Dynevor Terrace; Or, The Clue of Life

Chapter 90

"Ah! if he could quite feel it so!"

"What do you mean? There has been a cabal against James from the first to make him lay aside his principles, and I cannot regret his refusal to submit to improper dictation, at whatever cost to myself."

"I am afraid he better knows than you do what that cost is likely to be."

"Does he think I cannot bear poverty?" exclaimed Isabel.

"He had not said so--" began Louis; "but--"

"You both think me a poor, helpless creature," said Isabel, her eyes kindling as they had done in the midst of danger. "I can do better than you think. I may be able myself to do something towards our maintenance."

He could not help answering, in the tone that gave courtesy to almost any words, "I am afraid it does not answer for the wife to be the bread-winner."

"Then you doubt my writing being worth anything?" she asked, in a hurt tone of humility. "Tell me candidly, for it would be the greatest kindness;" and her eye unconsciously sought the bag where lay Sir Hubert, whom all this time her imagination was exalting, as the hero who would free them from their distresses.

"Worth much pleasure to me, to the world at large," said Louis; "but--you told me to speak plainly--to your home, would any remuneration be worth your own personal care?"

Isabel coloured, but did not speak.

Louis ventured another sentence--"It is a delicate subject, but you must know better than I how far James would be likely to bear that another, even you, should work for his livelihood."

When Isabel spoke again, it was to ask further particulars; and when he had told all, she found solace in exclaiming at the folly and injustice of James"s enemies, until the sense of fairness obliged him to say, "I wish the right and the wrong ever were fairly divided in this world; and yet perhaps it is best as it is: the grain of right on either side may save the sin from being a presumptuous one."

"It would be hard to find the one grain of right on the part of the Ramsbotham cabal."

"Perhaps you would not think so, if you were a boy"s mother."

"Oh!" cried Isabel, with tears in her eyes, "if he thought he had been too hasty, he always made such reparation that only cowards could help being touched. I"m sure they deserved it, and much more."

"No doubt," said Louis; "but, alas! if all had their deserts--"

"Then you really think he was too severe?"

"I think his const.i.tutional character was hardly fit for so trying a post, and that his family and school troubles reacted upon each other."

"You mean Clara"s conduct; and dear grandmamma--oh! if she could but have stayed with us! If you could have seen how haggard and grieved he came home from Cheveleigh! I do not think he has been quite the same ever since."

"And No. 5 has never been the same," said Louis.

"Tell me," said Isabel, suddenly, "are we very poor indeed?"

"I fear so, Isabel. Till James can find some employment, I fear there is a stern struggle with poverty before you."

"Does that mean living as the Faithfulls do?"

"Yes, I think your means will be nearly the same as theirs."

"Fitzjocelyn," said Isabel, after a long pause, "I see what you have been implying all this time, and I have been feeling it too. I have been absorbed in my own pursuits, and not paid attention enough to details of management, and so I have helped to fret and vex my husband.

You all think my habits an additional evil in this trial."

"James has never said a word of the kind," cried Louis.

"I know he has not; but I ought to have opened my eyes to it long ago, and I thank you for helping me. There--will you take that ma.n.u.script, and keep it out of my way? It has been a great tempter to me. It is finished now, and it might bring in something. But I can have only one thought now--how to make James happier and more at ease."

"Then, Isabel, I don"t think your misfortunes will be misfortunes."

"To suffer for right principles should give strength for anything,"

said Isabel. "Think what many better women than I have had to endure, when they have had to be ashamed of their husband, not proud of him!

Now, I do hope and trust that G.o.d will help us, and carry us and the children through with it!"

Louis felt that in this frame she was truly fit to cheer and sustain James. How she might endure the actual struggle with penury, he dared not imagine; at present he could only be carried along by her lofty composure.

James still lay on his tossed, uncomfortable bed in the evening twilight. The long, lonely hours, when he imagined Louis to have taken him at his word and gone home, had given him a miserable sense of desertion, and as increasing sensations of illness took from him the hopes of moving on that day, he became distracted at the thought of the anxiety his silence would cause Isabel, and, after vainly attempting to write, had been lying with the door open, watching for some approaching step.

There was the familiar sound of a soft, gliding step on the stairs, then a pause, and the sweet soft voice, "My poor James, how sadly uncomfortable you are!"

"My dear!" he cried, hastily raising himself, "who has been frightening you?"

"No one, Fitzjocelyn was so kind as to come for me."

"Ah! I wished you to have been spared this unpleasant business."

"Do you think I could bear to stay away! Oh, James! have I been too useless and helpless for you even to be glad to see me?"

"It was for your own sake," he murmured, pressing her hand. "Has Fitzjocelyn told you?"

"Yes," said Isabel, looking up, as she sat beside him. "Never mind, James. It is better to suffer wrong than to do it. I do not fear but that, if we strive to do our duty, G.o.d will help us, and make it turn out for the best for our children and ourselves."

He grasped her hand in intense emotion.

"I know you are anxious about me," added Isabel. "My ways have been too self-indulgent for you to think I can bear hardness. I made too many professions at first; I will make no more now, but only tell you that I trust to do my utmost, and not shrink from my duties. And now, not a word more about it till you are better."



One furnace many times the good and bad will hold; But what consumes the chaff will only cleanse the gold.


During the succeeding days, James had little will or power to consider his affairs; and Isabel, while attending on him, had time to think over her plans. Happily, they had not a debt. Mrs. Frost had so entirely impressed her grandson"s mind with her own invariable rule of paying her way, that it had been one of his grounds for pride that he had never owed anything to any man.

They were thus free to choose their own course, but Lord Ormersfield urged their remaining at Northwold for the present. He saw Mr.

Calcott, who had been exceedingly concerned at the turn affairs had taken, and very far from wishing to depose James, though thinking that he needed an exhortation to take heed to his ways. It had been an improper reprimand, improperly received; but the Earl and the Squire agreed that nothing but morbid fancy could conjure up disgrace, such as need prevent James Frost from remaining in his own house until he could obtain employment, provided he and his wife had the resolution to contract their style of living under the eye of their neighbours.