Dynevor Terrace; Or, The Clue of Life

Chapter 98

"Right; delay would prolong her perplexities. I will go to-morrow, and Mr. Holdsworth will see to the workhouse people."

His alert air showed how grateful was any excuse that could take him to Clara, the impulse of brotherly love coming uppermost of all his sensations. Then came pity for the poor old man whose cherished design had thus crumbled, and the anxious wonder whether he would forgive, and deign to accept sympathy from his nephew.

"My dear," said James, doubtfully; "supposing, what I hardly dare to imagine, that he should consent, what should you say to my bringing him here?

"I believe it would make you happy," said Isabel. "Oh! yes, pray do--and then we should have Clara."

"I should rejoice to offer anything like reparation, though I do not dare to hope it will be granted; and I do not know how to ask you to break up the home comfort we have prized so much."

"It will be all the better comfort for your mind being fully at ease; and I am sure we should deserve none at all, if we shut our door against him now that he is in distress. You must bring him, poor old man, and I will try with all my might to behave well to him."

"It is a mere chance; but I am glad to take your consent with me. As to our affording it, I suppose he may have, at the worst, an allowance from the creditors, so you will not have to retrench anything."

"Don"t talk of that, dearest. We never knew how little we could live on till we tried; and if No. 12 is taken, and you are paid for the new edition of the lectures, and Walter"s pay besides--"

"And Sir Hubert," added James.

"Of course we shall get on," said Isabel. "I am not in the least afraid that the little girls will suffer, if they do live a little harder for the sake of their old uncle. I only wish you had had your new black coat first, for I am afraid you won"t now."

"You need not reckon on that. I don"t expect that I shall be allowed the comfort of doing anything for him. But see about them I must. Oh, may I not be too late!"

Early the next morning James was on his way, travelling through the long bright summer day; and when, after the close, stifling railway carriage, full of rough, loud-voiced pa.s.sengers, he found himself in the cool of the evening on the bare heath, where the slanting sunbeams cast a red light, he was reminded by every object that met his eye of the harsh and rebellious sensations that he had allowed to reign over him at his last arrival there, which had made him wrangle over the bier of one so loving and beloved, and exaggerate the right till it wore the semblance of the wrong.

By the time he came to the village, the parting light was shining on the lofty church tower, rising above the turmoil and whirl of the darkening world below, almost as sacred old age had lifted his grandmother into perpetual peace and joy, above the fret and vexation of earthly cares and dissensions. The recollection of her confident trust that reconciliation was in store, came to cheer him as he crossed the park, and the aspect of the house a.s.sured him that at least he was not again too late.

The servant who answered the bell said that Mr. Dynevor was very ill, and Miss Dynevor could see no one. James sent in his card, and stood in an agony of impatience, imagining all and more than all he deserved, to have taken place--his uncle either dying, or else forcibly withholding his sister from him.

At last there was a hurried step, and the brother and sister were clasping each other in speechless joy.

"O Jem! dear Jem! this is so kind!" cried Clara, as with arms round each other they crossed the hall. "Now I don"t care for anything!"

"My uncle?"

"Much better," said Clara; "he speaks quite well again, and his foot is less numb."

"Was it paralysis?"

"Yes; brought on by trouble and worry of mind. But how did you know, Jem?"

"Richardson told me. Oh, Clara, had I offended too deeply for you to summon me?"

"No, indeed," said Clara, pressing his arm, "I knew you would help us as far as you could; but to throw ourselves on you would be robbing the children, so I wanted to have something fixed before you heard."

"My poor child, what could be fixed?"

"You gave me what is better than house and land," said Clara. "I wrote to Miss Brigham; she will give me employment in the school till I can find a place as daily governess, and she is to take lodgings for us."

"And is this what it has come to, my poor Clara?"

"Oh, don"t pity me! my heart has felt like an India-rubber ball ever since the crash. Even poor Uncle Oliver being so ill could not keep me from feeling as if the burthen were off my back, and I were little Clara Frost again. It seemed to take away the bar between us; and so it has! O Jem! this is happiness. Tell me of Isabel and the babies."

"You will come home to them. Do you think my uncle would consent?"

She answered with an embrace, a look of rapture and of doubt, and then a negative. "Oh, no, we cannot be a burthen on you. You have quite enough on your hands. And, oh! you have grown so spare and thin. I mean to maintain my uncle, if--" and her spirited bearing softened into thoughtfulness, as if the little word conveyed that she meant not to be self-confident.

"But, Clara, is this actual ruin? I know only what Richardson could tell me."

"I do not fully understand," said Clara. "It had been plain for a long time that something was on Uncle Oliver"s mind; he was so restless all the winter at Paris, and at last arranged our coming home very suddenly. I think he was disappointed in London, for he went out at once, and came back very much discomposed. He even scolded me for not having married; and when I tried to coax him out of it, he said it was for my good, and he wanted to see after his business in Peru. I put him in mind how dear granny had begged him to stay at home; but he told me I knew nothing about it, and that he would have gone long ago if I had not been an obstinate girl, and had known how to play my cards. I said something about going home, but that made him more furious than ever. But, after all, it is not fair to tell all about the last few months. Dr. Hastings says his attack had been a long time coming on, and he must have been previously hara.s.sed."

"And you had to bear with it all?"

