much weight, and, whatever might be her hopes, it was not for her to tell the young lady that such means were sufficient.

Louis begged to be the bearer of the letter. His aunt would certainly keep terms with him, and he could insure that the case was properly laid before Isabel; and, as there could be no doubt at present of his persuasive powers, James caught at the offer. The party were still at Beauchastel, and he devised going to his old quarters at Ebbscreek, and making a descent upon them from thence.

When he came to take up his credentials, he found James and his little black leathern bag, determined to come at least to Ebbscreek with him, and declaring it made him frantic to stay at home and leave his cause in other hands, and that he could not exist anywhere but close to the scene of action.

Captain Hannaford was smoking in his demi-boat, and gave his former lodgers a hearty welcome, but he twinkled knowingly with his eye, and so significantly volunteered to inform them that the ladies were still at Beauchastel, that James"s wrath at the old skipper"s impudence began to revive, and he walked off to the remotest end of the garden.

The Captain, remaining with Louis, with whom he was always on far more easy terms, looked after the other gentleman, winked again, and confessed that he had suspected one or other of them might be coming that way this summer, though he could not say he had expected to see them both together.

"Mind, Captain," said Louis," it wasn"t _I_ that made the boat late this time last year."

"Well! I might be wrong, I fancied you cast an eye that way. Then maybe it ain"t true what"s all over the place here."

Louis pressed to hear what. "Why, that when the French were going on like Robert Spear and them old times, he had convoyed the young lady right through the midst of them, and they would both have been shot, if my Lady"s butler hadn"t come down with a revolver, killed half-a-dozen of the mob, and rescued them out of it, but that Lord Fitzjocelyn had been desperately wounded in going back to fetch her bracelet, and Mr.

Delaford had carried him out in his arms."

"Well!" said Louis, coolly, without altering a muscle of his face, as the Captain looked for an angry negative.

"And when they got home,--so the story went,--Mr. Frost, the tutor, was so mad with jealousy and rage, that my Lady declared those moorings would not suit her no longer, but had let go, and laid her head right for Beauchastel."

"Pray what was the young lady supposed to think of the matter?"

"Stories appeared to vary. One version said that Mr. Delaford had found him on his knees to her; and that my Lady had s.n.a.t.c.hed her cruelly away, because she would not have her married before her own daughters, and looked over all the post, for fear there should be a letter for her. Another declared that Miss Conway would not have him at any price, and was set upon the poor tutor, and that he was lying dangerously ill of a low fever. --The women will have it so," observed the Captain, "the story"s everywhere, except maybe in the parlour at Beauchastel, and I wouldn"t wonder if Mrs. Mansell knew it all herself, for her maid has a tongue a yard long. I won"t say but I thought there might be some grain of truth at the bottom--"

"And you shall hear it by-and-by, when I know what it is myself."

"I"d not say I would have believed it the more if that fine gentleman had taken his oath of it--a fellow that ain"t to be trusted," observed the Captain.

This might have led to a revelation, if Louis had had time to attend to it; but he had pity on James"s impatient misery, and proceeded to ask the loan of the boat. The tide would not, however, serve; and as waiting till it would was not to be endured, the two cousins set off to walk together through the woods, Louis beguiling the way by chaffing James, as far as he would bear, with the idea of Isabel"s name being trifled with by the profane crowd.

He left James at the gate of the park, prowling about like a panther to try for a glimpse of Isabel"s window, and feeding his despair and jealousy that Louis should boldly walk up to the door, while he, with so much better a right, was excluded by his unguarded promise to Lady Conway.

All the tumultuary emotions of his mind were endlessly repeated, and many a slow and pealing note of the church-clock had added fuel to his impatience, and spurred him to rush up to the door and claim his rights, before Louis came bounding past the lodge-gates, flourishing his cap, and crying, "Hurrah, Jem! All right!"

"I"m going to her at once!" cried Jem, beginning to rush off; but Louis caught and imprisoned his arm.

"Not so fast, sir! You are to see her. I promise you shall see her if you wish it, but it must be in my aunt"s way."

"Let me go, I say!"

"When I have walked five miles in your service, you won"t afford me an arm to help me back. I am not a horse with wings, and I won"t be Cupid"s post except on my own terms. Come back."

"I don"t stir till I have heard the state of the case."

"Yes, you do; for all the sportsmen will be coming home, and my aunt would not for all the world that Mr. Mansell caught you on the forbidden ground."

"How can you give in to such shuffling nonsense! If I am to claim Isabel openly, why am I not to visit her openly? You have yielded to that woman"s crooked policy. I don"t trust you!"

"When you are her son, you may manage her as you please. Just now she has us in her power, and can impose conditions. Come on; and if you are good, you shall hear."

Drawing James along with him through the beechwood glades, he began, "You would have been more insane still if you had guessed at my luck. I found Isabel alone. Mrs. Mansell had taken the girls to some juvenile fete, and Delaford was discreet enough not to rouse my aunt from her letters. I augured well from the happy conjunction."

"Go on; don"t waste time in stuff."

"Barkis is willing, then. Is that enough to the point?"

"Fitzjocelyn, you never had any feelings yourself, and therefore you trifle with those of others."

"I beg your pardon. It was a shame! Jem, you may be proud. She trusts you completely, and whatever you think sufficient, she regards as ample."

"Like her! Only too like her. Such confidence makes one feel a redoubled responsibility."

"I thought I had found something at which you could not grumble."

"How does she look? How do they treat her?"

"Apparently they have not yet fed her on bread and water. No; seriously, I must confess that she looked uncommonly well and lovely!

Never mind, Jem; I verily believe that, in spite of absence and all that, she had never been so happy in her life. If any description could convey the sweetness of voice and manner when she spoke of you! I could not look in her face. Those looks can only be for you. We talked it over, but she heeded no ways and means; it was enough that you were satisfied. She says the subject has never been broached since the flight from Northwold, and that Lady Conway"s kindness never varies; and she told me she had little fear but that her dear mamma would be prevailed on to give sanction enough to hinder her from feeling as if she were doing wrong, or setting a bad example to her sisters. They know nothing of it; but Walter, who learnt it no one knows how, draws the exemplary moral, that it serves his mother right for inflicting a tutor on him."

"Has she had my letter? Does she know I am here?"

"Wait! All this settled, and luncheon being ready, down came my Lady, and we played unconsciousness to our best ability. I must confess my aunt beat us hollow! Isabel then left us to our conference, which we conducted with the gravity of a tailor and an old woman making a match in Brittany."

"You came out with that valuable improvable freehold, the Terrace, I suppose?"

"I told the mere facts! My aunt was rather grand about a grammar-school; she said even a curacy would sound better, and she must talk it over with Isabel. I gave your letter, conjuring her to let Isabel have it, and though she declared that it was no kindness, and would put the poor darling into needless perplexity, she was touched with my forbearance, in not having given it before, when I had such an opportunity. So she went away, and stayed a weary while: but when she came, it was worth the waiting. She said Isabel was old enough to know her own mind, and the attachment being so strong, and you so unexceptionable, she did not think it possible to object: she had great delight in seeing you made happy, and fulfilling the dictates of her own heart, now that it could be done with moderate prudence. They go to Scarborough in a fortnight, and you will be welcome there. There"s for you!"

"Louis, you are the best fellow living! But you said I was to see her at once."

"I asked, why wait for Scarborough?" and depicted you hovering disconsolately round the precincts. Never mind, Jem, I did not make you more ridiculous than human nature must needs paint a lover, and it was all to melt her heart. I was starting off to fetch you, when I found she was in great terror. She had never told the Mansells of the matter, and they must be prepared. She cannot have it transpire while she is in their house, and, in fact, is excessively afraid of Mr.