"He was never unkind. Oh, no; but it was sad to see him so miserable, and not to know why--and so uncertain, too! Sometimes he would insist on giving grand parties, and yet he was angry with the expense of my poor little pony-carriage. I don"t think he always quite knew what he was about; and while he hoped to pull through, I suppose he was afraid of any one guessing at his embarra.s.sments. On this day fortnight he was reading his letters at breakfast--I saw there was something amiss, and said something stupid about the hot rolls, because he could not bear me to notice. I think that roused him, for he got up, but he tottered, and by the time I came to him he seemed to slip down into my arms, quite insensible. The surgeon in the village bled him, and he came to himself, but could not speak. I had almost sent for you then, but Dr. Hastings came, and thought he would recover, and I did not venture. Indeed, Jane forbade me; she is a sort of lioness and her whelps. Well, the next day came Mr. Morrison, who is the Mr.

Richardson to this concern, and by-and-by he asked to see me. He kept the doctor in the next room. I believe he thought I should faint or make some such performance, for he began about his painful duty, and frightened me lest my poor uncle should be worse, only he was not the right man to tell me. So at last it came out that we were ruined, and I was not an heiress at all, at all! If it had not been for poor Uncle Oliver, I should have cried "Hurrah!" I did nearly laugh to hear him complimenting my firmness. I believe the history is this:--Hearing that this place was for sale, brought Uncle Oliver home before his affairs could well do without him. He paid half the price, and promised to pay the rest in three years, giving security on the mines and the other property in Peru; but somehow the remittances have never come properly, and he trusted to some great success with the Equatorial Company to set things straight, but it seems that it has totally failed, and that was the news that overthrew him. Then the creditors, who had been put off with hopes, all came down on him together, and there seems to be nothing to be done but to give up everything to them. Poor Uncle Oliver!--I sat watching him that evening, and thinking how Louis would say the sea had swept away his whole sand castle with one wave."

"Does he know it? Have any steps been taken?"

"Mr. Morrison showed me what my poor uncle had done. He had really executed a deed giving me the whole estate; he would have borne all the disgrace and persecution himself--for you know it would have been a most horrible sc.r.a.pe, as he had given them security on property that was not really secure. Mr. Morrison said the deed would hold, and that he would bring me counsel"s opinion if I liked. But, oh, Jem! I was so thankful that my birthday was over, and I was my own woman! I made him draw up a paper, and I signed it, undertaking that they shall have quiet possession provided they will come to an amicable settlement, and not torment my uncle."

"I hope he is a man of sense, who will make the best terms?"

"You may see to that now. I"m sure he is a man of compliments. He tells me grand things about my disinterestedness, and the creditors and they have promised to let us stay unmolested as long as I please, which will be only till my uncle can move, for I must get rid of all these servants and paraphernalia, and in the meantime they are concocting the amicable adjustment, and Mr. Morrison said he should try to stipulate for a maintenance for my uncle, but he was not sure of it, without giving up what may yet come from Peru. Jane"s annuity is safe--that is a comfort! What work I had to make her believe it! and now she wants us all to live upon it."

"That was a rare and beautiful power by which my grandmother infused such faithful love into all her dependants. But now for the person really to be pitied."

"It was only three days ago that it was safe to speak of it, but then he had grown so anxious that the doctors said I must begin. So I begged and prayed him to forgive me, and then told what I had done, and he was not so very angry. He only called me a silly child, and said I did not know what I had done in those few days that I had been left to myself. So I told him dear granny had had it, and that was all that signified, and that I never had any right here. Then," said Clara, tearfully, "he began to cry like a child, and said at least she had died in her own home, and he called me Henry"s child: and then Jane came and turned me out, and wont let me go near him unless I promise to be good and say nothing. But I must soon; for however she pats him, and says, "Don"t, Master Oliver," I see his mind runs on nothing else, and the doctor says he may soon hear the plans, and be moved."

"Can you venture to tell him that I am here?"

Before Clara could answer, Jane opened the door--"Miss Clara, your uncle;" and there she stopped, at the unexpected sight of the brother and sister still hand in hand. "Here, Jane, do you see him?" cried Clara; and James came forward with outstretched hand, but he was not graciously received.

"Now, Master James, you ain"t coming here to worrit your poor uncle?"

"No, indeed, Jane. I am come in the hope of being of some use to him."

"I"d rather by half it had been Lord Fitzjocelyn," muttered Jane, "he was always quieter."

"Now, Jane, you should not be so cross," cried Clara, "when it is your own Jemmy, come on purpose to help and comfort us all! You are going to tell Uncle Oliver, and make him glad to see him, as you know you are."

"I know," said James, "that last time I was here, I behaved ill enough to make you dread my presence, Jane; but I have learnt and suffered a good deal since that time, and I wish for nothing so much as for my uncle"s pardon."

Mrs. Beckett would have been more impressed, had she ever ceased to think of Master Jemmy otherwise than as a self-willed but candid boy; and she answered as if he had been throwing himself on her mercy after breaking a window, or knocking down Lord Fitzjocelyn--

"Well, sir, that is all you can say. I"m glad you are sorry. I"ll see if I can mention, it to your uncle."

Off trotted Jane, while Clara"s indignation and excited spirits relieved themselves by a burst of merry laughter, as she hung about her brother, and begged to hear of the dear old home.

The old servant, in her simplicity, went straight upstairs, and up to her nursling, as he had again become. "Master Oliver," said she, "he is come. Master Jem is come back, and "twould do your heart good to see how happy the children are together--just like you and poor Master Henry."